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Cap n Joff

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Everything posted by Cap n Joff

  1. Cap n Joff

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Theres allsorts of 7600gt stuff a few pages back. i have one and the game runs "o.k." i wouldnt expect miracles, it will make no difference to youre cpu lag (many units in detailed scenery). on the other hand they are nice and cheap atm 7600GT p4 northwood @3.06 1gb ram I run at 1280x1024 terrain detail: normal object detail: low textures: low shading: normal pp: low AF:high (a must with low textures) AA:medium Shadows: high I get similar performance to what you currently describe paraiso kills my framerate as do cpu intensive missions (evo)
  2. Cap n Joff

    Chammys Sound Mod

    My god. This sound mod is poised to be one of the best things thats happened to arma yet with regards to immersion and were all bitching about each others taste in music. Bravo chaps.......Bravo Although 'faked' is a strong word the combat ambience was certainly added to the original video. I would imagine that it will be implemented in a future version.
  3. very low 1000000 low 2000000 normal 3000000 high 4000000 V.High 5000000 Controls the amount of polygons onscreen at once if im not mistaken. you notice a lot of object pop in at <100000 but it can make a big difference to framerates. I used to run arma run smooth on a terrible machine with it set to 100000. Has drawbacks for example when flying you can see the layout of a town before you can see the buildings themselves. EDIT: this would be pretty useful if we could tinker with the level at sub v.low level while in game. cities like paraiso can be pretty troublesome for many peoples machines this could be a quick fix while ingame you can reset when you leave the area
  4. Cap n Joff

    6thSense.eu Presents: WeaponPack

    Thankyou for the marvelous work panda/sickboy. The CQB sights are ingenious, would love to see them implemented on more weapons. VERY usefull when carrying scoped weapons as i always play with no crosshairs. Again, many thanks
  5. You SHOULD get more fps from youre setup on 640x480 for sure, i have a weaker system and get more. I would defrag with something other than the stock windows utility (i use o&o). A defragemented HD is the most likely cause. Did you defrag after updating to 1.08? Also restricting the amount of ram arma can use to 512 (-maxmem=512 on end of shortcut) seems to have removed a lot of the lag i was getting around the bigger cities, its counter intuitive but works...arma is odd like that. Its worth noting that on some cards the game runs better on higher settings than low. My advice would be to defrag first then up the resolution to 1024x768 or 1280x1024, then increase all settings to normal except shadows which should go on high then set AA, post procesing and shading details to low. you may also wish to set object detail to low to reduce the amount of polygons onscreen at once. See how it plays then and add the maxmem command if necessary. A good defrag is 100% necessary. Armed Assault is a strange game when it comes to performance, it is also has a unique engine that will stress youre system in ways other games dont. As already said, running on XP will give you a significant performance increase, youre basically running on an unsupported OS at the minute. Hope this helps EDIT: removed my fantastic tip of running on latest GFX drivers...he already does :/
  6. Cap n Joff


    I wouldnt say its meant to be like that, at least not in vanilla. Because youre looking at the gun from a different distance than was originally intended the blur effect is more pronounced on the iron sights. I noticed the difference straight away, it didnt really bother me and im now used to it. The only solution would be to put PP to low.
  7. Cap n Joff

    Problems with ATI Radeon X800 XT Video card

    Use catalyst 6.7 and it wont be a problem. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....;hl=ati
  8. Cap n Joff

    Evolution - Single Player

    Im really enjoying it but respawns would be nice, i have a feeling I may only ever see paraiso without them Edit: Answered
  9. Cap n Joff

    Texture detail setting with 256MB card

    I noticed that when i set agp aperture to 256 i could choose higher texture details so i would guess Maddmatt means to edit nonlocal vram in arma.cfg, the thing is i think i remember a dev pointing out that those values were read from the system every time you start arma, meaning making it read only would be futile. :/ Not 100% on that. Another thing ive noticed is that for higher image quality with lower textures you should disable AF ingame and enable it in CP, it looks a lot better and seems more efficient.