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Posts posted by Chunder

  1. I couldn't imagine a t shirt being of any use to me at all either.

    Somethings really anti social about wearing a shirt with soldiers staring down the barrel of a gun, especially with whats going on over the past few years. I'd never wear it out.

    Metal boxed for me protect the content within, all my other cardboard game boxes get trashed in no time.

  2. Hmm probably a bad description on my part.

    I'm pinned down, I could mark a location, but it could be any position say from say 350 degrees north through say 300 degrees north west, from a particular point.

    We know that he can't get a shot onto the area past these points, but say in this area that we know he is, there are a heap of rocks, and shrubs etc.

    Putting a heap of markers makes everything cluttered. And if you got a helicopter comming in to do a run it can make it even more difficult to tell him where to come in from. As people don't like comprehending words they like a ground map. Think of it as designating a pie 'slice' to look out for.

    Sometimes I wish i could remove my old markers from the map too which are no longer relevant.

    Eventually I do manage to track down a sniper. But the thread is intended more of, do you have problems with this as well, and are there some tools that could be made that are perfectly okay which would help people more describing their situations on the battlefield via the map view.

  3. Yeah, but my problem is, often I havn't any idea where the sniper is, except for a general location because I don't have a high powered rifle scope, while the sniper knows where I am, and can fire, which means I'm not popping my head back out anytime soon!

    And often there are no Binoculars available!

  4. Hi all.

    Been getting back into the Armed Assault business again. And reliving my old problems as before. Designating to my team mates where I beleive a sniper is.

    I might even be unawhere if there is a solution to this problem.

    Problem is I mark an area with a placemark, but it's relitively inaccurate, Doesn't tell much. I can pop my head out from behind an object, to be fired on by a sniper, who could only possibly fire on me from a location where he can see me.

    Accurately describing this to team mates has been a major problem for me for ages.

    I was wondering if there was a want for a tool where you could scribe a line on the map for your team mates to see, showing the line behind which you beleive the sniper was firing from. <edit>Or any other solutions that are existant because I find the place mark not descriptive enough. <edit>


  5. Ever since I've downloaded the demo and seen the adverts for the beer, it's been making me smirk somewhat.

    I havn't asked any other Aussies yet, but I think we're all find it somewhat amusing. I wonder what the story is behind the name.

    For all those who don't live in Australia, this is what a Bogan is...



    Essentially a bogan is a stereotype like an American 'Hick', or otherwise. Gets around in flanallette shirts, thinks mullets rock, Drinks a particular style beer and drives a particular model of car that they think are the pinnacle of automotive excellence.

    If any of you have a third party downloader, look up 'nobody likes a bogan', or 'Bloke - by Chris Franklin'

    You'll soon get the idea


  6. Can't find this anywhere

    when I go into team play i pick my role and go into the game, often i get shot as soon as i enter the map.

    I am then returned to the map screen, often unable to select a role nor a base to spawn at. whats more i can't escape out of the game which means i have to alt tab out and force close armed assault from windows and restart it.

    can't ask anyone whilst in there either cuz it doesn't permit typing at that screen?

  7. Can't find this anywhere

    when I go into team play i pick my role and go into the game, often i get shot as soon as i enter the map.

    I am then returned to the map screen, often unable to select a role nor a base to spawn at. whats more i can't escape out of the game which means i have to alt tab out and force close armed assault from windows and restart it.

    can't ask anyone whilst in there either cuz it doesn't permit typing at that screen?

  8. Yea... this demo is of version 1.03 its contains more of the lates developments than teh reall game since you sill haven goten 1.03 patch, and this game its pretty crappy.... and like i said the soldiers aft like fags and not soldiers the viehcles are so crappy especialy the helicopters if u turn them to teh side a litle they start roling...etc thers plent wrong with this game but you just dont want to see it...

    Just tell me WHAT THE HELL IS THAT...


