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Everything posted by CameronMcDonald

  1. CameronMcDonald

    US Army ditches digital camo scheme. Will Arma 3 follow suit?

    UCP-D was flawless, no idea why it wasn't instantly adopted. /lulz
  2. CameronMcDonald

    COOP 10 Chernarus Apocalypse, part one

    I too have this one locked in my scenarios folder for when I get a spare 10 minutes. Still shit myself trying to creep through the forest.
  3. CameronMcDonald

    Iranian Call of Duty? - Persian Gulf Warriors!

    Yeah, I'd be down for that... provided the Russians actually use their own weapons this time and not some hodgepodge of pretty much every weapon known to man just so the player gets to pick and choose.
  4. I take absolutely no responsibility for the hair you may lose, but I believe that's correct. :) Good luck!
  5. CameronMcDonald

    COWarMod Release

    Seems fine with the lite version of either. :)
  6. I've tried this in the past - I used to be able to do it for OFP installs, but you'd need to doctor a few registry entries. I don't think I had any luck with A1 or A2. The DLCs are all pretty much just PBO files, so you can copy them straight, however for A2 and OA, I would be thinking that a fresh install be in order just in case.
  7. CameronMcDonald

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    lol pufu u mad sli nevoar werx 5 minutes of ArmA 2.
  8. CameronMcDonald

    TPWC AI suppression system

    With regards to this script breaking scripted setunitpos (as opposed to commanded setunitpos), couldn't you include a line similar to: _priorstance = unitpos _unit ...before commencing stance change (in the "If unit stance is unsuppressed" area of the SQF), then simply: _unit setunitpos _priorstance Of course, note that this won't work, you'll need to check the string, I just put it here for argument's sake. Using unitpos has the added advantage in that it only ever returns something besides "auto" if the unit has been given a setunitpos scripting command (via init or otherwise). And then voila - units that have been told to stand up or kneel behind cover will eventually return to their starting stances when able to fire/unsuppressed. An example of usage - troops firing over sandbags or the lip of a roof.
  9. CameronMcDonald

    COWarMod Release

    Overtly, my addon doesn't conflict with any of these (i.e. no script errors or .RPT problems). Covertly: - My addon doesn't conflict with either BD_MultiGunFix or FNC_Ballistics_Vehicles. - I've had a look through TPW's addon to see exactly what would be knocked out by my addon. I am confident that the vast majority of TPW's fixes, if not all of them, are not overwritten while using his and my addon together (TPW's addon mostly concerns itself with adding optics modes and fixing zeroing issues - all my addon intends to do is overwrite weapons and ammo classes).
  10. CameronMcDonald

    TPWC AI suppression system

    Might transplant it in and have a go this afternoon.
  11. CameronMcDonald

    NVIDIA Graphic bug since driver....

    Yep, that's forced AO causing you trouble there.
  12. CameronMcDonald

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Agree with all of the above - I imagine we can see OPFOR exerting a substantial overmatch on BLUFOR in the SP campaign, however, balance is something that should be considered by mission author rather than artificially introduced.
  13. CameronMcDonald

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Welcome to the forums. The Mi48 is a fictional helicopter, basically an Mi28 with a Hind-esque cargo bay.
  14. CameronMcDonald

    Single player mod

    ACE is pretty good for SP, I use it all the time. Also look at ASR's AI improvements and tpw/SaOk's LOS addon for starters.
  15. CameronMcDonald

    Ai suppression script help

    Yeah, I think I'm overcomplicating things. The system, as it is, is fine, and if you're making it work in conjunction with ASR then even better. :)
  16. CameronMcDonald

    Ai suppression script help

    I'm referring to a unit's inherent resistance to suppression - for example, you'd expect a civilian to be much more susceptible to suppression than a seasoned Spetsnatz brute, regardless of skill level. At the moment, both of these units react to suppression exactly the same if they have the same skill level. In a perfect world, mission editors would go through and alter the skill level of every unit manually to reflect military training, experience, etc, but this doesn't always happen.
  17. CameronMcDonald

    Ai suppression script help

    Perhaps something else to consider would be unit resistance to suppression (i.e. SF), but this may be moving too far into Robalo territory.
  18. Nice stuff, ZK - any chance of seeing an addon variant of a hopefully combined effort (i.e. your work and tpw's)?
  19. CameronMcDonald

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Protip for all would be "community wishlist" posters. Kindly cease using the following words: Because a very very large proportion of the drivel going into that godforsaken thread is nothing that I would ever agree with, and I refuse to be part of your most likely 1-man "we" consensus.
  20. CameronMcDonald

    Will Arma 3 be better optimized

    But it'd be fucking awesome if you could. :D
  21. CameronMcDonald

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    And this is why BIS >>> other devs.
  22. CameronMcDonald

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    Good to see some common sense around this part of the forums for a change. Anyone upgrading now risks srs disappointment.