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Everything posted by Chunder

  1. Chunder


    yeah some things are looking pretty cool especially texture wise. the render of the hip looks pretty cool but in game it looks to be missing something compared to the U.Shelicopters texture wise.
  2. Chunder

    Release Date Set

    Not for International though guys your gonna have to wait for that hehe. oops new thread already. so much for this one.
  3. Chunder

    Latest screenshots available

    lol, that guy must be having signifiicant problems walking with that bloody thing on his side like that!
  4. Chunder

    Disable the scoreboard in Co-op

    Everytime somebody says 'oh it can be done by scripts' it forces out the other 75% of the people that have no interest in scripting at all. I have a busy life, I don't really want to learn a million and one 'scripts' I spose i've now got a vocal advocate status since this is my fourth post, but there are I suppose numerous variables that the host could use in how to display stats that go towards giving the option to the server host to discourage the use of their server by people just out to run the community down with infantile behaviour. I don't think that giving them any sort of recognition/boasting point helps at all (If the server doesn't want that sort of activity). Eventually they go off and find a server that does show their stats. Which is good for everyone.
  5. Chunder

    Disable the scoreboard in Co-op

    Thought I'd add a bit more here too. Discouraging cheating both by ingame and out of game functions is a big element in any online community. Discouraging it by taking away the honor board system or having the option to remove it is great. In Il2 there is a function whereby deathkick (e.g you die x amount of times you get kicked from game) It would be great that if you had a Spawn Kill Kick for people gunning down people within close proximity of their spawn point. A more reliable one would probably be within X many seconds of them spawning into game. "'X' killed 'X' as they spawned into the game" on the message board with an option to autokick them after X many repeats. Again, just an option, because systems always get abused.
  6. Chunder

    Disable the scoreboard in Co-op

    I think it's a pretty cool idea to be able to turn the scorebored on and off, evidently quite a few people here think so too! I agree even more with the option to turn off messages of 'X killed X' because you simply don't know if you have killed someone or not unless its blatantly obvious. Example Someone behind sandbags is shooting at you, you hit him, he falls over, you don't go over there if it says you killed him, but you continue to lob hand grenades in that direction until it says you have killed him. Its got nothing to do with having no scorebored, its got everything to do with having the ability to turn it off/the messages off. I get so sick and tired of the two highest scorers vying for 'supremacy' that encourages such attitudes. Cheats all have one thing in common, they want to reach the top and be recognised for it, which reflects on the scorebored. They want their name to come up all the time as having killed someone. Have the option available to be turned off so they don't have their satisfaction. More genuine people are interested in seing their aftergame performance anyrate... often in private It aint about disabling it alltogether, it's about the community deciding what they want to encourage in their game. I think its a fantastic Idea, probably one of the best ingame ideas for ArmA thats been put forward for multiplayer play!
  7. Chunder

    Disable the scoreboard in Co-op

    Theres something to be said about disabling the scoreboard in certain circumstances. However i've found people do like to see their own kill to death ratio.
  8. Chunder


    This topic has been done to death. I feel a Lock comming on.
  9. Chunder

    Breath Holding?

    No, With a small calibre there are areas that you are unlikely to get a kill on versus a bigger calibre. Hitting front skull on with a small calibre aint going to kill unless it hits a soft spot. WIth a heavy caliber its much more likely to fracture the skull.
  10. Chunder

    Breath Holding?

    I thought I would clarify it somewhat. Even if it is technically incorrect to hold at the bottom of the breath I use a measly .22 so not much recoil, depending on the situation there isn't time to take another one when your after composure. Yes there is some weapon sway due to hands some, the human arm isn't a precise shooting instrument if your a conscript, however if you are a trained person at shooting, there is a big difference. To explain this further, get a low (or even higher calibre) rifle shooter to try shooting with a bow and arrow. They can't hold it steady, yet a professional can hold it very steadily. Alternatively cuz it's such a small calibre I don't want to miss!!!! Thats why I hold my breath at whichever point when i'm in a hurry. To minimize the inaccuracies I know exist.
  11. Chunder

    Breath Holding?

