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About ChrisFox

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi all, I'm missing the classnames for the guns on all vehicles (like tanks, AA vehicles etc.). Does anyone know these classnames? Would be very helpfull to me :) Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, When I put the following line in the init field of a soldier, the camera itself works, BUT the cinemaborders are still there....what do I do wrong ? :S Thnx in advance.
  3. ChrisFox

    Destroyed buildings

    THnx alot. The first one works for sure Pitty though BI made the ruins so flat (with hardly any walls left), but whatever :P
  4. ChrisFox

    Destroyed buildings

    I know u can use <unitname> setDamage 1 in the Init field of objects, but for buildings you don't have such a field so....how's that done with triggers/scripts ?? Â Thnx
  5. ChrisFox

    Destroyed buildings

    Euhm...ok and how do I do that .. ? (note I'm a noob in scripting / editing)
  6. Hello, I was wondering how I can make buildings (in let's say Corazol) be destroyed without destroying them yourself (like 'wrecked' buildings). I want to let Corazol look like a warzone city, and therefore I need to have half of the buildings destroyed already at the start of the misison. How can I get that done? THnx!
  7. ChrisFox

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    Lol guess you've never heard of raising your mouse from the table and put it back quickly very fast ? You're overexaggerating, really. With default sensitivity it's easy to make the sharpest turns when you use this method. You can also just press A ('left' or D ('right' if you think your mouse is to heavy for you.
  8. Okey, going to try it right away. Thnx for your quick replies guys
  9. Hello, I've searched this forum over and over again but strangely I did not found the answer I expected to find, though I'm pretty sure my question must have been asked before... : I'm working on a mission which looks like Air Cavalry. I've also got 3 Littlebird's. What I want in the mission is when all three Littlebirds (MH6's) are destroyed, the mission ends (with "mission failed"). Now, I know this is done by triggers, but when I set a trigger you can only make the trigger count for one particular unit or group and not for three individual units, atleast I can't. How do I make this trigger? NB. I don't know much about scripting/editing) Thanks alot.
  10. ChrisFox

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    I'm running the beta-version and I can still join all 1.05 servers.
  11. ChrisFox

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    Ok i've runned the beta patch several times now. Firstly I want to thank BI for this great great game, though there are still these many many bugs... So, here we go: My system specs are as follows: Windows XP SP2 P4 3,0 Ghz 1,5 GB RAM Ati x1950 Pro 512 RAM Newest video-/sounddrivers and updates ----------- Bugs: - Polygon-bug (most annoying bug of all....When I turn textures on Highest I get this bug, on Normal i don't have any problems). Please please solve this bug somehow... - The beta-version hasn't improved the game performance in any way compared to the 1.05 patch. Still got a huge performancedrop compared to 1.04 version. - Some small things like: 1. Sometimes I can't get in the Stryker when somebody already is driver and I want to get in. 2. The damaged-helicopter error still isn't fixed. Sometimes I still see a chopper as damaged, whilst it isnt at all. Shooting once at it solves the visual error. 3. When flying the Harrier in Hoover-mode handling should be like with the helicopters (without auto-hoover enabled). Now you can't reduce power when you try to land while hoovering. Only way to get down is switching of your engine and switch it on at the right time, which is very tricky. Making the handling like the helicopters should solve this, and it's even more realistic cuz the Harrier can take off totally vertical in real. Though make the topspeed while Hoovering very low to keep it realistic and avoid ppl using the Harrier only as helicopter ! 4. The boats should really really have a armour and fuel bar like all other vehicles have, cuz today I ran out of fuel in the middle of a mission far ofcoast (lost all weapons and stuff, which i want to make my next and last point:) 5. When you swim some time in the water you loose all of your weapons, which is realistic cuz ofc. you can't swim with full gear, BUT it is very annoying, and thus I think you should be able to hold out atleast 3 minutes without loosing your gear. Thanks alot Still testing the Betaversion, so later reports may follow. Chris Fox aka Foxtrot
  12. ChrisFox

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    I'm no PCpro so I don't really understand in which values I am able to change teh virtual memory Heetseaker suggested, without blowing up my pc, of that's even possible ... Secondly I also don't really know what risks cahnging AGP thing gives
  13. ChrisFox

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    Sorry guys, but that IS funny. Whether there is any truth in us beta testing VBS2 or not, despite the games problems ArmA is a fun game. Yes it has problems, both features and performance, but last night I played for 5 hours straight on one Co-op mission. Don't know many other games at the moment that could make me do that so that speaks volumes in my book! I'm sure you either haven't got any major bugs in the game (like polygons/fps drop), or you just keep your settings at low-lower-lowest A.K.A. OFP-look-a-like....hmm ? But yes, ArmA IS a great game without the many many bugs and errors and crashes...
  14. ChrisFox

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    I just call upon all people to boycot 1.05, reinstall the game and play with 1.02/ 1.04 and wait for BI to solve this problem. Â BI: PLEASE test your patches properly before bringing them out to reach some deadline... We waited a long time for this game, and personally I don't care if there's going to be another month or so before some patch comes out, only if it's an improvement to the game... but DON'T bring out a patch that s***s ***. Thanks again. Sincerely, Me Oh and maybe off topic, but the dictators closed the forum: 'They' say with Catalyst 6.7 drivers I won't have the polygon-error, but I DO....what the hack ??
  15. ChrisFox

    Horrible Graphic Problems, HELP!

    Why hasn't any admin or member of BI replied to this forumtopic? Please let the community know BI's aware of this problem and takes it real serious. Thank you.