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About Cypher2004

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Cypher2004


    I have had an idea. How can u do u make the objectives? because i have an idea. an optinal objective can be u need to rescue some captive soldiers, then they run and grab some weapons and they fight then enemy on their own. yay or nay???
  2. Cypher2004


    ah! i tried to do both waypoints as cycle! DER!!!! Also, i need some triggers, but triggers aint my strong point. Can anyone write me up or direct me to a basic trigger tutorial with includes a unit to move to his waypoint, a guard to take his rifle off his back, triggering cutscenes, etc etc.
  3. Cypher2004

    Indestructible c47

    if u wanna use the old model, try making a waypoint so it blows up over the flak! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this SetDammage 1.0 (and yes, damage is spelt with a double 'm', my english aint that bad)
  4. Cypher2004


    ok, i have a guy patrolling back and forth over the roadblock. is there anyway i can loop the waypoints so i dont need to put in about 80+ waypoints moving him back and forth???
  5. Cypher2004


    well, its a large russian base that is well defended. i was going to have a fire so it looks realistic and gives the mission an atmosphere otherwise u run around in total darkness and shoot ppl, it gets boring!
  6. Cypher2004


    I have designed a road block involving a parked UAZ across the road, the small fortress with a HMG, an AT soldier and some AT barriers. As the mission will be based during the night, i will have a lit fire and a tent. shud i put destroyed M113's and jeeps on the way to the road block or leave it? any more objects i mite need to make the road block come to life???
  7. Cypher2004


    try clicking the waypoint button then double clicking the AI soldier. This works for me. a waypoint is created right on the AI soldier. with this, the soldier stays in the same spot. This has worked with my missions when i attacked the base and a russian counter attack appeared over the hill!
  8. Cypher2004

    Halting/stopping a human player

    i wud go with the cut scenes! it breaks the action up and also u can use text along the bottom so u dont need to worry about the characters talking. the only problem is that u mite get carried away.
  9. Cypher2004


    P.S. Im listening to everyones ideas otherwise i wudnt have posted in a public forum wud i!
  10. Cypher2004


    im thinking of chucking the idea completely.....nah, only messing! ill try and make it with no addon units so ppl (like myself) with the first OFP can play it as well as the guys with all the downloadable addons from the net.( jammy gits!!!)! I had an idea of like a road block on the main 2 ways out of the base (as the third stops then hits the sea). with like a UAZ parked over the road and 2 or 3 guards on it, maybe an AT soldier as well. Yay or nay?
  11. Cypher2004


    Azz [GUN] has the base im using to a tee! he he! your good man! ok, so a group of three soldiers looping the base...wud it be the three in a group, wud they alone then 50 yards behind another patrol the 50 behind him or in a group? ok, no secondary fence, although i love the look of them spikey hedgehog things with barbed wire... ah well. UAZ to the woods then they get out. fair enough. i was having the intro as a spec ops is briefed then climbs into a chopper and takes off, then the mission starts and u jump out and para down into a forest. then a cut scene with the commies looking for u, etc etc. wot u think? yay or nay?
  12. Cypher2004


    ok. wud the patrol go in a UAZ or Ural or on foot? how many wud walk the parimeter as i doubt it will be just one, but i dont wanna flood the way in and out with commies. there is the tall rusty iron looking fence, but wud they have an outer parimeter fence as well or not both?
  13. Cypher2004


    ok, my mission is u r a special op and u parachute near the biggest base on the island beginning with K (not even going to bother with the name) u need to sneak in, eliminate the russians in the base, radio reinforcements and hold the base when they get there from a counter attack from the sea. where wud things be placed? tanks? UAZ's? patrols? wud the patrols cover sections or the parimeter? wud the HMG go on the road or 2 one side? wot type of fencing wud they use? or wudnt they use any?
  14. Cypher2004


    Ok...I have a mission, and outro and intro. The one problem is i need objects and vehicles in a compound. where wud barrels go? where wud the officer park his UAZ? where wud the tanks be? wot about patrols if there are any? wud there be tents or wud they use the barracks? wud they have MG's on the entrances? Need help!!!
  15. Cypher2004


    Thats also one problem i have as well. I always restart missions. I have a great idea (well, i think i do anyway) for a SP mission. I do the Intros, mostly complete them, then cant be bothered with a mission or dont do one because it may spoil the intro (sounds sad i know) I sit thinking, wud u put a barrel there? wud u have a machine gun in the up or down stairs window? wot can the soldiers be doing? sitting? talking? i need a complete list of all the animations for soldiers as well so if anyone knows a site, please post it here. Thanks!