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About Celt

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  1. Basically I want to start OFP running the Nogova Island, as it is my favorite. How do I edit the target line to make OFP start with the island Nogova? I tried adding -map=noe, -map=nogova, -island=noe, and -island=nogova. this is my current target line: "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nomap -nosplash -mod=res;dxdll
  2. Celt

    Operation Code Blue release

    This is true, but I'm sick of seeing hundreds of half-baked addons using hacked together custom Counter-Strike models. I am myself a modeller, and this kind of shoddy craftsmanship demonstrates a high degree of negligence and apathy.
  3. Celt

    Operation Code Blue release

    You need to mirror the M16A4 model and fix the skin misallignments.
  4. Celt

    Error During Resistance Campaign

    Thanks, I'll try that.
  5. Celt

    Vote for jumping?

    You are no more likely to jump in a combat situation then you would be to stand on your head. Jumping is just a throwback from Quake; something to make game design simpler over the years. There is no reason to jump in a game like OFP. America's Army has jumping. It's not necessary for any of the maps, and it is simply exploited in multiplayer.
  6. I'm a bit new to Operation Flashpoint (and new to this board); I've only been playing for about a year now, but I play online with a group of friends and we use a lot of different addons and mods such as FFUR and Y2K3. Recently, I believe I've completed the Resistance campaign, however upon completion of the firefight mission in the desert, I get an error which reads, "Cannot load mission, missing addon MFCTI11." If it would be helpful, I could make a list of all addons i currently have installed. This doesn't seem to make sense, as I never downloaded the Capture the Island Mod, nor am I running any mods while playing the singleplayer campaign. Â I imagine reinstalling Operation Flashpoint would fix the problem, but I don't want to lose my campaign data and all the missions I've made. A) Are there any quick fixes to this error (is it well known or obscure)? B) If I do have to reinstall, how can I copy over my current campaign data to a fresh installation?