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Everything posted by Cibit

  1. Cibit

    CiA co-op night

    Thanks for the games guys I really enjoyed it 1 premature death and 1 CTD was par for the course but I enjoyed the first mission a lot. If I was a bit reticent on TS when leading it was just because I am new to your server and I particularly did not want to cause an upset
  2. Cibit

    CiA co-op night

    This is getting quite sad. I really wanted to pop onto CIA server and play a co-op to sample another side of co-operative play. For me it is all about the ofp experience. I wonder how welcome I will be now? I guess I could expect this sort of behaviour if it was an ECL clan that spawn camped the entire match or some other such nonsense, but for the life of me I cannot see why it degenerated to this level of vitriol. We all play co-ops we all love the game and we all belong to the same species.(most of us anyway ) Lets build some bridges instead of going on about stuff that is imaterial, immature and will not even matter in 100 years time
  3. Cibit

    CiA co-op night

    Well I have to say that although I am a zeus regular I don't assume that the way we do things is the way everyone should do it. Different folks etc.Nuff said However as the end approaches and less people play our wonderful game I think we need to think about playing together sometimes, not as a percieved grudge match (I am sure most of us are co-op freaks anyway) but working together especially in some of these rather expanded fdf missions. 2 squads 1 objective Alpha squad=CIA Bravo squad=Zeus 2 different TS channels with a whisper set up for squad leaders. Hell I may even knock up some missions to that end. Just my thoughts on the subject more players=more fun BTW MetalG and any others your always more than welcome to pop by for a co-op
  4. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Just an update to this post. Some nice new missions produced lately for your delictation including some pretty large scale jobs. Feel free to drop by