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Everything posted by CapitanStratos

  1. Hello all!! Wondering If is possible to have a helo ready for insertions extractions at my command. Let me explain it a bit. - Me and my squad start on a base near a parked chopper. We board the helicopter and I mark a point on the map, the chopper take off and flyes there, land, let us disembark, take off again and fly back to base. - Once I need them again (mission complete, retreat...) I can call back the chopper, he take off again from his base, fly to the location I requested it on the map and land. We board them and fly back to base where he lands. Is such a thing possible?
  2. Bump. Please is important to me.
  3. Name was correct It was my mistake translating it. Have no idea of where exactly place the files, but If is on the folder the error says, Is already there.
  4. CapitanStratos

    Insertion/Extraction copter?

    The post of Becubed, is just what I need. But I'm having some problems using it. Can someone help me please? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=106653&page=11
  5. I'm a total newbye on ArmA2 so sorry to recover this post, but I can't use the script. I have ArmA2 1.10 but have no idea of where to place the "scripts" folder so I can use them in game. I tried to create a mission following the instructions, but I get this error. Script scripts/heloGoTo/heloGoTo_iniq.sqf not found Any idea?
  6. Hello! Can someone tell me how can I set up some aritllery support in ArmA2? Nothing big but the hability to call 3 or 4 support missions during the mission when and where I need the rounds Thanks in advance!
  7. CapitanStratos

    Easy artillery??

    I found it!! Man is amazing, and very easy to request, really a great job. Hope someone can tell me how can I call mortar fire, CAS and the UAV. Also If I can have more than a single fire mission, maybe two or three?
  8. CapitanStratos

    Easy artillery??

    Thanks! Will try it asap! Can you please make something similar for UAV's and mortars?
  9. CapitanStratos

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Solved!! Thanks Comrade!
  10. CapitanStratos

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Just installed this great addon is great!! But unfortunately lots of trees and grass patchs on default islands are white!! They look like papaer sheets pasted into the trees or into grass patches. Any idea of how to solve it please? Thanks!
  11. CapitanStratos

    Random enemies on a mission

    Anyone here remember Digital Integration HIND?? Was a fantastic helo game that was great for the fascinating inmersion it gave. We can have something similar in OFP If we can add random units to a map. I will explain my idea, we can have a template mission, every time you enter the mission different enemys will appear in difernt areas, thaty will be pretty close to what Mujaideens made in Afghanistan in the 80's. You can play as a Hind pilot or as a infantryman What do you guys think??
  12. CapitanStratos

    Random enemies on a mission

    Thank's!! So in theory I can create a template with enemies with different presence possibilities and save it. Then create different missions like patrols, insertions... Wich will be a good presence %?? So they not appear all the time but also that the map is not empty?
  13. CapitanStratos

    Random enemies on a mission

    I'm not reinveinting the wheel, simply I want to create variable missions for myself. Can someone tell me how can I put some enemy squads that maybe appear maybe not? And is possible to assign routes and combat procedures to this squads?
  14. I need to know the exact names ( for DAC addon ) of the units of a addon, so I can use it in DAC, so how can I know the maes of the units present in a PBO?? Thank's!
  15. CapitanStratos

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    I tried to edit this file in order to get some talibans units appear. The DAC start correctly, but not a single Taliban unit appear. What I'm making wrong?? Here's the file, can you please take a look and tell me why doesn't work?? http://rapidshare.com/files/59505677/missions.rar.html BTW: Do you have MSN, maybe we will solve the problem a lot more quickly by MSN. Mine capitanstratos1 at hotmail dot com
  16. CapitanStratos

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Rgr with the names, I got a init field that give me the name of the unit. Tried to edit the Unit script of the DAC folder in my mission folder, but DAC gives me an error. What script exactly I need to edit?? The one inside the general mission folder or the one in the specific mission folder?? Can someone write an example please??
  17. CapitanStratos

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Currently reading the readme, I will change the default units by the new ones, but how can I know the name of the addon units?? I solved the chopper problem with a script Thank's for your work is GREAT!!
  18. CapitanStratos

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    I will like to add only Vietcong units and some vehicles like AAA or Pt-76, will like Silola told me how to do this. I will use the choppers with a script to insertion/extraction Only need to know what name I need to use for the addon units ( is the name of the PBO file?? )and Where I need to insert it That's all
  19. CapitanStratos

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Just discovered this mod, and want to ask acouple of things: 1-I have a Vietnam Experience installation, can I use DAC on that island with that addons?? I simply want to add random Vietcong patrols so every time I made a patrol in different zones I can met more or less oposition or no opsition at all. 2-Any way to add friendly units?? and with Choppers? You know Vietnam is a helo war!! Thank's and thank's also for the addon!! P.S. Do you know If wounded soldiers can ask for Dustoff chopper extraction??
  20. CapitanStratos

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Hello!! FFUR have some amazing animations about grabbing wounded soldiers. Want to know If is possible to have it installed on another mod ( If they are available separately ) and If is possible to grab wounded and dead soldiers and mount them in choppers Thank's
  21. CapitanStratos

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Thank's for the help!! All working correctly now!!
  22. CapitanStratos

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    I have a problem. I installed the Mod, and all seems normal, but when I click the Resistance Exe, I appear in the normal game with no mods. If I enter the new @Ffur2007 folder and click the LAunch the mod, a DOS screen appears and it closes after a while, but I can't enter the modded game. I need to do something like add text lines to the game exe or something?? If yes please tell me how step by step I never entered text lines with exit before Thank's a lot!!
  23. CapitanStratos

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Can someone create a mod that give me more life? To resist 4 or 5 bullets, a litlle like Call of Duty, I will really apreciatte that. I know is not realistic, but it will be a lot more fun