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    Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

    Thanks for reporting this Blueflight and Commando84, that is due to the proximity check in the attack script of the zombies, i will include a check if the human is inside a vehicle to prevent that issue in the next update. @Quitman. I could use an array for that, the problem is that already there is huge arrays being used for the whole thing, so with each new array being added the whole thing will get slower unfortunately.
  2. You don't understand what i mean, the watchtower's geometry itself is causing the trouble, it is not directly in the way but the edges of it are surrounding the unit in the tower, causing the bug comparable to the old OFP/Arma sandbag bug. Do a search for it. I am afraid there is nothing that you can do about it except wait for the tools and create your own watchtower with the correct geometry LOD.
  3. It really sounds like a problem with the model of the tower then, the engine has problems finding a line of fire internally although you have clean visual sight. Might be a little inaccuracy in the intersection algorithm used by ArmA, it seems as if the engine only checks if there is an object between the units to fire upon each other, but not if the units could fire above that object, so the z component is maybe not taken into account. Who knows except BIS, anyway too bad it doesnt work for your mission.