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Everything posted by Cibit

  1. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Needs a Time limit for all those who where killed first/early My group had 3 players in it and 1 possible respawn. Some groups had 1 playable slot and 11 respawns. It needs to be more balanced in that respect.(IMO) was fun though. I am not sure who it was but some dude on hill175 was looking over the top towards domensk and I Pwned him with a head shot from 5 meters which was nice!! BTW who was the creator of this mission??
  2. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    The chopper went down and killed the passengers. When the dead body removal script runs there are rucks left in their place which has been a bug for as long as I can remember from my WGLCTI afternoons with Bedlam
  3. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Gaming night 20.00 onwards on teh Zeus Addon server Don't be late
  4. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Darling you need to get sorted out I need you for my latest batch of A&D missions. Plus a lot of new people think you don't actually exist and your posts are made by the gremlin
  5. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Don't forget the gaming starts at 20.10 tonight so please try to be on the server by 20.00 BST Please try to connect with teamspeak and just a quick reminder rambo's will be shot in the face and kicked from the server
  6. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Really glad you liked it and I will just call you Xawery in my outrageous French accent till you beg to be called Celery I have updated the Blue Quartz mission to include some nice goodies including a boat 2 more M113's and some other tweaking eg Uber1337 Ai East have a nice shiney box of IED's some extra AT capabilities more infantry vehicles and some more AI as the first real game the east lost through to many casualties The recon element has a random start point and I left the bus in as I know you all like driving a bus Hope it will be played on Thursday night and Jinef and OG please try to connect this week cause you will really enjoy pitting your wits on this map
  7. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Sorry Carl I dragged you cause you where last to pick a slot It was a shit night gaming though
  8. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    It is Saturday night same mod same time hope you get this in time
  9. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    good job mate see you at 20.00
  10. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi KT you really need to be on TS to hear orders Etc. it don't matter too much if you cannot talk but generally because we try to keep it flowing OC's and Team leaders don't have time to type in chat you need to hear whats happening. regards the mod folder set up please excuse me if I try to explain this in terms aimed at the meanest understanding I asume that you are patched up to 1.96 To get ofp to run you double click an Icon in your desktop or some such thing. Ok right click on the icon or shortcut and select properties then you see a box called "TARGET" in this box will be something like this "F:\Program Files\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" F is my main programe drive yours may well be C after this type or copy this line -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5;@Zcommon This little blighter is important ";" as are the spaces between the various commands aslo check the capitals as it is case sensitive Make sure that your folders are called the same as your target specifies make sure that Zcommon has a folder in it called addons and if this is not any help then try to seek help from the dudes on IRC or sometimes TS on non gaming nights also check our website for further help http://ofp-zeus.com/nuke....ic&t=70 Hope this helps and you can make Thursday night
  11. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Check you are not being routed through Hong Kong or USA.........its happened in the past to some of our community FYI the server is based in Germany in case you where not sure
  12. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    I won't be around on Thursday Due to real life shit but...........I now have a nice working template for A&D maps thanks a lot to Terox However one of my PVP's looks in principle a nice mission with fairly quick contact times IE after 10 minutes as apposed to 45 minutes It is set on Chorley Island just to the south of Saint David Island. This island has a airstrip which is at present under the control of the East forces (VDV and Speznaz). They have a UAZ a konkurs Ural and an MTLB and a nice big shiny box of IED's and AT mines Attacking this island are a understrength Inf. Platoon in boats. A marine recon element on the Island itself to relay intel. And 3xM113A2 with mechanised inf. AI are also making a diversionary attack on the island with IFV. So the East forces dig in and defend the trigger area and try to kill so many West that they give up. West forces kill enough East forces to end the defence or establish a stronghold for 8 minutes with 8 men. If you manage to fit it in I hope you will enjoy playing it and if you could feed back to me I would appreciate it
  13. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Nice one Jinnie. I loved it couple of things a) bigger town to defend. I think Kabul would be nice. It would IMO add to the gameplay and give more scope to defenders TS needs to be more organised, rather like we ended last night but without the constant chatter on the channel commanders frequency. Apart from those minor points I think it was a good success. Also a big thank you to all the guests we had last night. You where without doubt the biggest contributer to the gaming with no Ramboing and willingness to play the mission as it was intended to be played Hope to see you on the Zeus servers again soon
  14. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Absolutely spiffing E&E last night Cannot ever having such a good time since the vicar's daughter wanted to play hide and seek Well done Nathan Bedford Forrest the 3rd a very enjoyable wheeze
  15. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Well, they look beautiful, but we set two of them close to the wooden wall and after explode, wall was still there Suprisingly. Hi Grey, I am led to believe that BIS buildings are now indestructable in WGL5.0 so that may be the reason. I know they make a nice mess of trucks. Another nice feature is the IED's in various sizes, just remember to stand well clear when they go off
  16. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi Nathan sorry bout the ammo for the S&W
  17. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    You gotta love those WGL satchels BTW this mission was not played properly as we all decided to CHAAAAARGE Petrovic and got Pwned immediately. What I played I loved so this Thursday Ryans map takes precedence followed by Kaka's and probably a nice PvP slipped in along the way to keep og happy Regards l33t d3ltA m^r1n3 pwnzor
  18. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Nice A&D last night I enjoyed it shame we lost again I plan on leading a PvP soon just to see if I can do better BTW sorry to all who got shouted at last night......trying to listen to whisper channels and talk to both squads was testing my patience to the limit
  19. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Well if the mission was so shite how come so many posts are saying they enjoyed it?? I will attempt to rectify the AI problems and have them advance slower. I don't want to take away any AI though, I mean how often in ofp are you suddenly counteratacked by 6 platoons of russian infantry?? Of course any more suggestions would be gratly appreciate
  20. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    The A&D's tonight where great. I enjoyed Ryan's new one on Trinity and Cheezorz tweaked Aumale one but unfortunately we never managed to get Inqwipers played and I hope we play this on Saturday night BTW I want to see more screenies
  21. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Back to latrine duties X. U still have 26 barrels of shit to burn before your back to the boonies. And go easy on the gasoline that stuff is getting expensive Oh give my best to uncle Ho
  22. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Ignores mr Cheese............ Warden we play Saturday and Thursday regularly but do sometimes have a beta test or a play around other nights but nothing planned just of the cuff We do have an occasional FDF night and this needs to be version 1.4 running with zcommon so check IRC, zeus website or add me to your MSN list
  23. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    If Firefox rulez so bad how come I keep loosing my bloody bookmarks then
  24. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit U noob HaxxOrz Oh BTW go pimp your political party someplace else radical Canadian
  25. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi Warden. Please feel free to come along but make sure you have the correct addons^^ and join our Teamspeak server too, even without a mic u can listen to orders Server and TS IP listed elsewhere in this thread