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Posts posted by CameronMcDonald

  1. Anyone spoken to him? I want these BAD, eh.

    EDIT - Do the regulars have this gear as well, or just the Airbornes/SpecOps? I hope the regulars do, I'll throw them on my 1st infantry dudes asap.

    EDIT #2 - And if he's still waiting for HYK's approval, he'll be waiting another decade - that bloke doesn't answer anyone's emails... grumble, grumble, tried myself once.

  2. Heh, I kinda agree with the knife comment. And a bus looks a tad out of place just sitting on the base of a mountain.

    But hey, will Barracken be on this island? Just wondering whether it'll be good to use for misssssion making.

  3. I like it, the leaf stuff is extra good. 1 annoying thing - seems like the storm clouds are a bit too blue for their own good. Might just be my settings, though. Excellent work!

    And akd - I get that problem too, though without this addon. It seems to happen to me when I fly really high with a plane. I think it's an engine limitation, not due to this addon.

  4. PLEASE, put Barracken on that island, please please please!  notworthy.gif

    Oh, and how big is it? I've been waiting for a new island for sooooo long... please put Baracken on it! I'll be your best Aussie friend! whistle.gif

  5. Thanks AGSmith, nice stuff.

    Radek - good job with the US soldiers. Once you've added shadows they'll be near perfect. Just remember to add shadows! I can't stand addons without shadows! Loving the new heads, too. Kudos, comrade.

    Oh, and don't forget to add LSR's seals to requiredaddons in your configs. I can run them without it, but the machinegunner gets nice white machinegun ammo boxes! biggrin_o.gif
