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Everything posted by Crackbone

  1. Is anyone interested in beginning a (mostly multiplayer probably for ) modification that represents the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? This is a long-neglected conflict with plenty of opportunities for interesting and innovative game-play. Most of the models can probably be adapted from modifications for OFP (both vehicles and men). I'm searching mostly for modelers and maybe scripters of exceptional talent and skill (though I plan to do most of the scripting myself and some modeling). What I hope to create is an accessible, innovative, polished and orderly mod. I'm disappointed by the many modifications whose components are published piecemeal that finally fade away. Anyone?
  2. Crackbone

    Chechnyan conflict mod?

    This is included in Vilas units pack screen HERE DOWNLOAD VILAS ADDONS PART 1 DOWNLOAD VILAS ADDONS PART 2 Enjoy Vilas addons! I wondered where it was originally published. I found it in "Vietnam: The Experience." Thanks.
  3. Crackbone

    Chechnyan conflict mod?

    Here's the image of the BTR-152. I have the file.
  4. Crackbone

    Chechnyan conflict mod?

    Unfortunately my accent is western despite my origins...if I sounded even remotely Afghan I'd record some samples for you Havent seen the BTR152, perhaps I can work on that... Do you use any popular messaging-programs? MSN Messenger etc?
  5. Crackbone

    Chechnyan conflict mod?

    True, but modelling Afghanistan accurately is no easy task... As for the conflict, well AFAIK a fair amount of it was columns of Russian vehicles driving along getting ambushed frequently and their air\artillery support being ineffectual (as you may know, they lost a significant number of aircraft in the Afghan war). Yes, protecting supplies was a very important aspect to the war from the perspective of both combatants. But skirmishes were also common, and skirmishes can be very well represented in Operation Flashpoint. Again, the trouble is that there is very little cover on either of the maps of Afghanistan, but this can be overcome by including objects that I've placed myself. However, Remo is going to release a more current version of his map soon, so it's silly to commit entirely to this. I really have nearly all of the add-ons adapted (including with new textures) to begin in earnest. I have soldiers for the communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan allied with the Soviets. I have the Soviet soldiers themselves of course. I have the mujahideen. I have the vehicles for both the Soviet Union and D.R.A. and for the mujahideen. My goal is to maintain complete compatibility with ECP and JAM, and, maybe more importantly, *order*. What I'm really hoping to do is create a modification that rivals what BAS created for their missions on Tonal. My goal now is to find if it's possible to create a new expansion for DSAI to include appropriate voices for the Resistance (the mujahideen) in addition to creating new textures for an old add-on of a BTR-152 (for the D.R.A.) that was made available some time ago. I'm at the point of progress now where I'm seeking a little help.
  6. Crackbone

    Chechnyan conflict mod?

    I'm actually working on a modification that takes place during the war between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan. I've already collected and adapted a great many vehicles and soldiers. The only real trouble is that current maps for Operation Flashpoint of Afghanistan are very sparse; there are no genuine woods or forests on either of them. Furthermore, the differences in elevation are extreme and not gradual. This makes it quite difficult sometimes to design missions. The only cover on the maps is in their towns. It's unfortunate, but maybe Remo's forthcoming map of Afghanistan will be more suitable.
  7. Is it possible *conditionally* include portions of files if a file is present with commands for the preprocessor? For example, suppose that definitions for vehicles in the file rebelvehicles.hpp were included *only* if the file rebelvehicles.pbo were present? I've tinkered with this. I've tried to include files with #ifdef after having first expressed '#define REBEL_VEHICLES_PRESENT 1' in config.cpp for rebelvehicles.pbo, but definitions are local to the files where they're defined. I'm sure that this is somehow possible, and it would be greatly helpful if anyone explains how. Thanks
  8. Crackbone


    I've searched through the forum for long now in search of a solution to my problem. The trouble, I guess, is that I simply don't understand memory-LOD's well. I'm hoping to change the gunner's perspective of the machine-gun that I'm editing, and I assume that 'gunnerview' in the memory-LOD controls the perspective of the gunner. My problem is that if I change the position of 'gunnerview' at all in the memory-LOD, the image below is the result. When the machine-gun is controlled in the game, only the sights change position: the machine-gun itself remains still. Furthermore, the muzzle-flash is always visible. What's the trouble here? Thanks
  9. Crackbone

    BI Studio Preprocessor

    Aha. Yes. This will work, I'm sure. I'll tinker with it to find if it's possible to exclude portions of the definition in config.cpp for add-ons *without* the file stringTable.csv (such as JAM). Thanks much for the help.
  10. Crackbone


    Yes, I did export it through ODOL Explorer. It's the old model of the DShK machine-gun from BAS. If you've ever played with this machine-gun, then maybe you'll remember that there's no optics for it. Rather, it's simulated through an upright projection on the firearms-receiver on the model itself. My goal is simply to advance the perspective of the gunner before this upright projection and include optics. If the definitions are lost, I don't at all know how to restore them through Oxygen. I understand the concept; I just don't understand the procedure. How is this done? Thanks
  11. Crackbone


    Well, it seems strange to me since the *only* portion of the model that I've edited is the memory-LOD 'gunnerview'. I only changed its position. But 'otochlavne' and 'otocvez'? How are these defined? Are their definitions lost when any aspect of the model is changed (such as in moving the position of 'gunnerview')?
  12. Crackbone


    It's a mounted machine-gun, and it's inherited from the class M113.
  13. Crackbone


    Has anyone had trouble with version 0.2 (the most current?) of this add-on? Executing the mission-editor with any of the animals in it results in the error "No entry 'config.cpp/cfgMovesMCMiG_Mule/Actions.StaticCombatRelaxedActions'." I've tried it with the earliest version of his add-on that includes mules in the game, but the result is the same. How is this repaired? Thanks
  14. Hello, Is it possible to set it so that crewmen of vehicles with weapons (such as tanks) choose a weapon depending on the type of threat that is encountered? For example, is it possible to set it so that the commander of a BMP-2 commands his gunner to choose the 30-mm HE-round to fire at infantry and the 30-mm AP round at enemy tanks? Thanks
  15. Crackbone

    Bug in MAAM 1.3

    The bug is found in the class MAAM_ESMG_64mag. In both Single and FullAuto, MAAM_East_9x18SMG_Single_Bullet and MAAM_East_9x18SMG_Auto_Bullet are printed rather than MAAM_East_9x18SMG_Silenced_Single_Bullet and MAAM_East_9x18SMG_Silenced_Auto_Bullet. The Bizon-2 (I assume) is supposed to be suppressed. Also, in the class MAAM_Bizon, displayName contains "Bizon2" rather than "Bizon-2."
  16. Crackbone

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Please, please, *please* find a replacement for the streetlights more suitable to rural Afghanistani towns. The conventional First World urban streetlights seem incongruous in the towns.