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Posts posted by ChEB

  1. this map looks beautiful but I having trouble trying to install it. When i open the file for the map I see 4 files and 4 file folders but i can't tell witch is which and what goes where because every file name is rock.gif?rock.gif?rock.gif?rock.gif??? I assume this is because its in Russian, so how do I tell winace thats its a different language and that its a pbo.

  2. my sound card is sound blaster live but i not sure on the model or if i have the right driver.  I got it about a year ago for 70 us dollars(probably got ripped but it worked fine till i did some upgrades). I haven't paid much attention to it since i didn't thinki i could cause a crash like that. I am thinking about replacing it.

  3. have been getting a crash from flashpoint that I can't seem to fix. While in the mission editor I be testing a vehicle and after a series of explosions the games goes mute. If i continue to play for little more the game crashes to a blue screen and my pc reboots itself. Has anyone had this problem. I have had some issues with my audio card but its played all my other games such as Half like 2 and Battlefield fine.

    My system

    xp2500 1.8 gig

    1 gig of ram

    9800 SE graphics card

    70 GB raptor

    Latest flashFX installed

    The last crashed happened when i was testing when i was testing an a-10 made by diesel http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=7022 by shooting at some t80s. It first goes mute then after a little completely crashed to a blue screen then the pc rebooted. When reboot was complete I sent the error report. A window from microsoft appeared saying that the crash was a result of a driver but i did not specifiy which driver. My video card has the latest driver. THe only thing i been having trouble with is my sound card. pls help.
