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Posts posted by cougarxr7

  1. Ok, total rework on this script.

    After looking more closely. It dawned on me that it look as if I was having every player create 30 triggers with the,

    i = 0;
    while {_i < (count _units)} do
            trigger code;
            i = i +1;

    So I reworked it and got it to work this way.

    Placed in player init, variable name p7.

    evh_1 = [p7] execVM "killcam.sqf";

    Placed in player init, variable name p8.

    evh_1 = [p8] execVM "killcam.sqf";

    _pos = position player;
    player = _this select 0;
    switch (player) do
    	case p7://player variable name p7
    		_trgobj2 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    		_trgobj2 triggerAttachVehicle [player];
    		_trgobj2 setTriggerActivation ["Vehicle", "PRESENT", true];
    		_trgobj2 setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, true];
    		_trgobj2 setTriggerStatements ["this", "evh_1 = [p7] execVM 'scripts\killed.sqf'",""];
    	sleep 0.5;
    		_trgobj3 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    		_trgobj3 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", true];
    		_trgobj3 setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, true];
    		_trgobj3 setTriggerStatements ["(!alive p7)", "p7 removealleventhandlers 'killed'",""];
    	case p8://player variable name p8
    		_trgobj2 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    		_trgobj2 triggerAttachVehicle [player];
    		_trgobj2 setTriggerActivation ["Vehicle", "PRESENT", true];
    		_trgobj2 setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, true];
    		_trgobj2 setTriggerStatements ["this", "evh_1 = [p8] execVM 'scripts\killed.sqf'",""];
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_trgobj3 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    		_trgobj3 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", true];
    		_trgobj3 setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, true];
    		_trgobj3 setTriggerStatements ["(!alive p8)", "p8 removealleventhandlers 'killed'",""];

    This worked on the dedicated server. However this way means scripting 2 triggers per player to get it to work for clients. that was not what I was trying for.:(

    I was hoping to get 2 triggers to do all this.

    I still believe that it can be done, I'm just not that sharp when it comes to scripting.

    In my previous post, the hints would return with the correct player variable name, p7 or p8. I tried some testing to see if I the game was seeing them like this.

    if ((player name) in _units) then
         hint "we got a player!";

    I never got that hint except when I reverse the command with "not", then I got the hint.

    It's wierd how the "vehicle","player" hints would show the correct player variable name but, it didn't/couldn't find it in _units.

    I'd really like to figure that out.

  2. Hello,

    In my mission I have the killcam. However to get it to work I have to use 2 triggers per player. 30 players = 60 triggers, but I have never had 30 players in the server before. I have had 25 and never seemed to have a problem.

    For some reason I got to thinking that many triggers can't be good. Not sure, but it seems like a lot just to have the killcam to work and I think I read somewhere too many triggers can cause mission problems.

    Anyway I got to thinking there must be a way that 2 created triggers can do all this work.

    So I scripted a 2 trigger sqf file, called killcam.sqf

    I used different ways to execVM this file.

    I used a trigger, in the init.sqf, in the spawn.sqf, and the players init.

    It did not seem to make a difference how the file was execVM.


