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About Carpaazi

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  1. Hello! I havent received any email containing the free alpha codes, could you re-sent them for me pls? I received my steam copy of ArmA 3 as a GIFT, so does that mean i contact steam staff about this?
  2. figured it was something like that =)
  3. i tried detected trigger again, and used a hint with it,and damn, again when i was about 200m away (outside) of the trigger zone with HMMWV, the hint kicked in "detected!". Also another detected test i made. I put empty GRAD artillery vehicle in the map, 5x5 sized trigger above it, sync the trigger with the grad, put the trigger condititions as OPFOR detected by BLUEFOR, and a marker and hint that activates as soon as trigger kicks in, then i place player unit (myself) approximately 150 meter away from it and my backside facing the GRAD and tested it. When i got into the game (my backside still facing the GRAD 150m away) and nothing happened as it shouldnt, but when i turned around and faced the GRAD (that still has the 5x5m sized trigger above it) the marker and hint kicks in. Doesn't this mean that the triggers size is useless then?
  4. Carpaazi


    This is "missiong editing & scripting" if you didn't notice. Map editing is elsewhere and the question presented here got nothing to do with map editing either =) To anwer the question itself, i also have problems with AI not disembarking vehicles when they are under fire, you have to use a trigger that will force the AI units out of the vehicle. Im sorry that i got no example to give right now since im quite busy right now and got no time to dig trough my missions where i got it, but i think you find some answers for the problem if you use search and try to look for "disembark" or "abandon" or something like that
  5. Triggers condition: !alive general Triggers on act: killofficer settaskstate "succeeded"; hint "mission complete" also i noticed you have flaw here player setCurrentTask Kill Officer; the kill officer part is supposed to be the same as the task name, so in your case it should be player setCurrentTask killofficer;
  6. Carpaazi


    For a group, put this to the groups leaders init field {_x AllowFleeing numberhere} foreach units groupleadername
  7. This can also be done via addaction that you use in the "Certain persons" init field. Try searching the forums with addaction
  8. Carpaazi

    Scripting question

    Did you meant to ask how just to refer to a specific unit or what "another one" xD? You mean if you have a group of units and you want to refer to some specific unit in the group? as for description.ext file, this should be helpful http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=26&game=ArmA Remember that the link takes you to a description.ext file meant for arma 1. Its the very same thing as for ArmA 2, but classnames (faces,sounds,weapons etc) in the description.ext file might not work with ArmA 2,so you will have to find the right classnames to work with ArmA 2
  9. Im not sure how the "knowsabout" spread trough friendly units as a whole, but all units that are grouped with the scout will get the information about the enemy for sure
  10. you can also try to use forcespeed command, vehicles seem to go better with it
  11. Only things that is holding some 6-8 of my coop missions from releasing is the fact that JIP is a problem =). I have been testing these mission in MP but JIP and taskslist after respawn ain't working right,and i won't release anything if it doesn't work 95% of the time
  12. i usually put the code like this: {_x setunitpos "UP"} foreach units groupleadername works best if you name the group leader and replace the "name" from the code with it. For some reason i have had problems with code if i try it to use the group for it: {_x setunitpos "UP"} foreach units group groupname Some codes that needs to count how many are still alive from the group, have worked better when used the groupleaders name instead...dunno why thou =/
  13. What are these "mission parameters" you are talking about?
  14. put a vehicles waypoint at the checkpoint, and replace the waypoints condition (true) with something, like (checkpoint_done). Then with a trigger or script, put the conditions you want and on the triggers on act write: checkpoint_done=true