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Everything posted by Coins

  1. 11-11MTFgrp Check Move supports: 22 players respawn: group Advantages over C&H: -free-style -action concentrated -defence just as essential as attack -armour and air -infantry have a role -no tedious lengthy walking -strategy, strategy! -dynamic -mission adjusts to suit number of players Disadvantage over C&H: -group respawn (my choice, I could have made it base respawn) -no cooperative mode Other interesting features: -grid locations, not exact locations shown on map -action moves over half of Malden -well-placed skilled soldier can disrupt an advance -alternative ways of advancing (default is straight towards enemy HQ) You can find my map on my site here: Check Move
  2. Coins

    Check Move MPmission--better than C&H!

    Heh, well there still are unlived spaces and barren land, at least to begin with! You'll find it suits everybody to be moving together, tanks and infantry especially. For infantry, you'll know roughly where the front is and can truck it at least part of the way. If you want to play it safe, you can truck and let your AI walk the route. I think the main worry for many reading this is they may think infantry will be huffing and puffing running through open countryside. This is not the case, unless you somehow got yourself stranded on the far side of Malden! UPDATE: Thanks to Shrike and Zeus server for hosting my map. Apparently the mission is not exactly the same in multiplayer. The flag and marker shake around a lot, I think because their locations are updated constantly and therefore tasking? I guess then the mission is probably not worth keeping on the server. I would try to fix the problem, not quite sure right now what approach to take. I could have the flag's location update only every 5 secs and marker to update only every 15 secs...
  3. Coins

    Flashpoint Community Hardware Specs.

    Yeah I'm sure you want to get system specs from gamers of all types. Better to use the web form. Isn't there a way to ping our computers for this type of info?
  4. One that is believable and has a believable background. Challenging but not frustrating-- allow alternative approaches. Not having control over allies but also not having them rely on you for survival. A good mission makes me feel: -angry or sad if I lose but not frustrated so I give up -relieved afterwards -anxious about an upcoming encounter but not dreading -immersed -lucky if I survive or complete the objective -like I want to shout encouraging phrases to the AI
  5. Coins

    Check Move MPmission--better than C&H!

    I should also mention: -no addons required -compatible with 1.96 -briefing and radio commands in English So what are people's impressions so far? Did I mention this map includes heavy tanks, APCs, choppers, support trucks, special forces, AT infantry, and just plain old regular infantry?
  6. Coins

    Un-Impossible Mission

    If you really want a challenge for making an impossible mission, start the players off in attack helicopters and tanks (fully fuelled, armed, repaired and with support vehicles). I've noticed all the hard coop missions are infantry-based.
  7. Coins

    Good music

    Isn't there a sound pack that comes with the Unified Zombie pack?
  8. Okay, Angelfire won't allow for direct links to downloads, so I made a webpage for the download: Check Move Enjoy
  9. Few missions have been able to create the front-line battle scenes that we see in movies. Some have scripted battles through waypoints or revolved a mission around one particular location on the map to create this atmosphere. The truth is, it's hard to get so few people to fight at one spot on such a large map without a good incentive, and I would ask mission-makers to try this idea out: Flagbearer -there is one flag on the map -this flag must be carried to the enemy's base -the catch is, it is carried on foot by a civilian flagbearer -the flagbearer's approximate location is marked on the map for everybody to see -the flagbearer cannot be ordered into vehicles -the flagbearer is invulnerable -the flagbearer follows the move orders of the side that had x #units last within its radius (determined by mission-maker) -the flagbearer stops if both sides are within its radius How will this play out in your mission? The attacking side (the one currently controlling the flagbearer's move orders) will probably want to protect the vicinity around him by scouting up front and protecting the flanks and rear. The occasional enemy scout that enters the radius of the FB will not do anything if x is set higher than 1. But once many enemies start entering the radius, a battle erupts as the FB goes static. Imagine that scene in A Bridge Too Far where Michael Caine has to move the tank column up the road but is stopped frequently by heavy concentrations of Germans in the woods. This map style should work great in all modes: no-respawn, group/side respawn and base-respawn. Please add opinions and comments in this thread so that mission-makers can make better front-line battles.
  10. OK the links didn't work, I'll post the files up some other time.
  11. Here it is, the MISSION FINAL, available in .pbo for those who just want to play it, and in zipped format for those who want to extract the mobile flag front feature for use in their missions. Go ahead and extract as much as you want from this demo mission. Included in the zipped format is a readme listing the triggers, game logic and markers I used in the mission editor. No addons required!
  12. Just in case anybody was following this, I think I almost got all three of my problems solved, so I will be releasing the demo mission so that mission makers can have an idea on how to use the mobile flag front with group/side respawn. I decided to waive the multi-squad idea because it got too complicated and would probably create a lot of lag. So instead AI-led squads will be destroyed 3 seconds into the game.
  13. Well I have been working on a mission that incorporates the mobile flag idea. It's still unfinished because of a couple issues. If someone can test this out and help solve these three problems: -need a way to keep flag in control of side that last controlled it, even if side not always in its trigger radii (if you're taking a look at the mission, this may be helpful: East and West rely on two triggers each--what's needed is a way to keep a side's triggers from auto-deactivating if the enemy's triggers are deactivated) -need multiple squad control for a commander on each side if some playable slots unfilled (because not always easy to get 22 players)--Golf,Hotel,India and Juliet radio commands are available for use -need radio activation based on side (because East can move flag when West controls it and vice versa) As it is now, the flag automatically moves to the opposing side's zone unless radio commands are used to move it in a cardinal direction or halt it. A square marker gives a grid fix on the flag instead of an exact fix. The purpose of this mission is to demonstrate the mobile flag idea so mission-makers can use it in improving their missions. EDIT: It should be easy to navigate through the triggers because I arranged them in a funny pattern . 2ND EDIT: OK I solved the first and third problems, all I have to do now is find a way to include a primitive multi-squad system or perhaps delete the AI-controlled squads by checking if squad leaders are alive in first five seconds of game.
  14. Coins

