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Posts posted by Cibit

  1. FIXED

    Terox rewrote the paradrop script.

    Final version uploaded and tested. Ready for Sunday night. Please try and make it so we have full groups and possibly (og and mike) some real opposition in the 2 playable REDFOR slots welcome.gif

  2. Hi Nick,

    nice map. I have just transfered one of my Company sized missions onto your island with playable results.

    414 units with FPS of between 14-35 on a 6600, 2Gb RAM and a 8800GTX.

    SetTerraingrid 50; // reduces grass to allow for an increase in FPS and better visibility for firefights whistle.gif



    Obviously you have to live without grass and loose some units but a compromise nontheless smile_o.gif

    Keep up the good work mate

  3. Yeah, I enjoyed it till a random reboot left me with no time to reconnect banghead.gif

    I hope we can do the port with leaders with good conections on Thursday and give it a more tactical feel.

    I was pleased with how it did play as I feared East had too much firepower although Inq Bedlam and Simon may disagree. IMO it is nicely balanced now smile_o.gif

    Be nice to see og try to regain the World Heavyweight Championship soon notworthy.gif

  4. Agreed about the nights gaming It was PISH

    People have to be prepared to take a go at leading because it is unfair to expect the same guys to do it week in week out.

    As admin it is not realistic to be expected to lead anything larger than a squad. Also the people who discoed because of the reassign, the reassign was done to keep the numbers up to the number needed to play this mission. Loosing people after the reassign was just bollocks. WE DO NOT HAVE THE CO-OP MISSIONS TO PLAY WITH SUCH NUMBERS WITHOUT LAG AND DESYNC.

    You want more co-op missions then make them. I spent hours this week getting The Port ready to play, Lag and Fog free.

    Hope in future you look at the whole picture and not just a 5 minute wait for a reassign.

    END OF RANT confused_o.gif

  5. The Port is now completed yay.gif

    West forces have 2 infantry platoons + mechanised support and the SF team with MK19 GL. They also have 2 additional objectives, the two hills overlooking the port have to be taken first.

    East now has a BMD3 and an MTLB along with 4x M46 field guns.

    Oh yeah and Celery I put the bus back in rofl.gif

    I have updated the recon photo and rewritten the briefing


    Feedback as ever will be completely ignored nener.gif

  6. Ok to attempt to stop everyone playing SP ArmA on Thursday night all players will be entitled to a free pint of beer and a box of belgian chocolate biggrin_o.gif

    Also a new revamped THE PORT will be unveiled; free from fog and including some little surprises courtesy of COC arty rofl.gif

    An all new West line up and some small compensations for the East forces pistols.gif

    And for all you geeks collecting my recon photo "series" a new one is out this Thursday so come on down for some wholesome fun welcome.gif

  7. Apologies for the fog it is a part of Tx weather script and I cannot find out how to change the params.

    I think when I resolve the issue west will no longer have it all their own way and og will be back to what he does best...........winning pistols.gif

    So keep the faith brothers I hope to revamp both Blue Quartz II and The Port for Thursday night.

    Looz I will consider the best option to replace the M113's but M2A2's would be too powerful by far wow_o.gif How would you like some COC mortar support instead icon_rolleyes.gif

  8. Exellent gaming tonight and a big thank you guys for playing your part. The sex during the first co-op (provided by my missus in lingerie) was pretty good too. Sorry Eizen Soldat for leaving you for 20 mins wow_o.gif

    Looz your plan to outfox og was inspired and I am happy to say that when you bought the farm I was left to continue the operation and lead our forces to total victory over the soviet scum.

    Are you reading this Jinef ?? og finally defeated by loozy yay.gif

  9. Personally I prefer the RPG 7VL it is an awesome bit of kit and even given the wgl aim is still probably the best anti armour weapon in the soviet arsenal :pistols:And I can hit stuff at 500m nener.gif

    RE my "stash";

    for those who may be worried about illicit drug taking in the flashpoint community was of course my migraine pills wink_o.gif

    BTW Celery who's picture did you rip off in your BIS profile some male model inlove.gif

  10. Nice A&D last night congrats Celery and Dethleffs smile_o.gif and I actually led my troops to victory whistle.gif

    And BTW to add to the Hooman Poonzrz debate I will just say one thing..............

    ..........My AI is harder than yours tounge2.gif
