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About Cibit

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  1. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Check this out http://ofp-zeus.com/nuke....e#14435 Link to an AAR on a mission played from last Thursday
  2. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    FIXED Terox rewrote the paradrop script. Final version uploaded and tested. Ready for Sunday night. Please try and make it so we have full groups and possibly (og and mike) some real opposition in the 2 playable REDFOR slots
  3. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Unfortunately an ejection script spammed thousands of parachutes making Coy Assault V8 unplayable. Should be fixed for next Sunday
  4. Cibit

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Hi Nick, nice map. I have just transfered one of my Company sized missions onto your island with playable results. 414 units with FPS of between 14-35 on a 6600, 2Gb RAM and a 8800GTX. SetTerraingrid 50; // reduces grass to allow for an increase in FPS and better visibility for firefights Obviously you have to live without grass and loose some units but a compromise nontheless Keep up the good work mate
  5. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    A link to a Pre mission briefing we will be playing tonight http://ofp-zeus.com/nuke....5#14351
  6. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    BlackScorpy I would be happy to host some small scale co-ops or co-operative CTI's if you grab me on MSN
  7. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Doh, sorry for raising any false hopes as is so eloquently put above it is Vanilla Arma played and not OFP
  8. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Do people know about the resurgence of Zeus gaming nights? It is on a Thursday night and although we have limited missions ATM it is a lot of fun A browse through our Forums should give you any info you need-TS etc http://ofp-zeus.com/nuke/index.php
  9. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Hi Hardcore The Zeus community are working with 6th sense to create a Mod for Arma, the name is ESP "Esprit de Corps" . So no-one is doing much with OFP anymore. Other games played by some of us are COH IL2 SH3/4 Check out the Zeus website for more info http://ofp-zeus.com/nuke/index.php
  10. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Bah everyone seems to be playing a new game called Armed Assault bloody trend setters
  11. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

  12. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Yeah, I enjoyed it till a random reboot left me with no time to reconnect I hope we can do the port with leaders with good conections on Thursday and give it a more tactical feel. I was pleased with how it did play as I feared East had too much firepower although Inq Bedlam and Simon may disagree. IMO it is nicely balanced now Be nice to see og try to regain the World Heavyweight Championship soon
  13. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    Agreed about the nights gaming It was PISH People have to be prepared to take a go at leading because it is unfair to expect the same guys to do it week in week out. As admin it is not realistic to be expected to lead anything larger than a squad. Also the people who discoed because of the reassign, the reassign was done to keep the numbers up to the number needed to play this mission. Loosing people after the reassign was just bollocks. WE DO NOT HAVE THE CO-OP MISSIONS TO PLAY WITH SUCH NUMBERS WITHOUT LAG AND DESYNC. You want more co-op missions then make them. I spent hours this week getting The Port ready to play, Lag and Fog free. Hope in future you look at the whole picture and not just a 5 minute wait for a reassign. END OF RANT
  14. Cibit

    Zeus Gaming Nights

    The Port is now completed West forces have 2 infantry platoons + mechanised support and the SF team with MK19 GL. They also have 2 additional objectives, the two hills overlooking the port have to be taken first. East now has a BMD3 and an MTLB along with 4x M46 field guns. Oh yeah and Celery I put the bus back in I have updated the recon photo and rewritten the briefing Feedback as ever will be completely ignored