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Everything posted by Cibit

  1. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi Hitman nice to see you mate We will be running WGL5.0 February 6th edition along with Zcommon pack which includes some islands mapfact and baracken addons that sort of thing http://www.ofp-zeus.com/download/wgl_beta_06-02-05@wgl5.rar http://www.ofp-zeus.com/download/zcommon.rar Zcommon is 114mb and wgl5 is a similar size Hope to see you on Thursday, we have a new co-op to try out with 38 playable slots in a platoon assault stylee We also have some PVP co-op type missions to have a go at too
  2. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Nice pics Ryan I am currently making a 3 way WGL5 A&D on Holstien. 3 sides East attack West attack Res defends The mission objective is to capture and take control of a radar station. It will be Platoon size "armies" East and West will be inserted by boat at different locations Any one want anything added specifically please post here :arrow: I hope there will be a beta test of this mission on Thursday night so we need a minimum of 12 ppl..................so please bring a friend
  3. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Bollocks U discoed to save the ignomy of being Pwned by CibZor the PwnZor otherwise known as delt4M4rine L33tzorZ
  4. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Big thanks to all the ppl who took part in last nights gaming it was a very good sesion with 40 players on te server which seemed to be the limit. If anyone has any suggestions how to make it even better please post and we may do something similar soon Sorry for admin too he was a noob who had very little sleep and the attention span of a goldfish @Kaka sorry I never saw your posts and PM till this morning, I promise to give you a shout when next we play and we can give it a good test. The mission is on te server
  5. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    If we mentioned the Khazak Guards it may frighten off ppl of a nervous disposition Remember the noob who's head you used for camel polo No offence of course Cheesy
  6. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    OK listen up big PvP on thursday of this week. ] Hopefully GWG BEF and Zeus plus some others will be playing some big maps on Zeus Addon running FDF 1.4 Teamspeak IP is Server Ip
  7. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Saturday saw another good night of zeus pvp with some real tactical thinking on such fantastic maps as Hexenkessel deluxe, real paintball and my favourite Hexenkessel nogova 3.0 Can anyone convert Anderson DM for wgl5 Actually it was a real blast. with the zeus server down we enjoyed Erppas hospitality again and boy what a nostalgia trip it was
  8. Nice work Fer, I uploaded the wgl missions last night and had a quick run through the 10 player version. Thursday being more of a co-op night we did not get really stuck in but I imagine saturday night we will give it a workout. On the plus side the mission loaded with no errors played without any lag and looked very polished. Thanks for your trouble Bad boy Jinef I saw this post last night at 20.45gmt U mentioned letting me know
  9. Cibit

    The Iraq thread 4

    Off topic sorry...................Walker u old fruit long time no speak, U too busy to pop by and see all yor zeus friends Some real nice big platoon and company size co-ops now using WGL 5.0 come over and see us BTW our Ip changed
  10. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Big thanks to all for the good gaming last night Apologies for the repeated reassigns The more ppl on the server the more chance of disco's, coffee on the keyboard, cannot_map' ETC so thanks for the patience Hope to see you on Thursday
  11. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi Kaka, sorry you never got a reply before now Our stand-by server belongs to a zeus member and is private. If the zeus server is down in future we have a small room on RAAB ts server. Find us there. Or feel free to add me to your MSN list Hope this helps Cibit. BTW the server will be running WGL5.0 when it is back up. This will allow some final beta testing before the public release ^LOL mr cheese
  12. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    If I can get it finished in time I have a beta PvP which may prove interesting. Come along anyway peeps fun starts 20.00ish
  13. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Nm methinks I shall turn the tables and go OC I will kick your asses nice games though BTW
  14. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi M8, If you want to pass your mission on to me I will try to help failing that I will enlist Terox or Jinef to help out. Try to pop along we will be starting in 15mins or so from this post. check out Zeus website for any addon info and TS and server ip
  15. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    New improved Drug Raid 2 is now available for a test run with as many people as I can find. After the successful outcome of the mission on Skye we now find ourselves with another drug factory on Trinity to destroy before more heroin reaches our shores. If you feel strongly about keeping our kids free from drugs and put a dent in the terrorists bank account come along to Errpas server on Thursday night..................full details on the home page http://www.ofp-zeus.com/nuke/ Full version of WGLZ and Zeus common needed. Mission start time 20.00ish
  16. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Sounds like |John "looz" Wayne
  17. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hats off to Jinef as OC in the successfully executed Drug raid, especially as we lost Charlie squad before the start.............must make it harder
  18. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi Cain, pretty much we call them co-op nights but if enough ppl are available it can turn into a PVP co-op which have been mentioned earlier in this thread. U know how fun |PVP can be in ECL etc but this really takes it to the next level IMHO. The planning and execution of the planning to a successful outcome is bloody good gaming and more tactical than owning flag three all game or whatever is needed in a match scenario
  19. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Very nicely put J this could even be renamed the Zeus creed
  20. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Nice one pablo......................thought this thread needed a bump
  21. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hope every one had fun saturday night once it all kicked off C U Thursday night
  22. Cibit

    CiA co-op night

    Hi guys really enjoyed the games last night, unfortunately I suddenly felt real ill and ended up puking which was the reason I left so abrubtly Must have eaten something dodgy C U soon though thx
  23. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    We have regular co-op nights on Saturdays and Thursdays All are welcome but we do hope you have the correct addons before you connect. Please check our help thread for info http://www.ofp-zeus.com/nuke....9d08fdc If you wish to arrange some serious gaming then PM or MSN me or one of the other admins before the night you want to play
  24. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    i have played on zeus; i just didn't want to completely pull the rug out from under his feet. J/King there Pablo We always like to have ppl take the lead because we are all lazy B's On a more serious note the hardest part about leading is getting the players being led to do what you need, when you need it. Some of my most successful missions, where I have taken lead, I have appointed a sergeant major type, generally the Baron, to make sure orders are understood and carried out. If I want a line formed it is no good if 3 of your squad is 50 meters in front regards Cibit
  25. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    No m8 you never played on our server we are a dictatorship