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About CanVagabond

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  1. CanVagabond

    Bis blackhawks - two gunners

    I can wait until OpFlash 2, I was just hoping I could get multi turreted Blackhawks now. Oh well.
  2. CanVagabond

    Bis blackhawks - two gunners

    Thank You
  3. CanVagabond

    Bis blackhawks - two gunners

    My focus is on Blackhawks or other 'chopper's getting two guns going, not real wolrd tactics, but thank you for the info on the attempts and technicalities.
  4. CanVagabond

    Bis blackhawks - two gunners

    My focus is on Blackhawks or other 'chopper's getting two guns going, not real wolrd tactics, but thank you for the info on the attempts and technicalities.
  5. ----------- EDIT - just realized I clicked on the wrong forum...sorry. ----------- Ok, this idea may have been offered before, and I can't believe that it will be original, but on the flip side I didn't see any specific post relating to this. Just a couple points to clear things up. 1. I know that the Engine is not made to handle vehicles firing two weapons at the same time. 2. I'm using BIS because i like their Blackhawks and they might be able to pull this off..... The idea. Create a blackhawk with two usable miniguns. More specificaly, add in another gunner for the righ side of the craft, and that weapon as a seperate weapon selection. Imagine that you are orbiting one of the larger Tonal cities. You fly over the streets and rather than taking fire from the left side of the craft, you take fire from the right side. Now, you have to get that bird turned around so the gunner can take a shot at him. Why not add in a right sided gunner that you can use, by selecting the second mini gun in the same manner you can switch from the machine gun in an M1A1 to the Sabot? That way, you can keep the bird on course, the left gunner is "turned off", and the right gunner is now able to fire, and you don't need to hurl that bird around? ------------ The immediate problem I can see is that you now have two AI gunners, and this isn't as easy as it seams, switching guns, you now have to switch the actual gunner, but can it be done?
  6. ----------- EDIT - just realized I clicked on the wrong forum...sorry. ----------- Ok, this idea may have been offered before, and I can't believe that it will be original, but on the flip side I didn't see any specific post relating to this. Just a couple points to clear things up. 1. I know that the Engine is not made to handle vehicles firing two weapons at the same time. 2. I'm using BIS because i like their Blackhawks and they might be able to pull this off..... The idea. Create a blackhawk with two usable miniguns. More specificaly, add in another gunner for the righ side of the craft, and that weapon as a seperate weapon selection. Imagine that you are orbiting one of the larger Tonal cities. You fly over the streets and rather than taking fire from the left side of the craft, you take fire from the right side. Now, you have to get that bird turned around so the gunner can take a shot at him. Why not add in a right sided gunner that you can use, by selecting the second mini gun in the same manner you can switch from the machine gun in an M1A1 to the Sabot? That way, you can keep the bird on course, the left gunner is "turned off", and the right gunner is now able to fire, and you don't need to hurl that bird around? ------------ The immediate problem I can see is that you now have two AI gunners, and this isn't as easy as it seams, switching guns, you now have to switch the actual gunner, but can it be done?
  7. CanVagabond

    Operation flashpoint picture awards

    For judging - How? - Originality. I can only stand seeing helo's flying into a sunset so many times, or crashed Blackhawks...... - Edits. Allow pics to be edited but value the Un-Edited ones more. By that I mean say you have a A-10 flying under a bridge, and another poster has the same thing but edits in motion blur for engine wash..... - A few different categories then a playoff. Say, A category for UnEdited, Edited, Humor, Air, Ground, Armor etc.... Go all out.
  8. CanVagabond

    Ofp level size vs. halo level size

    COnsider a few things here: Halo's maps are linear for the most part, and I'd consider them long, not large. You can essentially imagine them as a piece of string, you follow the beginning to the end, almost no room to diverge your course. Operation Flashpoint gives you a square box most of the time, and lets you loose in it to do whatever you want. In most cases, we use our troops for multi pronged attacks on towns and such. Basicly, Opflash maps are focaled around a point in the map, as real life mostly tends to be. As for Halo not being able to be made on the PC, you do realize the ONLY reason it wasn't out on PC first was because Microsoft bought Bungie, and needed at least one good game for the consol?
  9. CanVagabond

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Koolkid101 @ 13 May 2003,16:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Any editing or pure skill?<span id='postcolor'> Crashing planes is all natural for the AI
  10. CanVagabond

    Tactics and orders help

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (dominic_crotty @ 05 May 2003,18:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hi All, A bit of tactics 101 please. What are the best tactics for crossing a bit of open ground under fire as commander of a team?<span id='postcolor'> Call in the air support
  11. CanVagabond

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (pcverden @ 06 May 2003,11:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Here is another screenshot from me though this time it is HEAVILY edited. Just check it out if u want to know what I mean Sniper guarding town (172kb)<span id='postcolor'> *Jaw drops* How?
  12. CanVagabond

    Ai helicopter gunners(machine gun)

    Well I got Sanctuary's mail and I don't like turning the enemy into a berserk non fighting force(IE won't run or duck, just stand around)
  13. CanVagabond

    Ai helicopter gunners(machine gun)

    I followed it exactly, even spread or closed up the waypoints going around the city, and yes, the chopper's ponted the right way.
  14. CanVagabond

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    That's an interesting use of cover Dog. Since bullets might hit the body, anyone will see blood and it isn't you.
  15. CanVagabond

    Ai helicopter gunners(machine gun)

    This should stick in general since I'M flying the damned chopper. Though those are useful hints and all, I'm curious about them gunning when I'm piloting. For instance, I have the updated MH47E from BAS, and the air support mission I hover around but my gunner won't shoot at much, if at all. Even if I fly too low for standard ops (oh well), just curious if there's a trick to it that way. EDIT Just reread that and got some clues. EDIT 2 Tried, no luck. I flooded a town with ammo-less russian soldiers (just for testing). I had the chopper full AI but they only shot a little bit, maybe three spurts. I piloted, it didn't fire at all.