    _units = ["p1","p2","p3","p4","p5","p6","p7","p8","p9","p10","p11","p12","p13","p14","p15","p16","p17","p18","p19","p20","p21","p22","p23","p24","p25","p26","eng1","eng2","eng3","eng4"];
    _pos = position player;
    _i = 0;
    player setpos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,0];
                while {_i < (count _units)} do
    	_trgobj2 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    	_trgobj2 triggerAttachVehicle [player];
    	_trgobj2 setTriggerActivation ["Vehicle", "PRESENT", true];
    	_trgobj2 setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, true];
    	_trgobj2 setTriggerStatements ["this", "evh_1 = [player
    execVM 'scripts\killed.sqf'",""];
    	sleep 0.5;
    	_trgobj3 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    	_trgobj3 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", true];
    	_trgobj3 setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, true];
            _trgobj3 setTriggerStatements ["(!alive player)", "player 
    removealleventhandlers 'killed'",""];
                   _i = _i +1;//<added, pointed out by seba1976
                while {_i < (count _units)} do
    	_trgobj2 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    	_trgobj2 triggerAttachVehicle [player];
    	_trgobj2 setTriggerActivation ["Vehicle", "PRESENT", true];
    	hint format ["VEHICLE= %1",player];
    	sleep 5; 
    	_trgobj2 setTriggerArea [30, 30, 0, true];
    	_trgobj2 setTriggerStatements ["this", "evh_1 = [player] 
    execVM 'scripts\killed.sqf'",""];
    	hint format ["THIS= %1",this];
    	sleep 5;
    	_trgobj3 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos];
    	hint format ["PLAYER= %1",player];
    	sleep 5;
    	_trgobj3 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", true];
    	_trgobj3 setTriggerArea [10, 10, 0, true];
            _trgobj3 setTriggerStatements ["(!alive player)", "player 
    removealleventhandlers 'killed'",""];
                   _i = _i +1;//<added, pointed out by seba1976

    There are 4 triggers in this file, they are the same, except the bottom 2 have hints in them for troubleshooting/debugging.

    File killcam.sqf was execVM from the init.sqf.

    The hint "VEHICLE" in _trgobj2 and the hint "PLAYER" of _trgobj3 would always be "p7" which that was the correct player slot I was in.

    This is where the fun began!

    The hint "THIS" was "false", then it was "true", then it was "Light4_1", then it was "Cobra1", then it was "p7" at random times, during testing! Strange behavior.

    If anyone can explain that please do!

    I hosted with my 1st. comp. and joined as a client with my 2nd comp.

    My results were this.

    Both players got the correct hints concerning player slots/name.

    Cougar was "p7", 1st comp/host, Cougarxr7 was "p8", 2nd comp/client.

    The hint "THIS" was false, then true, then false, false, then true, ect...ect...

    When Cougar "p7" shot Cougarxr7 "p8". nothing, Cougarxr7 would time out and respawn, everytime.

    But when Cougarxr7 shot Cougar, bam , the killcam script fired and Cougar

    would get the killcam everytime!

    So I fired up the mission on my dedicated server, both comps joined as clients and both comps never did get the killcam! Triggers did not fire or work on the dedicated server.

    Does anyone have any idea how the correct this??

    What am I missing here?

    Here are the triggers hard coded from the sqm.

                class Item84
    	expActiv="evh_1= [p7] execvm ""scripts\killed.sqf"";";
    	class Effects
    class Item85
    	expCond="(!alive p7)";
    	expActiv="p7 removeAllEventHandlers ""killed"";";
    	class Effects

    Thanks for the help!

  3. Hello,

    I run the Dedicated server "ULTIMATE COMBAT", no addons, no mods, complete vanilla. I've noticed on the console and in game most players cannot connect without getting kicked.

    I thought that it may have been the mission, so I made a mission with nothing but 5 players/playables in it and according to the console players id they still could not connect. Here are my server files. Would someone please look and see if this is on my end. I am not getting any info/reason for these players not able to join.

    Some players can join, most cannot.


    server shortcut path.

    "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma_server.exe" -cpucount=2 -netlog -config=UCserver.cfg -cfg=UCArmA.cfg -maxmem=2047 -profiles=C:\Documents\Armed\Users\server -name=Ultimate


    hostname="ULTIMATE COMBAT";	
    // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
     "", "", "", 
    "Welcome to the Ultimate Combat Arma Server",
    // VOTING
    // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
    class Missions
    class Mission_01   // name for the mission, can be anything
    template = EVO_UC_AIR_RSSQL.Sara;
    difficulty = "regular";


    // These options are important for performance tuning 
    MinBandwidth = 320000; 
    MaxBandwidth = 10000000000;
    MaxMsgSend = 256; 
    MaxSizeGuaranteed = 1024; 
    MinErrorToSend = 0.005; 
    MaxCustomFileSize = 1600000; 


    class Difficulties
    class regular
    	class Flags
    class veteran
    	class Flags

    I used to run this server when Arma1 first came out. Moved on to Arma2. Now I am back with Arma1. I never had this problem before. Yes some players could not connect but they were alot less of them. Now it seems 1 in 13 players can connect.

