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About Chi

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    Private First Class
  1. Are you talking about the community base addons? No I only use a sound mod and the sun, no glare addon. Others must have noticed the difference in the SP missions ecpecially Littlebird. I started the editor and placed a littlebird in the same area of the map used and the fog is hardly noticable. Its deffo been changed for some reason in the SP missions and poss for performance reasons but they are not worth playing now because of it. Thanks Chi
  2. So, has anyone else noticed this? Flying the chopper missions are now not only no fun but near impossible. I am being targeted by vehicles 1000m away from me through thick fog that I have to be 300m to be able to see. I am wondering if BIS have changed the fog to make the game run better for lower end machines. I may have to revert to 1.55 but dont really want to. As an altermative is there a way to edit the missions and reduce the fog using the editor? Thanks Chi
  3. I downloaded the 1.56 patch and the first thing I noticed was that the fog is a lot worse than 1.55. I will use the Littlebird SP mission as an example as its more noticable in that one. I have my view distance set at 2000 and when flying down the valley etc I could see from one end of the valley to the other easily and able to spot the enemy convoy from a good distance away. Since installing 1.56 I can barely see anything and spotting and targeting the convoy is frustrating as I now have to be pretty much on top of it to see it. Any reason for the dramatic increase in fog, putting the view distance down so much, and is there any way to get it back to what it was before for this mission and others? Thanks Chi
  4. Chi

    extremely horrible bug

    I have posted on another thread this same problem. I also get the white out effect when zooming or using scopes/iron sights in 1.08. When spawning into another soldier the effect is worse. The screen goes almost completely white for upto a second until I am in first person view. I am having problems with the changes in contrast as well. Everything is way darker and turning up the gamma or brightness makes everything look pale and washed out. It was perfect in 1.05 on default settings. Ta Chi
  5. Chi

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Problems I have seen so far. 1. Post effect lighting goes mad at certain times...using scopes, zooming in with weapons, spawning into another soldier when killed ect. 2. Contrast change has made the game look worse for me. Too dark now and changing the gamma/brightness makes the colours looked washed out and unrealistic. It was spot on in 1.5 for me with default settings. 3. AT soldiers are still firing at enemy infantry as much as before. 4. Soldiers/vehicles/building ect look further away and less detailed. 5. Fog distance seems worse. 6. AI still will not move over bridges. I dont know if BI intend to fix this but i can imagine a lot of mission makers avoiding making missions while this is still in the game. 7. I still hate the grass and would like the option to turn it off during MP coop. I run a server using my PC and it runs like crap because of the grass. With 1.5 I could load a mission that has been made without grass and from then on it would be off for all players but now this doesnt work. 8. Changing from driver in a empty tank to gunner causes the tank sometimes to turn in a anti clockwise direction. Is there a bug thread or anywhere I can post these so BI will read them ? Will they be read on here by the dev's ? Ta Chi
  6. Chi

    Gamma within buildings - bug?

    I also get this. Also when using and zooming in with any of the scoped weapons. the post effect lighting effects go nuts. Its especially bad when i die and as I move into the next soldier, its nearly a white out until I'm in first person view. This didnt happen in 1.5 for me. I also found the brightness and gamma on default looked great in 1.5 but now the models ect are too dark and if i turn up gamma or brightness it makes the colours look washed out. It was fine the way it was so I cant understand why this was changed. ta Chi
  7. Chi

    1.7 beta impressions

    If reporting bugs I am getting is not constructive then what is the point of this thread ? What is less constructive is people on this forum posting rude and abusive posts which your last two were KyleSarnik. I am obviously wasting my time here. I know from years playing Op Flash that these things will be seen to and will leave bug posts to others to take the abuse as I will not put up with it. Ta Chi
  8. Chi

    1.7 beta impressions

    In other forums these same problems are there with others, so its not just me. I had no problems at all before installing the patch. Are we not meant to report bugs here ? Is that not the idea of the thread ? I am merely reporting what bugs I have in the hope that they will be fixed as BI have asked. I will try a clean install tomorrow but regardless, people who play this game should not need a degree in computers to enable them to start it up and enjoy it. Ta Chi
  9. Chi

    1.7 beta impressions

    Ok. Athlon 4000+ 2 Gig of Crucial Ram Nforce 4 Mobo 7900 GTO Regardless of my specs I should not be firing rounds from my chest and I should be able to change my joystick controls....or is that too much to ask ? Oh and my addons are in a separate folder. Ta Chi
  10. Chi

    1.7 beta impressions

    Tried the update and had to uninstall after an hour because of the following: 1. Some soldiers have no weapons or only a pistol. 2. As above but when I press the fire button a round comes out of the soldiers chest and the soldier has his arms by his side. 3. Crashes everytime I try to use the mission editor. 4. Joystick controls are totally gone from what I had and I cannot change them. 5. No shadows at all regardless of what settings I use. I tried the single player mission Sanitizing Operation for example and I spawned with a pistol but no rifle etc. Not impressed with the patch at all. I hope these are fixed for the final release or I'm stuck with 1.05 for now. Ta Chi
  11. I am trying to make simple missions and have a question. One of them involves 4 spec ops soldiers just taking over a area occupied by enemy forces. They have silenced MP5's and satchel charges. What is the command that I use to remove the satchel charges ? Ta Chi
  12. Thanks, that works. I have my right mouse button set to optics/zoom/target. It works fine for everything else but the .50 cal version of the Stryker and the cannon version. The TOW version goes to optics using the right mouse button so Im baffled why those two wont. I hope BI fix this as in the heat of battle I will forget that it is a different key. Annoying but at least I can use the Strykers now. Pity my right mouse button now does not target anything when using those two Strykers. Cant have everything I suppose. Thanks again Chi
  13. This happens to me also and I have seen it mentioned in other forums. If I am in the gunners position inside the Stryker I can see the instrument panels but pressing the optics key does nothing. I end up with a static crosshair on the screen and a moving one. When turning out the gun is there in front of me but again no iron sights and unable to fire. If I go to 3rd person view I can fire but the Stryker is in the way and targeting is impossible. This seems like a bug to me and have yet to find a solution or an indication that BI will address and fix it. Ta Chi
  14. I run my PC as the host for coop for myself and a few friends. I have the grass turned off (terrain detail very low) in my options and this is fine in all SP missions and the campaign. However when I host a game online for us the grass is still there. I want it off as I get an average of 20 fps extra and it would also give us a chance against the AI which seems to be able to spot me prone 200m away in grass and through bushes ect. Is it possible to do this ? Ta Chi