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Everything posted by Cymru

  1. this has happnd 2 a few of my m8s 2 but is it international? you ask a girl out and she says 'cant we just be friends'...v.v.v annoying...but is it international?
  2. Cymru


    hello, i used the old forum before ti went all shiny and i was under the name silent wings,i need to posyt this as an explanation that i was the original silent wings in the OLLLDDDD forum, the latest version was as flawed and useless as win 98......and i want to say HELLLOOOOOOok,, umbye  Â
  3. Cymru

    How outstanding OFP is compared to MOH?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PanzerGrenadier @ Feb. 09 2002,13:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Loose the friggen ego's eh... There two totally different games i wouldnt even bother comparing them. MoH does things OFP doesnt and visa versa. Now Ghost Recon is a game that should be compared to OFP. Even though i reckon OFP woops its ass and has way more potential and longetivity. But hey thats just my opinion. Also the Omaha level was awsome untill i completed it.. i mean it woulda raped so much to be able to clear more then 1 bloody bunker .. to run accross the dunes blowing away more germans and more bunkers allowing ur troops to flow thru with less lead headed their way. Also the fact that blood wasnt inbuilt into the game was a disasterous step and i hope they go broke !.<span id='postcolor'> calm down no..ofp and moh are different games....ofp is more of a sim whilst moh is less of a sim and doesnt try to make itself into a sim....
  4. Cymru

    Mouse moves slow

    um i have this prob 2 wot u cld do is either lower the res or with the res up high up the mouse sensitivity 2..if uppin the mouse sensitivity dont work then ull have 2 lower the res..
  5. Cymru

    Mouse moves slow

    um i have this prob 2 wot u cld do is either lower the res or with the res up high up the mouse sensitivity 2..if uppin the mouse sensitivity dont work then ull have 2 lower the res..
  6. Cymru


    yes because wales is such a small country!!(he says sarcastically!!)
  7. Cymru


    Hello.ok i think i shall maybe provide a brief overview  fo myself seeing as some ppl have fotos and i do not and besides i prefer it if i know who im talkin 2 and others may agree. im 6'6, weigh 74 kg and am join the RAF at some time soon. im welsh (hence the name) and i like using BIIIGGGGG words like puddle..2 whole syllables in that!!!LOL! n e way i need food now.bye oh and yes it was unclear...it shall not happen again..
  8. oh dear honestly some of these politicians just dont deserve to be let out in poublic never mind help ruun a country
  9. Cymru


    correct..and it does make sense...i think....ur right it is a tad murky ok i am not rthe silent wings that got banned,i was the original silent wings in the old forum....not the one that recently got banned and yes i have been vivisitng this forum a as a guest so i know wot he was saying,i just couldt be bothered to sign up...this was a pretty pointless thing to post really...
  10. Cymru


    either reread my last thread or listen very carefully..ok i shall say zis only vonce... old forum=me as silent wings new forum=me not last silent wings me not use new forum till now...does that clear it up? jesus wept i only came into say hello and explain that i have use this forum before(in its previous incarnation)
  11. Cymru

    Is playing OFP depressing?

  12. Cymru

    Military Humor

  13. Cymru

    Princess Margaret DEAD

    ok seeing as im join the british military i should say im very very sorry,,nah not really millions of ppl die  and she was one of them its a fact ppll do die..honest!! no bugger that iv just read in the ppr that she smoked loads even after strokes and a cance op,so its her own fault..