    If you are one of the players who keeps getting kicked, please post and lets hook up to see what is causing this, Teamspeak2 can help us there too!

    Thanks for the help.

  4. This works fine if your players' name is x,y, or z.

    _array = ["x","y","z"];
    if ((name player) in _array) then {
    hint "you are in the array";

    But what is the opposite of this?? I've tried several conditions only to get errors. Such as, here are a couple.

    if (not(name player) in _array) then {<errors
    if (((name player)not) in _array) then {<errors

    Thanks for the help.

  5. I have been working on getting rid of the seralization error pop nag screen on the recruit/support, via radio trigger.

    I have tried a lot of uinamespace syntax and had no luck however, I did get rid of the pop up error. Its just no options showed in the dialog window.

    Here is the first line,

                 displayVendor = findDisplay 100;

    I have tried this,

         uiNamespace setVariable ["100",findDisplay _displayVendor];
         uiNamespace getVariable "100";


         uiNamespace setVariable ["displayVendor",findDisplay _displayVendor];
         uiNamespace getVariable "displayVendor";

    with this in the .hpp,

         onLoad="uiNamespace setVariable ['displayVendor',    _this select 0]";

    Got an error with onLoad "already defined".

    and I tried this in the .hpp,

         displayVendor=((uiNamespace getVariable '100')findDisplay 100)ctrlShow true;


         "uiNamespace setVariable ['100',displayVendor]";

    Here are some links I found concerning uinamespace.


    http://dev-heaven.net/boards/37/topics/show/949 (sickboy post)

    I am lost in this, would like to get this fixed.

    If anybody can help, please!


  6. kju,

    I ran my server last night with some friends in it.

    Went to bed while it was still running.

    When I woke up a few hours later. The server and ts was not running, seems the server restarted, so the game ran for a couple of hours.

    Here is the RPT.

