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About Clahtrien

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  1. Clahtrien

    Ai response

    Stealth means you take a sniper rifle and wipe the whole place out. I find it much easier killing every single person then infiltrate the place.
  2. Clahtrien

    Ai response

    The hide body action is totally useless (Hides away the weapon too). Genaral Guba can sense his troops and will know who dies in his base and sounds the alarm.
  3. Clahtrien

    Side arms

    Pistol will be almost totally useless in this game, I think the enemy starts firing at you about 100/200m away (I always get killed by someone using a AK74U at 400m over) and that's the same for your friendly units. I thought most pistol are being held with two hands?
  4. Clahtrien

    Sniper view slows game down

    Anyone can tell me why the game slows down so much when I'm in max zoom sniper view (1024x768 32 bit). My system is P4 1.7GHz, 640MB DDRam, GeForce 2 MX 400 128MB. *Red Hammer seems to be full of bugs. I've encountered almost 8 times more bug in Red Hammer then in the normal game.
  5. Clahtrien

    Help with return the chopper mission - red hammer

    I manage to pass that part, now I'm stuck again. I have to destory the tanks before the mission is complete, right? What do you do when you run out of ammo? My gunner fired over 40 times before one tank is down.
  6. Clahtrien

    Tank battle blues

    What I did was move up the hill on the left side, there I can see the tanks and somehow they can't see me. I used HEAT against them, fired one shot and saw the crew jumping out of the tank (The tank isn't smashed yet). The second way I use to complete this mission was quite funny. I move towards one tank and stop right in front of it. At the back, the other tanks fired at me but hit their friend instead. Total kills, one T80. They killed themself.
  7. I'm stuck in this stupid mission. I've the fuel truck. I've refuel the stupid chopper but when I try to fly, the stupid piece of metal just turn upside down (First time). When I finally got the stupid thing to fly to the repair truck, it turn upside down again (Right after they set the new re-try location), that means if I click re-try, it'll start at my chopper turning upside down. That's the fourth time and the seventh time I re-played the mission, the chopper didn't turn upside down after refueling, but it won't lift...just keep moving backwards at -100 over speed. Sad, anyone can help me get over this stupid mission?