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About CSO_brent

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  1. CSO_brent

    Iam joining the u.s. marines

    Hell E6hotel, thats good advice for any of us
  2. CSO_brent

    News sites, live feeds etc

    middle east news and information gateway Albawaba.com
  3. CSO_brent

    Street lights

    gawd - you mean I'm just that terrible of a shot It has been a while since I've tried - I'll have to play around with it again
  4. CSO_brent

    Street lights

    I can light a fire, turn on/off car lights...what about streetlamps? I would love to be able to shoot them out sometimes
  5. CSO_brent

    2 quick problems/bugs

    was messing about with the editor the other night and noticed a few things: On Nogova, the port in Modrava, Ba 24, when I try to go onto the quayside I sink through it and get killed, unless I run and 'jump' to the outer (water) side, then it is OK. The other is that the light on the police jeep is showing about 6" above the actual light. anyone else seen these?
  6. CSO_brent

    Session lost problem

    I have tried with the firewall off, on with ports, various levels etc... - no change unfortunately I don't know about earlier versions - I didn't try before I had installed 1.46 OK - good to know about addons, they are not sent with the mission file then. Â I was able to play the mission in a stand alone setting though, so I assume (I know...) I have all the necessary files also systems are both win2k - server and client at my end... CSO_brent
  7. CSO_brent

    Session lost problem

    OK..here goes: I am able to connect to a multiplayer server, go through the side assignment etc etc, but the game freezes at the mission loading screen. after 2-3 mins I get a session lost message. then nothing. If I esc out of there and rejoin the server session - i am put to the pre-briefing screen and can chat, but i never get the breifing or to the game. Which is good because I have been able to tell people that I need to bail... I'm running ver. 1.46 on a P3-550 w/ 256meg ram, ATI rage 128 pro, dsl connection through a Winproxy firewall, I am not the host machine; yes, I opened up the ports for directx ( the 2 listed at Avonlady's site ) and 2234 and 2235 tcp/ip and udp; in and out, for OFP. (i'm taking the shotgun approach here). the only add-on I have is Armourdave & Kegetys addon collection 1.01. so everything is pretty much stock-out-of-the-box. I tried reinstalling (orig, gold upgrade, ver 1.46) but that didn't help. do I have to have all the add-ons that are in a mission for it to load properly? I have been able to play the mission alone after downloading it - so I don't think this is the issue. I've searched around for help on this and haven't found anything yet...and ideas?? thx, CSO_brent
  8. CSO_brent

    Help with return the chopper mission - red hammer

    i found if I was able to get the autohover to kick in (about 20% of the time) i was able to keep going. never thought of the controlling while in the cutscene tho - good idea. CSO_brent
  9. CSO_brent

    Help with return the chopper mission - red hammer

    I had the same prob with the chopper after the truck too - i ended up upside down on the ground - unable to do anything... i saved just before the cutscene, and replayed it until I finally got out without pancaking took a few tries tho CSO_brent