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About CaptRio

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ohhh....That's nice. And how to maintain the green level of respect from civilians? And what kind of retaliation can we get from the civilians with red flag?
  2. Hey guys, First of all I'd like to congratulate all the MSO team. You guys totally changed the gameplay adding a lot of tension and randomness to the game. My brazilian squad (www.combatetatico.com.br) just installed MSO 3.3 and everything is working great! But we still have a lot to test. One question, Im just returning from a patrol where we kill 5+ enemies. Then a white flag appeared on the map above the small town the patrol took place, then it turned green and then red. What do those flag colors mean? Another one, can I edit the way the AI behave? I mean...Make the AI more aggressive, more sneaky, etc.... Great job guys! Keep on!
  3. CaptRio

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    Yeah, lots of ingame actions wont work with primary mouse, like zoom for instance.
  4. CaptRio

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    BINGO! It's a real pain! I think Ill start practicing with my right hand, lets see if it works. :eek:
  5. CaptRio

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    Indeed. But I'd like to fire my weapon in A2/OA with my index finger just like in real life, and not with my middle one.
  6. CaptRio

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    Yes. But the game wont let me assing my mouse1 button to zoom/lock targets, or my mouse2 button to fire automatic weapons.
  7. Whats your ingame controls configuration? I like to fire with my index finger, so as a lefty I always fire with mouse 2. But ArmaII/OA dont let me change the mouse buttons properly. And my movement keys are the numlock arrows. How do you, LEFTIES, play? :j:
  8. CaptRio

    Mouse button

    I wont give up on this..... Is anybody out there?????
  9. CaptRio

    Mouse button

    Please guys, This issue is really annoying for us left-handed human beings! :j:
  10. CaptRio

    Mouse button

    Id like to know aswel
  11. Theres no room for amateurism in the game industry anymore! Enough of this free worldwide players Beta test cr*p!!!
  12. CaptRio

    Nvidia 190.38 Beta Drivers?

    This driver gave me a pretty big FPS boost! Gonna test a bit more.
  13. The game still has very serious performances issues. Thats a fact! And dont tell me that BIS released the game in a hurry because all the players were asking for it 24/7. THEY ARE GAME INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS! If they release an un-optmized game, so it's only their fault! We just pay for the finalized product as everything in life.
  14. I really dont get it, how such a complex game as Arma2 has such a poor and simplified manual. Really unacceptable.