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Everything posted by CaptainPanick

  1. CaptainPanick

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Many game producers seems to be awefully quite before E3 and then when E3 arrives it's a huge buzz. Lets hope its the same with BI.
  2. CaptainPanick

    ArmA Progress Updates

    From the 9'th of May to the 12'th. The expo itself will be from the 10'th to the 12'th. Maybe they'll show us something there? I hope they do!
  3. CaptainPanick

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I think I'm starting to show signs of mental instability problems from waiting so many years for the follow up of Operation Flashpoint. I just wish they would give us something to ease the pain... A demo, or a nice big preview with many screens, or a deadline, or something. I'm pulling my hair out and I don't have many left after waiting for what seems to be 150 years. Or, they can send the game to me for beta testing, that would be nice of them. Support the fans I say. If I were a big distributor/publisher I would publish the game for them for free! Please let this not be another Duke Nukem Forenever game!