    Mods: CA
    Distribution: 0
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:0 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:1 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:2 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:3 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:4 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:5 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:6 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:7 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:8 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:9 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:10 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:11 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:12 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:13 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:14 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:15 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:16 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:17 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:18 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:19 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:20 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:21 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:22 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:23 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:24 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:25 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:26 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:27 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:28 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:29 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:30 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:31 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:32 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:33 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:34 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:35 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:141 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:143 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:145 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:147 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:149 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:151 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:153 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:155 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:160 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:163 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:166 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:168 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:171 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:174 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:175 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:177 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:179 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:180 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:181 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:182 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:185 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:186 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:187 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:188 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:189 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:190 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:191 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:192 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:193 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:194 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:195 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:196 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:197 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:198 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:199 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:201 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:203 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:205 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:207 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:209 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:210 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:211 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:212 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:215 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:219 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:222 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:225 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:226 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:227 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:228 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:229 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:230 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:231 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:232 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:234 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:236 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:238 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:240 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:242 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:244 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:246 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:247 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:248 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:249 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:252 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:255 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:257 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:259 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:261 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:263 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:265 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:267 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:269 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:271 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:273 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:277 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:281 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:285 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Object 2:427 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Update of object 2:479 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  2:58:34 Server: Update of object 2:486 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  2:58:36 Server: Object 3:1 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:36 Server: Object 3:2 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:36 Server: Object 3:3 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:37 Server: Object 4:1 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  2:58:37 Server: Object 4:2 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  2:59:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  2:59:03 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  2:59:03 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  3:25:42 Server: Object 3:77 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:25:42 Server: Object 3:79 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:25:53 Server: Object 3:80 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:25:54 Server: Object 3:81 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:26:10 Server: Object 3:82 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:28:31 Server: Object 3:83 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:29:49 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:29:49 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:30:46 Server: Update of object 2:885 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  3:30:49 Server: Object 5:1 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:30:49 Server: Object 5:2 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:31:30 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:30 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:30 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:30 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:30 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:32 Server: Object 3:85 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:31:46 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:46 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:46 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:46 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:46 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:31:48 Server: Object 3:86 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:31:56 Server: Object 3:87 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:33:18 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:33:18 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:33:18 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:33:18 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:33:18 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:18 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:19 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:38 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:38 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:38 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:38 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:38 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:34:49 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:14 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:14 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:14 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:14 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:14 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:14 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:37 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:37 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:37 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:37 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:37 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:39 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:39 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:39 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:39 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:39 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:35:58 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:36:00 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:36:01 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:36:09 Server: Object 4:6 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:38:05 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:05 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:05 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:05 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:05 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:05 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:05 Magazine 1Rnd_HE_M203 (1 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:22 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_G36SD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:23 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_G36SD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:28 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:31 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:38:41 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:39:03 Server: Object 3:88 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:39:23 Magazine 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (30 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:39:36 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  3:39:42 Client: Remote object 2:480 not found
    2009/12/22,  3:40:57 Server: Update of object 4:7 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  3:41:00 Server: Object 6:1 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:41:00 Server: Object 6:2 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:41:00 Server: Object 6:3 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:45:38 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  3:49:55 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  3:53:36 Server: Object 2:920 not found (message 129)