    I do a bit of shooting, both when doing bushwalk *with a rifle*. Depends what sort of situation i'm in. I always try to shoot at the top or bottom of the breath except where fast reflexes are required. I think having a holding breath would be usefull, dependant on your physical exertion, although it would be complicated to model this in. But there is a certain olympic winter sport where exertion etc come into effect on the shooting. So I certainly support it. I don't think the pedantic conversations here which is more typical of 8 year olds bickering is warrented. Personally I hope that people that find it worthwhile to bicker so incessantly don't buy the game because their version of real is different from someone elses. Not going to stop me from enjoying the game!
  12. Chunder

    Wildlife & Civilians

    Hmmm, what about cows you know, the things island populations usually have so they have a meat and milk supply? What about fences to keep the animals in? I always found a strange thing in any so called war simulation, how vehecles can just drive over open countryside without any fences, rivers etc. Apparently the civilian population just 'live' Without any food supplies, no supermarket, no civilian trucks, no water supply, no fences to keep what they own in, no markets or factories, no building equipment, They would have to be the slackest islanders ever all living off social security, Least there will be wildlife even if it's implementation is dodge, I can just imagine sheep wandering aimlessly over open countryside and people thinking 'wow this game is real' General wildlife that fossics about at day is cool enough though. Kangaroos sleepp during the day and eat at morning and night Foxes are up at dusk through the night till early morning. Sheep and cows have fences to keep them in. Snakes are out in summer and usually only when it's hot enough. However wild goats and pigs deer as such could be cool enough.
  13. Chunder

    ArmAs Cover Art

    No doubt the publisher has a lot of well paid people that have got a lot of experience in marketing, possibly even higher education degrees, on what sells and what does not. No point telling BIS what to do, you might as well go bang your head against a brick all and expect it to move...
  14. Chunder

    ArmA Progress Updates

    It is a bit of a problem if on your official froum you still have stated the original h1 release date. Makes newcommers feel like the place is some forgotten back relic with cobwebs growing in the rafters, with a heap of pensioners inside talking feverishly about the comming of judgement day.
  15. Chunder

    trenches and taking cover

    I actually don't mind u doing so. I agree, all these tacticle warsim with their undestroyable bridges, or non existant rivers & streams I mean, you can do so much with streams. Farm lands are usually fenced off too! or at least everywhere where i have been.
  16. Chunder

    trenches and taking cover

    Thats what makes rivers and strems so cool, a natural network of trenches
  17. Chunder

    Close Quarters Combat

    Actually, I just changed my opinion, if there were hand combat, then we would get a mod to make swords, battle axes etc, where we can to a massed assault against enemy machine gun positions and tanks... lol
  18. Chunder

    Close Quarters Combat

    I tell you what is a dream, getting grueling knife simulated combat through western ratings system so you can actually sell it is a dream. get a grip. It means that anyone that can't get the game through legal means will opt to get it anyway. Which are the people that make up a substancial proportion of the market - the teenagers. I don't care about knife combat. To get it through the censors it will have to be made 'unrealistic' and then you will have the unrealistic moaners in here.
  19. Chunder

    Close Quarters Combat

    Close Quarters combat, if you don't already realise it, particularly the realism some people want it, has a good chance of adversely affect the rating of the game. Who may buy it etc. Conversely if they can't get the game through normal means... use your imagination in the rest
  20. Chunder

    Armed Assault Preview

    Was that really neccessary? New people come to these forums and read stuff like that, and form an impression about the gene pool of people who frequent thisforum!
  21. Chunder

    Prisoners ?

    on behalf of everyone who isn't an absolute gaming nut and doesn't know how to easily script in missions, I dissagree that making surrendering scripted is a good idea! Yet another feature those of us that don't have the time to mission script etc invariably miss out on. Surrendering for certain high profile figures that need to be captured still can be scripted Who cares on what to do with prisoners...
  22. Chunder

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I really wish in the armed assault packaging there were 1st class airfare tickets to the destination of your choice with $10,000.00 spending money.... return airfare of course.
  23. Chunder

    Latest screenshots available

    I dunno, the entire population of nogova must live off well water or something, and drag it up by buckets or something. Unless there are hidden pumps. Windmills would be cool enough I spose. Havn't seen one yet though.
  24. Chunder

    How realistic do you expect ArmA to be?

    nothin in particular is wrong with it, I'm just wondering what everyone will actually think when they play armed assault and their well reasoned arguments turn out not to be correct or not up to their expectations and the dissapointment that creates...
  25. Chunder

    How realistic do you expect ArmA to be?

    I hate to critisize, but this thread reaks of 'What question hasn't been asked yet so lets all guess at whats going to be' speculation + anyway.. Just My Opinion.