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About Cadian

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    OFP<br>Warhammer <br>Rugby<br>Music
  1. Cadian

    Nogovan Light Infantry BETA Release

    Thats some seriously nice work there. But as Imshi-Yallah was saying, have the option to drop bergens. (similar to the BLB SAS pack) They wouldnt really have bergens that much if they are only operating on Nogova itself, probably a large patrol pack containging 3 days rations, MG ammunition and radio batteries. Can I suggest a few things: -Officers are the same in all respects to the soldiers, except a badge of rank on the helmet/sleeves. In most armies they all look alike to avoid snipers from just picking out officers beacuse of their headgear. -SAS: Radios are a must have. PRR sets at the very least. Same for officers, they would have PRR sets as well. -Also for the reservists, equip them with the same equipment that the regs carry. Like the British TA. You can't tell the diffrerence if you stood one next ot the other. -An army like Nogova would have a very active marine wing, as it is an island. Might be an idea to replace paras with marine units, more realistic. If there's anything else I'll pipe up at some point.
  2. Cadian


    Very nice work from the pics on OFP.info, looking forward to bringing the Emperopr's Justice to the xenos. heh. But seriously, very nice work guys.
  3. Cadian


    Very nice work from the pics on OFP.info, looking forward to bringing the Emperopr's Justice to the xenos. heh. But seriously, very nice work guys.
  4. Cadian

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    the first in an installment following an SAS patol in afganistan  The Insertion Addons: BLB UK SAS       Footmunch's Merlin       Dxdll       Afghan Everon       Laser's US weapons
  5. Cadian

    Last Tango in Vietnam

    looking very good. Â you might want to update the soldier positions a bit, they look a bit automoton ish, but its just a sugestion.
  6. Cadian

    British SAS Anti Terror Pack

    Are these guys going to have the FIBUA kit by any chance? Are you including the guy with the helmet int the pack? if so, he isnt SAS, they dont wear helmets during seiges, they might do if they were on standered operations though (and even then it would be the army standard issue) Thats my two pence
  7. Hello. I have allready searched this forum for anything concerning this but have come up with nothing. I want to add a sound file to a mission im making. the file is .WMV and has allready been created. please help. Cadian
  8. Cadian

    Falklands mod progress

    really nice work. wish i could do that well.
  9. Cadian

    Fixing Vehicles

    pobably, but it will require lots of scripting (or you could give soldiers the repair truck scripts)