    2009/12/22,  3:53:59 Server: Update of object 2:1152 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  3:54:33 Server: Object 8:5 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:33 Server: Object 8:4 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:33 Server: Object 8:6 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:33 Server: Object 8:7 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:33 Server: Object 8:8 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:9 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:10 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:11 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:12 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:13 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:17 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:14 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:15 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:16 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:18 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:20 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:34 Server: Object 8:19 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:37 Server: Object 8:21 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:38 Server: Object 8:22 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:38 Server: Object 8:23 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:39 Server: Object 8:25 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:40 Server: Object 8:26 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:40 Server: Object 8:27 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:41 Server: Object 8:28 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:55 Server: Object 8:30 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:56 Server: Object 8:31 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:56 Server: Object 8:32 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:54:57 Server: Object 8:33 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:55:04 Server: Object 8:34 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:55:05 Server: Object 8:35 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:55:11 Server: Object 8:36 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:55:11 Server: Object 8:37 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:55:36 Server: Update of object 2:1159 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  3:55:39 Server: Update of object 2:1161 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  3:55:48 Server: Object 7:1 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:55:48 Server: Object 7:2 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:55:48 Server: Object 7:3 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:4 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:5 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:6 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:7 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:8 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:9 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:13 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:10 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:11 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:12 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:14 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:15 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:20 Server: Object 7:16 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:27 Server: Object 7:18 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:27 Server: Object 7:17 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:29 Server: Object 7:19 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:29 Server: Object 7:20 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:29 Server: Object 7:21 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:29 Server: Object 7:23 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:29 Server: Object 7:22 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:29 Server: Object 7:25 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:56:29 Server: Object 7:24 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:57:42 Server: Object 7:26 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:57:42 Server: Object 7:28 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  3:57:53 Server: Object 7:29 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:57:53 Server: Object 7:30 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:58:13 Server: Object 7:31 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:58:57 Magazine SmokeShellRed (1 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:58:57 Magazine SmokeShellRed (1 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:58:58 Magazine SmokeShellRed (1 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:58:58 Magazine SmokeShellRed (1 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:58:59 Magazine SmokeShellRed (1 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:58:59 Magazine SmokeShellRed (1 ammo left) not found
    2009/12/22,  3:59:05 Server: Object 7:32 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  3:59:44 Client: Remote object 5:0 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:04:12 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:04:14 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:04:14 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:04:15 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:04:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:04:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:04:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:06:13 Server: Object 7:39 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:06:13 Server: Object 7:41 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:07:56 Server: Object 7:82 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:07:56 Server: Object 8:57 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:07:56 Server: Object 7:84 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:08:49 Client: Object 8:69 (type Type_67) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:08:49 Client: Object 8:69 (type Type_66) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:11:38 Server: Object 8:82 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:11:38 Server: Object 8:81 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:12:03 Server: Update of object 2:1430 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  4:12:42 Server: Update of object 2:1441 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  4:12:45 Server: Update of object 2:1443 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  4:12:48 Server: Object 10:1 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:12:48 Server: Object 10:2 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 153)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:13:33 Server: Object 2:1167 not found (message 154)
    2009/12/22,  4:17:37 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  4:17:42 Client: Object 8:104 (type Type_67) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:18:31 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:31 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:31 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:31 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:31 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:31 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:31 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:32 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:5 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:3 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:4 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:33 Server: Object 9:6 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:42 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:8 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:53 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:8 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:8 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:8 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:8 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:18:54 Server: Object 9:7 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:19:21 Server: Object 10:3 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:19:49 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  4:19:49 Server: Update of object 2:139 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  4:19:49 Server: Object 9:10 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:19:49 Server: Object 9:10 not found (message 66)
    2009/12/22,  4:20:00 Server: Object 10:6 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:20:21 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  4:21:32 Unit is not in cargo
    2009/12/22,  4:21:32 Unit is not in cargo
    2009/12/22,  4:27:26 Server: Object 8:122 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:28:50 Client: Remote object 6:0 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:31:16 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:31:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:31:18 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:31:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:31:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:31:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:33:28 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  4:33:30 Array index out of range
    2009/12/22,  4:34:20 Client: Object 7:94 (type Type_95) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:34:22 Client: Object 7:94 (type Type_96) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:34:24 Client: Object 7:94 (type Type_121) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:34:57 Client: Remote object 10:0 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:34:57 Client: Remote object 2:1444 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:35:07 Server: Object 4:11 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:20 Out of map
    2009/12/22,  4:35:20 Error B 1-1-H:3: Invalid path from [2606.67, 193.85, 5058.71] to [2600.76, 194.09, 5065.16].
    2009/12/22,  4:35:32 Server: Object 9:41 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:43 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:33 Server: Object 9:42 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:35:39 Client: Object 9:45 (type Type_66) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:35:39 Client: Object 9:45 (type Type_67) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:35:40 Client: Object 9:45 (type Type_67) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:35:50 Client: Remote object 9:0 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:40:10 Server: Object 4:12 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:40:10 Server: Object 4:14 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:40:49 Server: Object 4:15 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:42:44 Server: Object 4:17 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:42:49 Server: Object 4:19 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:42:53 Server: Update of object 4:17 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  4:43:37 Server: Object 4:21 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:43:58 Server: Object 4:22 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:44:21 Server: Object 4:23 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:44:25 Server: Object 8:153 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:44:37 Server: Object 4:24 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:44:53 Client: Remote object 2:487 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:45:08 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:484 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:45:45 Server: Update of object 2:1885 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  4:45:47 Server: Update of object 2:1887 arrived from nonowner
    2009/12/22,  4:45:50 Server: Object 4:26 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:45:50 Server: Object 4:27 not found (message 213)
    2009/12/22,  4:46:25 Client: Object 7:97 (type Type_121) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:46:26 Client: Object 7:97 (type Type_96) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:46:27 Client: Object 7:97 (type Type_95) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:46:30 Client: Object 7:97 (type Type_96) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:48:24 Server: Object 4:28 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:50:03 Client: Remote object 2:1888 not found
    2009/12/22,  4:52:06 Client: Object 7:102 (type Type_96) not found.
    2009/12/22,  4:52:55 Server: Object 7:107 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:52:56 Server: Object 7:108 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:52:57 Server: Object 7:109 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:52:58 Server: Object 7:110 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:53:01 Server: Object 7:111 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:53:19 Server: Object 7:112 not found (message 121)
    2009/12/22,  4:55:33 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:33 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:33 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:35 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:35 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 6bde800# 1061043: sara_domek_zluty_ruins.p3d
    2009/12/22,  4:55:45 Server: Object 8:183 not found (message 67)
    2009/12/22,  4:56:58 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:56:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:56:59 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:57:08 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:57:08 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  4:57:09 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Soldier,
    2009/12/22,  5:00:43 Out of map
    2009/12/22,  5:02:50 Client: Remote object 7:0 not found
    2009/12/22,  5:02:50 Client: Remote object 7:117 not found
    2009/12/22,  5:02:50 Client: Remote object 7:118 not found
    2009/12/22,  5:09:49 Client: Remote object 8:0 not found

