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Posts posted by CaptRio

  1. Hey guys,

    First of all I'd like to congratulate all the MSO team. You guys totally changed the gameplay adding a lot of tension and randomness to the game.

    My brazilian squad (www.combatetatico.com.br) just installed MSO 3.3 and everything is working great! But we still have a lot to test.

    One question, Im just returning from a patrol where we kill 5+ enemies. Then a white flag appeared on the map above the small town the patrol took place, then it turned green and then red. What do those flag colors mean?

    Another one, can I edit the way the AI behave? I mean...Make the AI more aggressive, more sneaky, etc....

    Great job guys! Keep on!

  2. Erm, there are factors that are defined in the CfgWeapons and there are factors defined in the CfgMagazines. Factors in CfgWeapons are different, or at least able to be, different weapon to weapon. Factors in CfgMagazines would produce the same result for a magazine that is used in two or more weapons.

    How can I open those .PBO files?

  3. Hey guys,

    I'd like to know if theres a difference between the weapons models ingame.

    Is the M4 less accurate over distance than the M16? Does the M16 has a higher muzzle speed and packs a bigger punch?

    Those kind of details that I'd like to know if are present in the game.

  4. Hey guys!

    Im loving the game! For real!

    But when playing COOPS, I miss those really intense firefights. I mean....I think theres never enough enemies defending an objective.

    Usually there are a few one on the MGs, a few armor or armoured cars, and VERY few soldiers.

    Maybe thats me, but thats waht Ive been experiecing so far.

  5. I'm on a Core 2 Duo + Nvidia card. I've managed to increase the games performance to the point where the lag isn't bad at all and the game is completely playable, but you can tell it's still there. Sometimes, in heavy firefights near detailed areas, it can get kinda bad again. It was way worse in ArmA I. I couldn't even play that game.

    Exactly the same here!

  6. I dont want to hijack this thread but Im having issues like those ones...

    Im left handed, so I'd like to invert the mouse buttons. Instead of firing with mouse 1 Id like to fire with mouse 2 and so on....

    But I cant assign "hold - mouse 1" to "lock or zoom", the game simply doesnt detects the "hold mouse 1" action as it does with "hold mouse 2" on the original configurations.

    Did I make myself clear here?