    Your ofp skills

    Distracting the enemy and annoying my team with continuous M60 "indirect" cover fire. Driving motorcycles off cliffs and surviving (you have to land in a certain way not to get killed--try it!) Bailing out of choppers without notifying the crew. Driving a tank half-sober. Holding the line single-handedly as a heavy grenadier.
  15. I got a problem, it said an addon was missing. Anyways, I took a look at the script. So does it run well in MP? I have something you could add to the flagmarkerpos script: flagposX=(getpos frontlineflag select 0); flagposY=(getpos frontlineflag select 1); flagposX=flagposX-(flagposX%1); flagposY=flagposY-(flagposY%1); frontlineflag_m setpos [flagposX,flagposY]; I haven't actually tested this, but what it should do is give a grid fix on the flag instead of an exact fix.
  16. That's great news, I have a map ready for testing a mobile-flag script. Also a tip about marking the position of the flag: take the flag's position and round it to the nearest hundredth then add 50 to the X and Y coordinate. Use this value to set the position of a rectangle marker, radius 50,50. This will result in highlighting a square of a grid which contains the flag, giving the enemy only a partial but sufficient fix on the location of the flag.
  17. Yes that the other option, but how do we get the 'Flag', which is in the Objects class, to move? Also the front line should be able to move in any direction so that the pushing side has a choice of paths: are they better pushing the flag over a mountain, through a pass or cut right through a dense forest, which will not guarantee them air and armour support? Sounds good
  18. Coins

    Mcnool's pacific island

    It's possible for a 747 to make an emergency landing at that airport. As long as view distance is set high enough with as little lag as possible, a pilot could bring the jumbo close to stall speed earlier on the approach. One thing though, perhaps remove the trees near the runway, don't know how many airports have trees between the taxi lanes and runways. This map looks great, is it possible to have a couple pirate havens and scenic beaches for tourists, possibly looking onto other islands in the distance?
  19. Coins

