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About C255.Shifty

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  1. C255.Shifty

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    Starforce clean Armed Assault Big poster of a naked woman(Jessica Alba prefered)
  2. C255.Shifty

    Armed Assault videos

    The Harrier is a jet right? Then why does it fly so slow, or can it reach higher speeds easily?
  3. C255.Shifty

    Multiplayer Questions

    I have a few questions regarding the Multiplayer, which I couldn't find a proper answer on the forums(Yes I used the search function:( ) 1. Will there be a commander position, like in Battlefield, who can spot the enemies and place artillery fire 2. Which Multiplayer modes will be in the game, I already know Deathmatch, Seize the Base, and Capture the Flag. 3. I have never played Operation Flashpoint, so I have no idea how a clanwar looks like.So .. vs .. will clanwars be? Like 30vs30?? 4. Are there any Multiplayer Vid's online, I mean not, player vs AI, but real player vs player videos.
  4. C255.Shifty

    Armed Assault videos

    well, we should be happy, the germans and chechz can play their crappy version, when it will ship to N america and the rest of europe the big bugs will probably be fixed:D