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Everything posted by Cigol

  1. Same here (although I didn't have to use a translator as the site is able to be put into English mode if you edit the url); Hello, We're pleased to confirm your purchase of Armed Assault 2 - ALLEMAND. our download links and activation key are below letting you download and install your game. Please keep this email safe as it contains information related to your order that you may need in the future. Our security procedure forces us to put your account on hold until security checks can be made. Please excuse us for the inconvenience, you'll receive your key in the next 8 hours. You can contact us at the following address : checkaccount@metaboli.co.uk but don't forget to include your order number. I've downloaded the game, extracted it and am still waiting for the CD-KEY. I've sent two emails to two different addresses and the only response I've gotten is an automated 'hello' from the .de address.
  2. From what I've read, no, you will have to download a modification (which is frowned upon here) that changes the text. I think later patches will add in different language options but don't hold me to that.
  3. Yeah I've already downloaded and currently extracting the game, the problem is I didn't receive any key.
  4. How long do you have to wait for the CD-KEY from Metaboli? And when will I learn impulse purchases are not good :(
  5. You can change the language on that site by clicking the german flag, then when the page reloads edit the address bar to =en instead of =de
  6. PMC's actually exist? I thought they were a made up entity in Metal Gear Solid 4
  7. Basically if the offending mods are installed the loading bar will proceed to the last two bits and then instantly crash with the generic windows XP program error alert. Take them out and it will load up. Speaking specifically of NWD_ballistics, 'trueview' (which increases the range ai can see the enemy, 'sharper recoil' and many others. There doesn't seem to be any logic (from a non modders) perspective either - and it's very frustrating. Can someone shed some light as to why many other addons work (the DM effects, CSM sound etc) whilst these others do not (for me!?
  8. Cigol

    Lowplants v1.1

    I have Queens Gambit (I think - Armed Assault Gold?)and still get the error?
  9. Cigol

    Evolution - Single Player

    Much appreciated. Incidentally, using your mission statement I got the hang of getting some points on the table. It's amazing what can happen with a little point in the right direction! :O
  10. Cigol

    Evolution - Single Player

    I'd like to know what strategy you used because it seems impossible to do it on your own. After 4, or 5 shots the enemy hones in on your position and you're toast Great mission though, thanks a lot. - Doesn't use your urban patrol script at a glance in the editor. Would it be possible to implement, would it be worthwhile (or is there an equivalent in place already?) - Is it possible to make the weather placement/direction somewhat random? - What about some Friendly AI attacks to simulate the other human players on a coop server (make it feel less like everyone is just waiting for you). I don't know anything about mission making or scripting beyond drag and drop so I don't know how difficult that would be to implement (I imagine; ) - but might be nice to spawn some friendly AI squad to assist in seek and destroy that you're not control of.
  11. I'm getting the problem on my NVidia setup with 2GB of System RAM and 512MB of Video RAM. I'll try the command-line setting for the time being but I wonder how extensive the testing by those vouching for it has been. I've noticed the crash isn't consistent. Sometimes I can play for hours, sometimes ten, maybe twenty minutes. To my naked eye (and from my perspective) there's no consistent thread to string the crashes together either?