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About C2A.Jackal

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. C2A.Jackal

    Advance & Secure  Map night, 11th August 8pm UK

    Nice work Rambo. I remember you lads from the JO days. I'll encourage our guys to hop on your server this weekend. AAS was an awsome game mode so im very curious to see how you guys have put it together in ArmA.
  2. C2A.Jackal

    SQF revive script

    Guys, would this script be difficult to implement in PvP game modes?
  3. C2A.Jackal

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    A quickstart map sounds like a great idea!
  4. C2A.Jackal

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    Firstly, what a fantastic game mode and extremely well put together! I dont think the FPS world will have seen anything like this before and im sure that its going to be the most popular mode out there, if it isnt already. One thing I have noticed is that it can take some time for the game to gather momentum if there are few players on the server. I have no doubt that this game mode gets even better with more people. In the early stages of a game there is very little combat, an aspect I actually really like about it, but one which may result in many players leaving the server due to a lack of action. To aid this, I wonder if it would be possible to implement a system where by the number of available flags dynamically changes in accordance with the number of people on the server. This may help focus the action a bit more. So for example, there are six players on the server and as a result there are maybe only 6 flags to fight over. When the 10th player joins the server, the number of flags increases to 8 and so on. Im no mission designing expert so I have no idea if its possible or even worth implementing. Just an idea. In any case what I would like to see is another version of the map with fewer flags, although I would imagine a great deal of thought has gone into the balancing of where the flags and resources should be placed on the two existing versions. I'll finish by underlining how great I think this game mode is. GREAT job!
  5. C2A.Jackal

    SQF revive script

    Excellent work Norrin. Me and my clanmates tested a mission I threw together which included your revive script, the GL2 script and the UPS script and it was a load of fun!! I look forward to testing the 1.08 version very soon!
  6. C2A.Jackal

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Outstanding news. Now we just need our provider to give our server to us
  7. C2A.Jackal

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Excellent news. Thanks for the update Maruk. I know everyone on this thread will appreciate it greatly. Â And hats off to those who provided BIS with logs!! Â Fingers crossed this is the answer.
  8. C2A.Jackal


    Agreed, on both points.
  9. C2A.Jackal

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Matt, as soon as we have our new server up and running the first thing I will be doing is testing for this bug and of course I will post all the details here in this thread. Maybe we will spot a difference or pattern from the old server. Hopefully the data Andy has provided to BIS will help more though.
  10. C2A.Jackal

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    As a result of this issue on our old server, we have actually changed providers and hope to have a new server up in the next week or so. I pray that the new machine isnt plagued by the same problem otherwise our ArmA Regiment could be in real trouble. I must point out again that when we first got our old server it worked perfectly for weeks. Then all of a sudden started disappearing from the browser list and as far as I am aware no config changes were made. This is what is puzzling me the most. Good luck BIS, I hope you sus this one out soon because it truley is a show stopper for C2A.
  11. C2A.Jackal

    SQF revive script

    Hi Norrin, I did what you suggested and commented out the line in the onConnect.sqf script and early testing looks positive. The issue with the looping animation seems to have been resolved by commenting this line out. I will get my clanmates to join in my mission and confirm. Great stuff once again.
  12. C2A.Jackal

    SQF revive script

    Hi Norrin, I dont want to waste your time if its just me being stupid (more than likely LOL), so I'll try a couple of things first regarding the points you mentioned above, and if after that im still having trouble I'll drop you an email with my mission attached. Many thanks for your excellent efforts mate! Your script is exactly what we are looking for! PS. My clanmate C2A.ChipRAFP has just asked me to pass on his thanks for designing this script!
  13. C2A.Jackal

    SQF revive script

    Hi guys, first of all, great work Norrin. I just started using your script in one of my coop missions and have just tested it. It works great! My clan mates are now very happy campers and we look forward to playing missions with this feature in them. The only issue I have noticed is the same one that EvilNate pointed out that intead of a player going into spectate mode having been shot, they see the same animation looping over and over again on their character. Its like the character is about to pull his weapon off his shoulder. Im using 1.05. That aside, Norrin rocks. No question!
  14. C2A.Jackal

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    I really, really hope they fix this pronto. Alongside the warping AI, this is THE major bug in multiplayer in my eyes. It surely has to be something simple......he says. Come on BIS....you can do it!
  15. C2A.Jackal

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Removed windows 2003 Server SP2......no difference. Server disappeared within 10 minutes of the 1st player joining.