    Only a couple of hours and all this info.

    What does "2009/12/22, 5:00:43 Out of map" mean?


    "2009/12/22, 4:33:30 Array index out of range"?

    I just would like there to be better information concerning these.

    and/or a real webpage that could answer these.

    If they would of went one more level down on giving us this info it would probably read like this;

    2009/12/22, 5:09:49 Client: Object "There was a problem" _type "Arma2 type" not found

    Can you answer any of these?


  7. kju, again thanks for the reply.

    I can understand there being network issues, packets dropped, loss, ect..., ect....

    But offline missions crashes/memory allocation errors, ect.., have nothing to do network!

    I do not understand why there is not a RPT forum, for RPT

    errors/warnings/messages/ect.., only!

    If some of these errors/warnings/messages/ect.. are network related, then it should say in the RPT;

    Network: Packet not received from xxxxx. or

    Network: Packet sent to xxxxx. ect..., ect...

    It's fustrating when they say "yes you can" and yet there is no information on how you can "yes you can"!

    I thought more players would be interested in this issue but, as we can see ony you and me are talking about it.


  8. kju, again thanks for your reply!

    I run Arma2, vanilla, no mods, no addons. With all these errors/warnings/messages/info in the RPT, I feel the game cannot run itself yet any mods and/or addons!

    Players have reported massive errors in the RPT on BI stock offline mission!

    Here is a link that show an example of the arma.RPT<I know this is not for Arma2.


    At the bottom of that example it says;

    "As you can see, there is a lot of information presented in this file. The good news is you can fix these errors, you just need to know how."

    And yet the need to know how is not being answered!

    Also noticed it shows the object type!

    I am an electrician by trade. If you had me wire a light in your house and it worked sometimes and sometimes it did not, would you not call me when it did not work?

    Wouldn't you want to know why it did not work?

    If I gave you a schematic of the install and it said this wire goes here and this wire "not found", would that be ok?

    When you said "not always feasible nor possible to achieve".

    Is that really acceptable?

    To me, it either works or it doesn't.

    If you have any links you know of concerning the RPT and "you can fix these errors, you just need to know how.", please post them.

    Again thank you for taking the time to reply to this thread.

  9. Hello,

    Does anybody know of a script or target line that will enable objects names and type to be noted as to what they are in the RPT?


    Client: Object 2:398 (type Type_96) not found.

    That object is a number and so is the type.

    I do not understand why even have the game write that in the RPT?

    I guess it should be;

    Client: Object "for us to know" (type "Type_and for you to never find out") not found.

    Not trying to be a SA, it's just very fustrating seeing all these errors/warnings/info, in the RPT and there is no way to know what is happening or do anything about them or fix them!



  10. I tried this in my core.sqf.

    It was,

    displayVendor = findDisplay 100;

    Now it's,

    ((uiNamespace getVariable 'displayVendor') findDisplay 100) ctrlShow true;

    displayVendor = findDisplay 100;

    and got this error,

    "Error in expression <iNamespace getVariable 'displayVendor') findDisplay 100) ctrlShow true;


    Error position: <findDisplay 100) ctrlShow true;


    Error Missing )

    File C:\Documents and Settings\Cougar\My Documents\ArmA 2\missions\EVO_UNLOCKED_ULTIMATE_COMBAT.Chernarus\data\scripts\Core.sqf, line 3

    The uiNamespace line is line 3.

    I'm thinking I need to remove the second line becasue the uiNamespace takes care of that, yes?

    Still confused about the missing ).

    Any ideas??

