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Everything posted by CanVagabond

  1. CanVagabond

    Can you kill any reds the first mission?

    Just take the bike You can get away then.
  2. CanVagabond

    Plot deficiencies

    - Is it just me, or is the plot for resistance really contrived? Yes, it is just you. Rest assured, it is indeed, just you. ------------- - First, Nogova had no armored forces. So why did the Soviets bring an incredible amount of RPG's and other AT weapons? Be prepared. They might want to take down any "technos" that the rebels may use. That and it was an offensive that would spark OpFlash earlier, so they wanted to be ready for the Americans. They didn't plan on fighting rebels all day long, they were going for an island hop. For all we know that would be the R&R isle while the figthing occured elsewhere. ------------- - Second, why did Guba decide to use the Su-25's? The Mi-17's could have destroyed Petrovice and Lipany in 15 sec with the 57mm rockets. And why didn't the Russians use the helos more effectively? They could have struck at any known resistance camps very quickly...maybe 5 minutes transit time Maybe that was all he had availiable? As for hitting the camps with helos, for all Guba "knows" (keep in mind that this is a game, not real people even though we talk otherwise) the rebels have AA rockets. You never assume, you recon. Unfortunantly, he didn't check for mines. See recon, above. Typically, I believe though I could be wrong, Russians have more armor and trrops than helos availiable. Mostly because a strong armour force serves Russia better than a strong helo force. The military mindset maybe? ------------- - Victor was able to get to the airport, so why can't you put craters in the runway? It would really slow down any effort to used fixed-wing A/C. What fixed wing aircraft? It was a mission to knock out Helos. ------------- - And what value was there on Nogova? It has no apparent industries, no strategic value, just nothing. And why was there a deserton an otherwise lush island? I quote - "In my mind I see a beautiful peacful world. A world of peace and harmony and granduer. I see us invading this world, and you know why? They would never see it coming." Nogova could be used as the breadbasket for the "island War" Remember, there are now four islands in close proximity, or realitivly. As for a desert on a lush island..well, most places I have been, in Europe, Canada and the US, there are variances galor in even very small spots of land. Nova Scotia goes from Rocky shores to hard lands to soft rolling hills and the like. Granted there aren't deserts but you get the idea. That and it adds variety to the island.
  3. CanVagabond

    Plot deficiencies

    - Is it just me, or is the plot for resistance really contrived? Yes, it is just you. Rest assured, it is indeed, just you. ------------- - First, Nogova had no armored forces. So why did the Soviets bring an incredible amount of RPG's and other AT weapons? Be prepared. They might want to take down any "technos" that the rebels may use. That and it was an offensive that would spark OpFlash earlier, so they wanted to be ready for the Americans. They didn't plan on fighting rebels all day long, they were going for an island hop. For all we know that would be the R&R isle while the figthing occured elsewhere. ------------- - Second, why did Guba decide to use the Su-25's? The Mi-17's could have destroyed Petrovice and Lipany in 15 sec with the 57mm rockets. And why didn't the Russians use the helos more effectively? They could have struck at any known resistance camps very quickly...maybe 5 minutes transit time Maybe that was all he had availiable? As for hitting the camps with helos, for all Guba "knows" (keep in mind that this is a game, not real people even though we talk otherwise) the rebels have AA rockets. You never assume, you recon. Unfortunantly, he didn't check for mines. See recon, above. Typically, I believe though I could be wrong, Russians have more armor and trrops than helos availiable. Mostly because a strong armour force serves Russia better than a strong helo force. The military mindset maybe? ------------- - Victor was able to get to the airport, so why can't you put craters in the runway? It would really slow down any effort to used fixed-wing A/C. What fixed wing aircraft? It was a mission to knock out Helos. ------------- - And what value was there on Nogova? It has no apparent industries, no strategic value, just nothing. And why was there a deserton an otherwise lush island? I quote - "In my mind I see a beautiful peacful world. A world of peace and harmony and granduer. I see us invading this world, and you know why? They would never see it coming." Nogova could be used as the breadbasket for the "island War" Remember, there are now four islands in close proximity, or realitivly. As for a desert on a lush island..well, most places I have been, in Europe, Canada and the US, there are variances galor in even very small spots of land. Nova Scotia goes from Rocky shores to hard lands to soft rolling hills and the like. Granted there aren't deserts but you get the idea. That and it adds variety to the island.
  4. CanVagabond

