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Col. Anton

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Everything posted by Col. Anton

  1. Squad name - Seal Team 8 Timezone/location - United States TimeZones Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) -Both/ Realism Contact email - Snowcarver24@yahoo.com Website address - http://sealteam8arma.49.forumer.com/index.php
  2. Col. Anton

    10TH Special Forces

    Welcome we are the 10th Special Forces Group, which is based on the American Army's 10th Special Forces Group. Just as the Green Berets represent the spearhead of modern-day special operations teams, our Elite Virtual Regiment is at the forefront of tactical gaming teams. We are a group of serious, tactical-minded gamers who enjoy switching off from the real world for a few hours every week and playing tactical games in a virtual military environment. The experience we provide to our members includes the use of realistic weaponry, tactics, training and ranks. Of course, the main goals of the team are for our members to have good laughs, enjoy the comraderie, improve our skills and play great games! If you would like to be part of something special, and if you believe you have the potential to perform at our level, then please take a moment to submit an application form and spend some time with us online! Whether you simply head to the forums to make an introductory posting, or you jump right into the action on the server, we look forward to meeting you! You are invited to help us continue to shape our vision! http://10thsf.21.forumer.com/index.php
  3. Hi i would like to tell the community that Firestorm Mercs are still in action. Anyone that is interested please leave a message on our website in the contracts mission forum. We have only  few members but are highly trained all of them previously serving in other arma units and are experienced players. We can participate in Pvp or Coop To do some joint operations together or if you need any extra men. If you do wish to employ us please contact me a little before the event like i said if your unit just needs an extra few men for a mission or something we can help. we are familiar with all weapons and tactics an anything else you may confirm with us. We only require one addon to play with us and any addons we need please tell us  at least a day before the event and we will happily get them. We play with opfor or blufor ( were mercs ) Are Website- http://firestormmerc.6.forumer.com/ One Required adddon-BCM Mercenaries http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=806 optional addon PKW Mercenaries
  4. Col. Anton


    i just had a question im kinda new to editing i would like to know the Initialization code to make a airplane or chopper to start at a certain altitude?and what it looks like.
  5. 75th Ranger regiment, 2nd battalion, 1st platoon Arma realism Hi just here to inform you guys we are expanding and now have a new forum. we are still looking for some willing troops to join are ranks against the Russians in PVP matches and ever sense the summer started matches have been coming quickly.We also are expanding are allies and doing join ops with them. plus we are advancing are own personal story line were we make are own custom missions. We still have few open positions so please come and check the new forum. We accept Players at all skill levels! and will be treated with respect http://75thar.spruz.com/main.asp 2LT. Anton (sorry for COL thing its old) "Rangers lead the way"
  6. We are a Realism unit that follows the role of who else but the 75th ranger regiment (Airborne) in the game ArmA. The unit only excepts mature players. You are required to run through a basic training consisting of marksmanship, obstical course, and helicopter insertions and extractions, followed by Advanced Training. We will mostly do coop and some pvp with another unit our ultimate goal is to have fun and be realistic. we would be glad to have you and we do offer helicopter positions depending on the amount of players. are unit dropped off radar awhile ago and we would like everyone to know we are back and going strong if you interested check our forum for more info http://75thrangersarma.20.forumer.com/index.php
  7. Col. Anton

    75th Ranger Regiment

    Dont worry i am aware there are other ranger units out there so we use the tags (75AR) for Airborne Ranger
  8. Col. Anton

    -{GOL}- Clan Now recruiting

    Hello, we were interested if you ever wanted to do some coop game with the Firestorm mercenaries. We are ready, just contact us at our forum. We do small specialized tasks and special operation-type missions. Every single one of our operators have previous experience in other Arma units and are well trained. Please, let us help you fight. Thanks Again, FireStorm Mercenaries Leader, Anton
  9. Col. Anton

    502nd inf rgt 101st airborne

    Hello, we were interested if you ever wanted to do some coop game with the Firestorm mercenaries. We are ready, just contact us at our forum. We do small specialized tasks and special operation-type missions. Every single one of our operators have previous experience in other Arma units and are well trained. Please, let us help you fight. Thanks Again, FireStorm Mercenaries Leader, Anton
  10. Col. Anton

    15thMEU Realisim unit recruiting NOW!

    Hello, we were interested if you ever wanted to do some coop game with the Firestorm mercenaries. We are ready, just contact us at our forum. We do small specialized tasks and special operation-type missions. Every single one of our operators have previous experience in other Arma units and are well trained. Please, let us help you fight. Thanks Again, FireStorm Mercenaries Leader, Anton
  11. Col. Anton

    10th Mountain Division Airborne Recruiting

    Hello, we were interested if you ever wanted to do some coop game with the Firestorm mercenaries. We are ready, just contact us at our forum. We do small specialized tasks and special operation-type missions. Every single one of our operators have previous experience in other Arma units and are well trained. Please, let us help you fight. Thanks Again, FireStorm Mercenaries Leader, Anton
  12. Col. Anton

    Virtual Navy Recruiting!

    Hello, we were interested if you ever wanted to do some coop game with the Firestorm mercenaries. We are ready, just contact us at our forum. We do small specialized tasks and special operation-type missions. Every single one of our operators have previous experience in other Arma units and are well trained. Please, let us help you fight. Thanks Again, FireStorm Mercenaries Leader, Anton
  13. Col. Anton

    The Rifles Armed Assault Regiment.

    Hello, we were interested if you ever wanted to do some coop game with the Firestorm mercenaries. We are ready, just contact us at our forum. We do small specialized tasks and special operation-type missions. Every single one of our operators have previous experience in other Arma units and are well trained. Please, let us help you fight. Thanks Again, FireStorm Mercenaries Leader, Anton
  14. Hi i am the leader of a small unit of mercenaries, we have only few members but are highly trained all of them previously serving in other arma units and are experienced players. The reason i am posting here is were looking for any other units who would be interested in hiring us (not for real money) but for fun. To do some joint operations together or if you need any extra men. If any one wants to join are small band of warriors here are the requirements: 1. have to have experience in previous arma unit and must prove it 2. must know all the basics right off 3: you must pass are qualification course in 1 min 30 sec and must be able to use all weapons at decent skill 4: you only get 2 trys at the qualification or you are suspended 5: we accept pilots but they also still need to be able to use weaponry at decent skill you require one addon to play with us http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2085 my in game name is : (FSM) Hoot and my Xfire is: FireStorm are forum: http://firestormmerc.6.forumer.com/
  15. Col. Anton

    75th Rangers

    We are a Realism unit that follows the role of who else but the 75th Airborne ranger regiment in the game ArmA. The unit only excepts mature players. You are required to run through a basic training consisting of marksmanship, obstical course, Squad based tactics and helicopter insertions and extractions, followed by a harder AIT or Advanced Training. those of Retired military service can get enlistment bonus only if you state the number of years served, unit served with, and rank. if your storie seems shaky i can look at your Service Record (its public info in the U.S.A.). We will mostly do coop and some pvp with another unit our ultimate goal is to have fun and be realistic. if you interested check our forum for more info http://75thrangersarma.20.forumer.com/index.php