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Everything posted by Commando84

  1. Commando84

    1.96 problems

    I got two problems, one is the more instable netcode of ofpbeta 1.96 but that seems like old news but i got a cruncy piece of problem here my parents comp gets nutty when we play in Lan it shuts down the entire comp instantly or CTD's ofp .... .. but when playing on internet it usually works very well. The bad thing then is that i think we get slightly more lagg but the comp doesn't Reebot or crash to desk top after around 30 mins. Its a bell family pc with geforce 4 mx and 128 mb ram and it has some addons but it has not anything to do with the addon's because i've had this problem for several years now since ofp resistance came out and now when i even tried using G.o.t.y edition Well maybe its something about the hardware but i think i´t can't be it because it works to run the game fine in Sp without crashes and stuff untill you play mp in lan.
  2. Commando84

    F-117a nighthawk

    ´Very extremely nice!!! hope you can have him be able to take it off and on like the bas delta ranger googles and the soar pilot nvgoogles
  3. Commando84

    You and flashpoint today: a poll

    i choose made mission for me and others , others are my friends but im thinking about releasing stuff to the public too i got a mission in the works that can be downloaded here ofpsource that is going to show off some beta missions before i upload 'em to some of the bigger sites when i feel they are good enough wich i always take a lot of time to do the missions i make are usually played in lan and some itnernet games to with friends , both coop and some other sorts o missions
  4. Commando84

    Do you use different mousesens for x and y ?

    im using default settings too, no problems here
  5. Commando84

    New bas thread

    Very nice looking rangers / deltas soldiers Looking forward to these, when bas week has ended im gonna go and make a special conversion of a coop mission i have in the making, almost done. That will have all bas choppers and troops maybe not tonal pack because of the poor 56-k'ers. And one of my favourite tracks right now
  6. Commando84

    Boat teams

    I have a great coop mission where i would like to have boats patroling the coats lines and be able to if they see players squad drive to the closest beach and unload troops and attack the players squad. I have made lots of patrol boats patrol around the coasts but they only fire on you if you fire at them and i want some of the boats to unload their cargo i.e the infantery group that could be inside each boat. (The mission has everything from ground combat between infantery and armour and even air vehicle usage and you can even get to dogfight with su-25's im not sure if i should put in the mig-29 because the mission uses a bunch of addons that are popular but to many addons maybe discourage people from getting the mission)
  7. Commando84

    Some c&c stuff

    sounds like a cool idea to have the c&c stuff in ofp i would like to have Tanya or commando , if you can make voices and the weapons sounds and all
  8. Commando84

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    hahaha lol i know what you guys mean
  9. Commando84

    Operation farmland objects

    Great stuff, more civie objects and addons is some of the stuff that you always can add more of to ofp You maybe could make a pv35 open, like the 5T truck open without a roof you know but its a civilian truck instead here's some pics for ideas ;) http://rubens.anu.edu.au/student.projects/rabbits/truck.GIF http://www.hwyrunrz.com/pumpkins2003/hay%20truck.jpg http://www.edhardy.ca/still-life/fall-truck.jpg http://www.chavisauto.com/images/1966%20Ford%20Truck%20F100.jpg and maybe a cat and a dog? and a pick up truck, maybe like this one or something newer http://www.feightstudios.com/images/truck.jpg
  10. Commando84

    Fishing boats

    very cool police boat and i look forward to the row boat and the updated fishing boat where you can turn seagulls off will be good because a friend of mine's comp laggs down alot when i played a mission with him wheer i had put 3 boats on the screen at once
  11. Commando84

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    hey all i wonder if anyone of you people know how i can respawn ontop of the carrier or maybe inside the control tower? I tried using setpos in initfield but it only works when you start, then when you die you end up in the water and drown great carrier and thx for making a Mp fix version Gnat. I tried with placing concrete stuff in the water and using setpos but that didn't work either because i spawned under the concrete stuff or else the carrier got mis aligned totaly maybe i can respawn inside a vehilce on the carrier like a truck or chopper/plane?
  12. Commando84

    Crate mule is out!

    looks like a great addition, have to download it when i get home
  13. Commando84


    sounds like a cool island, downloading now
  14. Commando84

    New island in progress

    yeah the island had some pretty decent locations but some where a bit demanding i liked the main city that had a nice mix of custom buildings and RES buildings in it + a custom runway! Thats not something you see everyday a custom port or maybe a airport terminal building , you know the one that the passengers can sit & relax or sweat when they wait for planes Have you tried Disciples island? It can be found on ofp.info site its pretty cool. it uses Phil commandos mansion building and his nuke silo's and caves & a custom bridge and stuff. the citites are good to but they aren't any major cities like gaia island in the Wg addpack
  15. Commando84

