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About CapitanStratos

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. CapitanStratos

    Any Mission generator for SP game?

    Thanks!! Will take a look!
  2. I posted this on ArmA2 forums, but post it here too as If is there one for ArmA3 I will get the game taking advantage of the 50% off today. Well, I wonder If is there around a good mission generator that can build missions for single player gaming. I'm really interested in such program, specially If it can create missions with a bit of randomness. Thanks a lot!
  3. Wondering If is there around a good mission generator that can build missions for single player gaming. I'm really interested in such program, specially If it can create missions witha bit of randomness. Thanks a lot!!
  4. CapitanStratos

    How to install DAC?

    I downloaded DAC utility, looks like a great way to enhance my missions, but how I have to install it? Readme asumes the user knows how to install addons but I have no idea. I can't even try it If I can't install the addon itself. Thanks!
  5. CapitanStratos

    Ambient Combat Module

    How can I limit the "faction" and "type" of the units that appear on the ACM? I want only to spawn only Takistani insurgent infantry. Any idea if is possible?
  6. CapitanStratos

    Adding more "health" to the player?

    To limit the number of his can be great, If not possible ill keep current way. Thanks.
  7. CapitanStratos

    Adding more "health" to the player?

    What exactly this do? this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {if ((((damage unit1) + (_this select 2)) < 0.9) or ((_this select 1) in ["hands","legs"])) then {_this select 2} else {0.9}}] I tried it and I can't die
  8. CapitanStratos

    Adding more "health" to the player?

    Thanks a lot mate!!
  9. CapitanStratos

    Adding more "health" to the player?

    So I need to add this line this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {if ((((damage unit1) + (_this select 2)) < 0.9) or ((_this select 1) in ["hands","legs"])) then {_this select 2} else {0.9}}] In the init field and my player will be invencible? Can I do that for other players in my squad as well?
  10. Is possible to add more "life" or resistance or something like that to the player soldier? So it can resist several bullets. Not realistic but will make for some fun missions for the kids. Is possible somehow?
  11. CapitanStratos

    Searching a randomization and a helo taxi mods.

    Thanks. I installed the game trough STEAM, but where exactly is the game folder now?
  12. CapitanStratos

    ArmA Cold War Assault. OFP mods are compatible?

    Thanks a lot Kenoxite, downloading everything right now!
  13. Want to know If OFP/ArmA Cold War Assault, have mods that let you do that. - Randomize the enmies in a given (player designed) area. I will explain. You enter the editor, design an area (square or circle or wathever) and the type and number of enemies that can or cannot be there. Every time you play the mission, the game randomize the presence and number of the enemies in that area. - Start a mission call a chopper (with AI pilot) to fly to my position, land and pick me and my team up. Then I should mark a position in the map, the chopper wil fly there, land, let us go down and take off again. Once I finished, I can recall the enemy chopper and he will fly back to my new position, land, let us board it and I will design a new are to land. A kind of Helo taxi. Possible? Hope someone can help. Thanks
  14. Hello all! I have ArmA Cold War Assault on my Steam account, and will like to know If it can work with the old OFP addons, most specific with the Vietnam all in one mods. Anyone know? Thanks.
  15. I have ArmA2, and will like to ask for a "randomization" program or tip. I will explain myself. - Imagine I'm in a mission, I will love to patrol an area and found the enemy everytime I play in a different place. -Flying extraction missions in a chopper, getting calls from allied units on different places in the map. Is that possible? Thanks.