    When are you moderators going to ban people that continually use offensive language. Some parents do not appreciate their children frequenting these forums, and won't be buying the game for their children if they are aware this is the sort of stuff allowed in Official forums?

    Don't want my nephew asking me what a 'Fag' is or 'WTF' means thank-you-very-much!

    Grow up or get off the forum.

  9. Its much more likely to do with a technicality. An Agreements probably been signed, and It's subject to 505's own publishing criteria.

    But this is probably the only place to vent frustration. Which is more or less futile so there's no point bothering.

    *remembers the people speculating during January & February this year that it wouldn't be out in H1, but between Jan & Feb 2007*

    Eitherway I'm sure 505 are aware of the chrismas rush etc but They obviously have their own reasons.

  10. Actually I think a discount for TIR4 has some merit... SIMHQ.com had one for TIR for several months.

    Natural point has got a monopology on the product so it charges too - however mass publicity going out in a SE game pack means that many more gamers using, and recommending it's product.

    The fact Natural point in the U.S doesn't offer a more reasonable pricing is why I don't buy it, because once I go through all the bloody hastle of getting it shipped to australia it just aint worth it!

    It's just a slip of paper or whatever, if you don't want it, throw it in the bin with the wrapping paper, you can't say thats something you can't do?

  11. I wouldn't mind a promo deal teed up with 505 and TIR e.g. buy ArmA and get a coupon for TIR included.

    Perhaps a little booklet with the capabilities of the various vehecles or a tactics book.

    Perhaps a extras cd which details the basics of how to skin and how to make new models for those of us that find it really complicated to get into that sorta stuff but would like the option of one day being able to.

    Perhaps including some of the other background themes / menu music that BIS had a toss up on what to use for ArmA, with instructions on how to use. For customising menu's.

    It wouldn't make any difference to me but i spose some of the guys whith black cases would like a glow in the dark armA sticker for their rigs LOL.

    commemorative ArmA pin for us older guys, I dunno... something for me to pin onto my beret thats subtle. Sahrani Flag or North Sahrani Flag. Something cool.

    Edit: I'm really up for Red Kites idea of a topographical map for North Sahrani.

    Just a few ideas!

  12. For me waiting until Feb next year means the start of a new semester of Study and work.

    I'll probably buy someone elses game over the break and get into that, and hope i don't get bored or otherwise of the concept of ArmA, Probably not, but won't have anywhere near as much time to play it over the summer holidays (Southern Hemisphere: Australia)

  13. It's based on what people think specifically not debating on the merits of the thread or inclusion into anything. Heck for we know they might think 'hey it sounds cool' and include it later on, or someone else will pick it up and try it. It's based on havin fun and fun only!

    Some sort of Comedy stuff would be pretty cool. I Remember the Beavis and Butthead CTF theme it was so hilarious I couldn't play because I was in stitches.

  14. Please stop the childish bickering else I will indeed be forced to ban people, this thread is for discussing screenshots, not flaming, not trolling, not spamming, but discussing screenshots like the mature adults you should all be.

    In the latest build the finger indeed animates when firing, can you all get back on track now please?

    Hahahaha Priceless quote of the year!

    sound like the disgruntled parent who has just interferred with an irrational argument of your kids.

    Thats going in my sig lol

  15. I would have thought marines arriving would have meant some more bell utility helicopters and amphib vehecles, but I havn't much doubt that there is a beleivable scenario as mentioned - honestly I think if they have spent this long on the series they are well aware of what exists not to mention a reason as to why.

    Who really cares anyrate, there are going to be so many campaigns with new vehecles There is undoubtably going to be new units and story lines released.

  16. Whilst it's okay to say they need to be more dynamic, actually modelling them to be so is very hard to do. I hope we don't get into a realism debate about smoke and fire effects, sure its great to have variations, but it's been a fantastic effort in the improvement in the effects already.

    I like what I see, I spose most people here too, with a release date now set at least somewhere, we should be 'nudging' areas that increase immersion that dev's might have missed, we already know that they are likely to be tying up loose ends in other areas.