    Requesting mobile flag addon

    I'm giving this a bump because I have a mission all made (except for a way to command AI groups) to use this addon. I'll release it here if anyone needs it to test out the addon once he/she makes it. Also, playing around with the idea of a mobile front, I realized it might be better to have an American flag for when the West controls it, Russian for when East, and an OFP Isles flag for when neither controls it. Instead of having an invisible person carrying the flag, is there a way for an ordinary stationary flag (in Objects) to move at a civilian's pace? I think a couple of the specifications for this addon could be covered if the commander had indirect command of the flag, sort of like multiple squad command. So if someone would like to build this addon, forget about the other specs, just worry about making an invulnerable, mobile, flag.
  20. Hi, I started a topic in the User Missions forum about how to improve front-line battles covering up to entire islands and .granQ. suggested it would be better if the mobile flag was an addon. (New map style which encourages front-line battle ). This sounds like a good idea since then any newbie mission-maker could make interesting island-encompassing battles without scripting! Specifications for this addon: -no hitpoints (invulnerable) -man carrying flag on civilian side (doesn't take fire from soldiers) -man is invisible, only flag is visible (work around with this to see which gives best animation) -flag representing battlefront should have symbols common to Everon, Malden, Kolgujev and Nogova -responds to move orders of a side which has x #units within a radius R from it OR if a unit can get within a very small radius r of mobile flag -mobile flag stops and does not respond to move orders if: both sides have x #units within R OR if the enemy can sneak at least one unit within r of mobile flag -moves at pace of a civilian -cannot board vehicles -cannot be moved by projectiles or explosions -move orders are given via map markers -square (ex. Hb24) which contains mobile flag is highlighted on map for everybody to see If someone could make this addon please post under this topic, I would very much appreciate it for use in making missions .
  21. Yes, King of the Hill is fun but you could also have that map style using the mobile flag idea. If the mobile flag (someone should make this addon) is spawned just outside the attacker's forward base on the foot of the hill, the attackers must bring the flag to the top of the enemy hill to win. For the enemy, their job is to repel the attack and move the flag inside the attacker's forward base. If this mission was in base-respawn mode, the defenders could respawn far from the hill and must be choppered in and the attackers could respawn at a rear base and must be trucked in. But the mobile flag idea could do so much more. Players could reenact invasions of a WHOLE island with only a handful of soldiers. For island invasions, the flag would start inland, far enough away from shore. The invaders must make it on to the beach and get to the flag ASAP. The defenders must repel the invaders by bringing the flag from inland to the beach. The defenders win if the flag is at the beach and the invaders win if the flag is at the defender's HQ in the centre of the island. If this mission was in base-respawn mode, invaders would respawn on an island off-shore and the defenders would respawn on the on the other side of the island, far enough away from the HQ. But the most interesting mission types using mobile flags could be to have equally-balanced sides. Imagine Everon, with the flag placed initially in Montignac. If done with group/side respawn, the flag must be taken to the enemy's HQ on opposite sides of the map. However, with base respawn, flags might not have to be taken to bases to win: Imagine merging CTI with mobile-flag front idea. Instead of capturing cities, players will gain money by moving the mobile flag up and down the island, with all cities north of the flag going to one side and south of the flag to the other. It could almost be like a football game . All military buildings, including the MHQ would have to be repairable so that the focus of the game would be on conquering the island, and advancing enemies could capture old enemy buildings. The game will be won once the flag is brought north or south enough so that all cities fall to one side. For group/side/no respawn modes, AI-controlled groups could have a 'Guard' waypoint over the mobile flag so that their duty for the team is to keep the flag safe (although in this case they won't be able to do much more without a command system addon/modification--any help here?). I guess this is not the right place to ask for a mobile flag addon so I'll start a topic in the Addons & Mods: Discussion forum.
  22. Coins

    Greatest generals in all of history

    Lieutenant Commander Spicer-Simson, outnumbered, outgunned, inexperienced and only armed with his nutty wit, tasked to travel through remote parts of Africa to destroy the German fleet on Lake Tanganyika during WW1, succeeded almost single-handedly (biplane took out last ship) without a single casualty (except for some mild bouts of illness amongst his men who failed to take the recommended precautions). Tattoed and worshipped as a god by the locals, he returned to his desk job at the Admiralty soon after.
  23. Actually that's a really good idea. Anyone know how to make such an addon? Move orders could be given to it via map markers.
  24. Another variation could be having a sole AI flagbearer on each side who is allowed to pick up the one flag on the island and can only react to move orders (no boarding vehicles). This might be a better option if having a civilian in the midst of battle might seem a bit awkward. In this case, the AI flagbearer can be killed and the enemy flagbearer can pick up the flag. A slight alteration could be to have more than one flagbearer per team, possibly one per group. This is almost a definite for no respawn or group/side respawn modes. One problem could be if the flagbearer is walking beside a body of water and a tank shot blows him far into the ocean or lake. And I was thinking, in order to give the position of the flagbearer without giving away his exact position, creating a circle of a large radius around location will not work because the flag is always at the dead centre. Instead, use a squares method: if flag is in square Gb24, light up that square.