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About CLeck

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. CLeck

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    haha, i love how the single most used frase after " " Is "Shove it up your arse" - come up with something constructive for christs sakes. lagfest? i agree that ocean island is good if your sitting on a machine with 64mb ram and a 450mhz pc... but i havent seen one of those since senior high, why the hell does people even play ofp if they cant handle nogovas intro without lag?! Ofp is made for large areas with multiple of objects, if you cant handle that - shove your computer up your arse. And no mr.administrator - this is not flamebaiting, this is a simple forumconversation. "Bohohuhu, something bad *Could* happen!" - bite me
  2. CLeck

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    Haha, god... if you even knew of an island named "texico" that's allready done - you would see how (no hard feelins papy) shitty ocean island is, i mean god.. i could have made an better island within 10 minutes And for all you crybabies out there who just can't admit that im right, dont even bother with your replies on this one - i wont be reading them. As someone stated before, ocean island isnt good for any longlasting missions, once you tried it in the editor you have allready done what can be done with the island, so lame with a "highway" that runs 100m to one single airbase or whatever - what a waste of asphalt... Tip: papy, do something good, start over - soften the edges on the map and plant trees around the forest so that it doesn't just apear out of nowhere!
  3. CLeck


    Is there a way to speak via headsets using only ofp? I found Voicesettings in the prefferences - why should there not be a way to use mic if there is a voicesetup?
  4. CLeck

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Make ammocrates.
  5. CLeck

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    this is by far the most retarded addon ever published. Ocean island isnt even a city, looks more like you tried to make your first map and this is what turned up when you where done testing wrptool.
  6. many addons is too large, and because of their size they tend to fail on some surfaces.. im mmaking a large building and i want to know how big objects can be with working collision detecttion.. is it the grids size? i want to know cuz then i have to cut the building in piezes and assemble it in wrp again.
  7. How do i do that? i once textured this box, and after a while i textured it again with another texture, but after saving and trowed in it into ofp the first texture is the only one there..
  8. CLeck

    Texture problem

    That's normal, Oxygen cannot load more than 1 texture in the same view screen at any given time. If you want an advanced texturing application than buy 3DSMAX, or pray that you will magicly be awarded with Oxygen Full (the chance for that is zero), so better get used to this kind of texturing What texturing? i havent been able to fucking texture at all, that is what this whole damn mess is about!
  9. CLeck

    Texture problem

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. CLeck

    Texture problem

  11. CLeck

    Texture problem

  12. CLeck

    Texture problem

    lets try the OTHER SIDE OF THE BOX! YES?!
  13. CLeck

    Texture problem

    Ooh! look how nice it looks in buldozer!
  14. CLeck

    Texture problem

    And ad a texture!
  15. CLeck

    Texture problem

    Lets make a texture-selection!