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Posts posted by Cpt.Gumbo

  1. Quote[/b] ]A question:

    If Bush is good for promoting his rather narrow and right leaning view of Christianity, then whty are Muslims wrong for doing things that their religion says will be rewarded?

    And have you ever considered that Saddam was a secular leader, and hated by the majority of fundamental Muslims almost as much as they hate the US?

    Why are muslims wrong? Becuase killing people is wrong if you do it just becuase they do not believe in your religion, or becuase you are so worried about going to hell you go kill somebody who is not a muslim. Christians dont go around killing people becuase they dont believe in God, well the shouldnt. Anyways this is not a religious discussion, if we want of those lets open another thread, but Ill try to stay on topic at this point. Also Saddam I do not believe is trruly hated by muslims, why? Becuase he hates America.

    Quote[/b] ]Would you mind telling us exactly what terrorist ties you are talking about?

    Lets see their is the payments to the suicide bombers, and the terrorist training camps found in Iraq......

    Quote[/b] ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Yes, Saddam paid some amount of money to the families of suicide bombers. But I really don't think that such an action condones terrorism. $3000 or whatever won't make the family grateful that their son blew himself up. I'd say that he was supporting terrorism if he was paying the bombers enough to actually motivate them the blow themselves up. Until then, you can't say that he was supporting terror. He was providing some relief to the families of what he, and many millions more, considered martyrs.

    Uh that would not be ties to terriost? I think most of the famalies support their kids in blowing themselves up. If anybody considers those people martyrs they are sick twisted individuals.

    Quote[/b] ]sarcasm]Yeah... ha... ha... Agent Orange was an "accident". [/sarcasm]

    Millions of gallons of untested (at least on humans) defoliant knowingly sprayed hardly amounts to an "accident." More like "War Crime" or "Crime Against Humanity" to me.

    America may have gone to pot, but I still find it hard to believe we would do this on purpose. I may be living in awicked nation,sadly still the best, but doing this on purpose, I think not.

    Quote[/b] ]You know what I think about all this? Bush is an imbacile. Clinton was a much better president. Just look at the economy! Economic Stimulus package my ass! He's going to ruin us all! Clinton built up the economy! So what if he was a ladies' man, every president (almost) has had a little play on the side! Now Bush is going to start up another war! Just so he can gain support for the next election!

    You know the ecnomy was going down when clinton left, andclinton gained a good ecnomy from Bush Sr. Also Clinton had a Republican congress for awhile to kepp him from messing up. So dont say that Clinton was a better president based on the economy. I doubt Bush will start another war just to gain support, but that would be no worse than putting our soldiers over in Kosovo and Bosina like Clinton did.

    Quote[/b] ]Many American people financially supported the IRA for many many years, would you call that supporting terrorism? The funding only really dried up post 911 when they learned what it's like to be the victims of terrorists.

    Not saying its not true, but could you give me some evidence?

    Quote[/b] ]I think that the general problem is that people look at the world in black and white. Good and evil:

    You know, you are either good or evil, there is no middle.

  2. Who knows if going into Iraq was a good idea, right now I believe it was but maybe I am wrong. Still I think Bush is the best president we have had for atleats 12 years, maybe more. Sure there are things I dislike about Bush, but there are many things I respcet, especilly his stand for Christ. The terriost ties Iraq has, I blieve are true and thats reason enough for the U.S. to invade. I do not care what the U.N. says, infact I wish the we would pull out of the U.N., the UN is a joke. I wish we would just get some leaders in the Goverment that are not worried about offending people, worried about getting back into office, all they are worried about is doing what is best for the American people, and most of all dont give a care hwat most of Europe thinks.

  3. Possible, no, now with us men anyway. I doubt it would be useful, men wrecks everything he is given so no I would be afraid for us to get ahold of it.

  4. I hope that ,even though I have an 800mhz pc, BIS puts in as good as graphics as possible, I mean dont get me wrong, OFP was good, but the graphics where not up to par. A new pc is what I want so I can run these new game coming out. Personally I think better graphics will make for the best game experence.
