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About CybrSlydr

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I paid $29.99 for Combined Ops at Walmart yesterday. lol Coulda saved $7. lol
  2. Is there a mod that replaces default ACU soldiers in the SP Campaign with those in Multicam?
  3. CybrSlydr

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    I'd go Sproket. I got ARMA II that way. I like it as all my info is in an e-mail that I can stuff in a folder and always have. No need to worry about losing the key or anything. And I can re-download it if needed.
  4. CybrSlydr

    FN SCAR MLOD's giveaway

    It also needs to leave a shadow - looks like the guy isn't holding anything in that pic. Awesome!
  5. IIRC, if you take out civvies, you'll lose standing and respect with the civvies. You're not winning any hearts and minds capping innocent civvies.
  6. CybrSlydr

    Getting started

    I always thought the original OFP had horrible sounds. Just the "chunk" sound of the M16 made me cringe. ArmA 2 stock is a definite improvment over past iterations. I'll also look into SOW - thanks. :)
  7. CybrSlydr

    Superb job on the modules, BIS!

    I work for Walgreens and sub in the Pharmacy filling scripts - saw your name and thought I'd say something. :) Someday you won't need it bro! :) Also look forward to seeing what you come up with!
  8. CybrSlydr

    Superb job on the modules, BIS!

    You a fan of anti-depressants, eh? :D You the 50mg or 100mg dose? :D
  9. CybrSlydr

    Getting started

    I'll check out that sound mod - thanks. :)
  10. CybrSlydr

    Getting started

    Only played for a little bit last night, but wow! This game looks great!! Big improvment in immersion - I loaded up the Village Sweep mission and was stunned by what I saw. Beautiful game! I then got properly wasted trying to take the village. :D
  11. CybrSlydr

    Getting started

    Thanks gents - I'll start reading up. :)
  12. CybrSlydr

    Getting started

    I'm ok when it comes to hardware - not the best, but it'll do. Intel x3360 @ 2.8GHz 4GB DDR2 @ 1066 ATi 4870 512MB Windows 7 Ultimate
  13. CybrSlydr

    Getting started

    Alright - I just bought ArmA 2 off Sprocket and it's currently downloading. I played the original OFP and both expansions and also have ArmA 1 - but I never did much with ArmA 1. Never got any mods or even finished the campaign. Started playing other games and never picked up. So... What do you wish you knew when you started playing ArmA 2 that you know now? I did a seach and didn't find any similar threads, so I figured I'd throw one up and see what I got. :) ---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ---------- I'm assuming the first thing to do is apply the beta patch.
  14. CybrSlydr

    ACE/XAM : The best

    Nice vid - thanks! Was that a Co-op or SP mission?
  15. CybrSlydr

    Why cant it sound like this?

    Wow! Really like that sound mod! You guys are making me want ArmA 2 more and more every day...