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Everything posted by Crankep

  1. Crankep

    Game vid 'Music'.

    I'm beginning to hate the Themes from "The Rock" + Tom Clany Movies etc etc ´STOP USING THEM! The music in Zodiac sucked. And the story was ok but badly done. The footage etc itself was very good.
  2. Crankep

    Multiplayer potential

    The connection is more important than server specs. A high upload rate is the important bit.
  3. Crankep

    Info for Multiplayer Newbies

    You can get 100MBit connection if you live in cities here. Not shared by anyone else that you and the people who might live in your house / apartment. At some places you can even get 1Gbit. I have a 24Mbit connection which gives me 1.8MB down and 260KB up.