    Gone fishing

    looks great, always wanted some fishing boats around the harbour towns in Nogova, they would be perfect in my coop mission . Wonder if i can do addweapon code in the initline of the ship to make it carry a m2 machinegun or something like that? Where can i download the police boat, didn't find it anywhere on your site exept a few pics on the utopia page togheter with fishing boat
  16. Commando84

    1.95 problems

    I have ofp game of the year edition and i have all the patches from 1.85->1.95 beta installed successfully but when i installed 1.96 and played MP the Ram memory usage skyrockets and Ofp had to be ctrl+alt+del'eted but it wasn't necesseary even because as soon as i presed those keys it shut down imidately really fast but my comp had to be restarted and not even my ram booster program helped because even windows lagged so much. i have a amd xp 2000 processor , geforce 2 mx and 512 mb in ram and the funny thing the map was desert island. But i get somekind of freeze up error pretty often now when i alt+tab between the paused game & windows. anyways i hope you fix new beta patches every week if you can , to fix this problem and adding new content to the game with new scripting stuff or so that helps mission makers, modders and online players Have a nice weekend BIS. im gonna install my new 80 gig hardrive this weekend if the store got it delivered yet
  17. Commando84

    Mfcti new version!

    I got a question about mcti missions, i have never played them and im wondering if you can play them in Lan games with some friends and a.i? And when is the fix going to be released?
  18. Commando84

    Fa18 horealistic aircraft carrier lauching mission

    A exellent script! This one is going to be in all m carrier based mp missions. This will stun my friends pretty good No more "water jumping"!
  19. Commando84

    Bouncing grenades

    I got a great idea for ofp 2! Why not make bouncing grenades possible, then you could bounce grenades inside windows and or cargo doors of airplanes parked thats my quarters for now.
  20. Commando84

    Editor freezing when saving

    When im going to click the save mission button in the mission editor ofp sometimes tend to freeze... Never happened until I bought game of the year edition or it has to do with direct x 9.0 or my new geforce 2 mx card? either way it can be very annoying..
  21. Commando84

    Mission ideas

    Some air-air fights maybe? That would be cool.
  22. Commando84

    Which mode of combat needs most imprvmnt?

    I voted choppers and fixed wing aircraft. Thats because i think that it should be possible to walk inside a transportplane, chopper and shoot out the door with your ak, m16 , m21 whatever.. and the planes need AA-warning systems and stuff. And I think that some of the addon planes that has that system are to good like the mig-29 and tornado..you can fire all the missiles you want but they will never hit the plane...it should have a slightly random hit/miss ratio instead. I would say that the infantery needs some fine tuning like being able to run and reload and being able to fight hand to hand combat. and to carry crates or drag heavily wounded team mates to a medivac chopper with 1 hand and firing away some shots with a weapon with the other hand.. and I think that that can be done beacause addon teams have made a truck that dragged a gun after it on a hook.
  23. Commando84

    Weapons requests

    I would think it would be cool if you could sneak up close behind a guard or something and nock him uncounscious with your hand or with the back of the rifle or gun. And if you could use hand to hand combat, but i think i saw that they where working on it.
  24. Everytime we play ofp in lan his computer restarts or crashes to the desktop after around 28-30 minutes!! he has a Dell with a 2.0 ghz processor and 256 mb in ram memory don't know wich kind of ram memory but he has also windows xp on his computer. It never happens in single player but always in Lan games. and another problem is that my computer have started to malfunction, when im trying to save a mission in the mission editor it freezes up on me..really annyoing. Could be because I installed direct x 9 on my comp? If that's the case youshould make a new patch...
  25. Everytime we play ofp in lan his computer restarts or crashes to the desktop after around 28-30 minutes!! he has a Dell with a 2.0 ghz processor and 256 mb in ram memory don't know wich kind of ram memory but he has also windows xp on his computer. It never happens in single player but always in Lan games. and another problem is that my computer have started to malfunction, when im trying to save a mission in the mission editor it freezes up on me..really annyoing. Could be because I installed direct x 9 on my comp? If that's the case youshould make a new patch...