    Weapon accuracy

    You might think you are over that hill but the comp says otherwise...and the comp wins. Move up and over the lip of the hill if you are aiming down. The problem is lack of cover or concealment unless you stick your but in a bush. Otherwise on a hill you are just highlining yourself. Move over the hill and down so you have some concealment or cover.
  5. CanVagabond

    Just a quick congratulations...

    I only had two complaints and one may be a fluke: 1. It felt too rushed IE you steal tanks so quickly and have a large tank battle. But it was fun...so that's just a personal gripe not a flaw. 2. When I went to the desert to smack the russian helos around...I lost all equiopment except for what we took into the mission. (If I were thinking I would have loaded a couple of trucks with gear) the best part of the thing is: Keeping gear. I just like the idea and think it should be implemented more.
  6. CanVagabond

    Campaign question

    Some simple steps to do this... 1. Take an AK that has an underslung Grenade Launcher 2. Bring along 1 red flare or take one from the truck. 3. Load said flare into the Greanade Launcher/AK 4. Point up and fire. When I played this mission first I was thinking a handheld flare that'd you'd keep low from observers so no one see's the landing sight. Silly me..I guess launching a big red Flare that says "HEY COME AND GET US" is standard ops for rebel forces.
  7. CanVagabond

    Who's your favorite 1985 character?

    I should have voted Armstrong but Sam flies the Blackhawk...and I really like helo's. That and playing Taxi was a bit of a break for me.
  8. CanVagabond

    Some comments on resistance (spoilers).

    Kopijeger - "Perhaps I was being unclear: I am quite happy with the fact that one has to collect one's weapons; this add realism. What I DO object to is that weapons left lying on the ground right next to the objective you have just captured are lost forever and not automatically collected after the end of the mission. Do you really think that real world resistance fighters lacking weapons and ammunition would ignore weapons left over from a recent victory unless circumstances forced them to?" Uhhh...carry the weapons or put them in a transport. Now, if the transport is full and so are your men when you leave, the you ARE GOING TO LEAVE THEM. You don't HAVE the resources to salvage every weapon around. Now, I'd like to have seen a mission or two where you "clean" up a battlefield or have transports move in and a cutscene fills them(I dunno if troops can be scripted to clean up). The point is that you are part of a very small(but apparently decievingly small, since you know, you can wage quite the tank battles) that has to keep moving or you get smoked(though you can wipe out regiments on your own) The point is, it is a game that has some flaws, and this isn't one of them since it works with the game.(except for the idea of this...safezone?)
  9. CanVagabond

    Isn't it od.....

    Well...the resistance has already enough weapons to supply an army....plan "complex" assauults and steal and use tanks. Riiiggghhhtt. Am I the only one who feels rushed by this? A slower campaign where you liberate more members for your squad, hit supply depots and maybe, just maybe get a damaged BMP to drive in, and later reapair. What's next...a full air force? I'm not mad...just curious. I just expected the campaing to be slower.
  10. CanVagabond

    Tired of grounded

    OK, I got sick of Nikoli squad standing around even if I landed ON them. I tried the cheat and it failed the mission. I couldn't advance with it. Suggestions?
  11. CanVagabond

    A different grounded problem

    No, the chopper is swimming in this case instead of crashing.
  12. CanVagabond

    Ofp: resistance

    You really want that car don't you? How is Res. going to make sense? The Reds didn't attack Everon until the actual game?
  13. CanVagabond

    Trouble commanding men.

    Why not just leave all of the squad in the M113. I did, ran everything down or gunned it up no problems.
  14. CanVagabond


    OK, I have no problems with the 'chopper crashing. I do have a problem however after the cut sccene. I am ordered to take out the tank column, and I do. The WP switches to pick up the squad. I get there, land the damn 'chopper (I hate flying it) and the morons stand around. Doesn't matter if I retry or load, same results. Help?