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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. I think, the whole problem, is a new bug since patch 1.03
  2. The commands "leavevehicle" without "unassignvehicle", makes no difference. Still will all units in vehicle dismount the apc. All members of infantry troop and all of the crew. _veh = vehicle player; _troop1 = crew _veh - [gunner _veh] - [driver _veh] - [commander _veh]; ~random 2 hintc format ["%1",_troop1]; {_x leavevehicle _veh} forEach _troop1;
  3. Yes, i think its good idea, but i will know why its not works in my script.
  4. That was since 1.02. Maybe we need new topic for bugs in Version 1.03 ?
  5. - the ammo belt with ammo can still be seen when the (DSHK) MG is shooted empty. - the AI steered choppers cannot hold their height (since OFP!) when they are turning in the fly or getting slower. Helos are climbing over 100 meters heigher - that is NOT realistic and can be deadly when the pilots should to fly very deep - AI columns are not able to hold speed and distance between vehicles. In the result of this, columns are moving very, very dumb on the streets - the commands ´disableAI "move"´ and "unit stop true" doesn´t works for flying helicopters which are seeing enemy. But in RL the pilots are often stopping the helicopters and shooting the missiles on the hard-targets and going down for cover while the missile is on their way. In ARMA this tactics is not possible with the AI.
  6. Chernarus map: - on the southern end of the Airfield ( exactly coordinates are: 046057) is the object #145260. It is a wood bench which puts in the housewall Weapon: - The SMAW is not realistic. The real SMAW AT Weapon has a magazine with 5 shoot 9x51mm phosphor munition for test shoots on target which helps the specialists to test bevore shoots the grenade on their target. YOU can see it here:
  7. Helicopters and AA Weapons: - AA Weapons (Stinger) doesn´t plays the typical sound when targetting the Aircraft - wrecked aircrafts (in my test Mi24v) crashed on ground are burried in the ground and jumping high after anyone shooting the wrecks - mi24v hit by stinger is still damaged on the tail rotor and it is never autorotating. But helicopters with damaged tail rotor must go autorotate immediately after damage - stinger hits the aircraft (helicopter) in 20 of 20 tests. I think the 100% efficiency is unrealistic. Stingers have efficiency of 60-75% but not 100% Javelin: - the javelin missing some functions like a top attack etc. ( see here: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=0&cat=news&id=2134 )
  8. http://www.armamdb.de/phpkit/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=553
  9. Thanks, i converted it to sqf: _troop1 = razor1; _mk = createMarker ["mark1",position player]; _mk setMarkerColor "colorRed"; _mk setMarkerShape "icon"; _mk setMarkerSize [1,1]; _mk setMarkerDir random -10 +random 20; _mk setMarkerType "destroy"; mapclick = false; onMapSingleClick """mark1"" setMarkerPos _pos; clickpos = _pos; mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick """";true;"; waituntil {mapclick}; _pos = clickpos; sleep 2 +random 3; _wp1 = _troop1 addwaypoint [_pos,1]; [_troop1,1] setWaypointType "move"; exit; It is working now.
  10. Oh, i removed the "goto ´nxt´" but it doesn´t works too. I changed it to: hint "click to set target for infantry"; _troop1 = razor1; _mk = createMarker ["mark1",position player]; _mk setMarkerColor "colorRed"; _mk setMarkerShape "icon"; _mk setMarkerSize [1,1]; _mk setMarkerDir random -10 +random 20; _mk setMarkerType "destroy"; onMapSingleClick "_mk setMarkerPos _pos; true;"; ~1 _wp1 = _troop1 addwaypoint [position getMarkerpos _mk,1]; [_troop1,1] setWaypointType "move"; _troop1 setFormation "stagg column"; _troop1 setBehaviour "aware"; _troop1 setCombatMode "white"; hint "moving"; deletemarker _mk; exit; No difference - is still doesn´t woking.
  11. Thats probably no problem here - "if / then" works with both.
  12. Its not really a bug, but i think its important. Vehicle crews are leaving the vehicles immediately (in same momment) after the final hit which is damage the vehicle heavy. I seen some times the hit on the vehicle and in same frame the crew members started the evacuation. I think, it were more realistic to give them 2-5 seconds bevore they are jumping from the vehicle. Bug: vehicles moving on units and other vehicles and ignores they presence.
  13. Cargo units in LAV-25 having false place proxies. In the BTR-90 the gunner cannot see anything - only interior, but not through optics. Infantry is moving through vehicles, houses and walls and they aren´t uses the jump animation for fences and doesn´t opens the doors and gates.
  14. - wounded on the roof: when wounded soldiers are calling for medic and lying on the roof, medic is comming to the ladder and beam up; he don´t uses ladder - all units have great problems with movement on the pier in the harbours - the periscopes in the east tanks cannot be used to see out - c4 satchel cannot destroy the Tunguska AA Tank - there are no satchel charges in russian munition boxes
  15. All of the modules aren´t works correctly. The civilian live is too small, the carying of wounded personal animations doesn´t even synchronous, the vehicles doesn´t placed correctly on the map and the civilian AI doens´t use these. AI has big problems with ladders, it is falling down or is beaming from bottom to top etc. If an playable unit is in cargo of vehicle, or driver, or gunner, and you will switch to this unit, then its not working. If i am an unit in cargo of vehicle (OSPREY), and i will switch to other unit (outside), the game will get CTD.
  16. Do you know the BIG HAND SYNDROME? Units which uses handsigns, becomes gigantic hand. This hand is looking like a mutation from the other world or like a Baseball glove.
  17. I read that the AI parachute jumpers aren´t able to steer the chute along a path. So is the HAHO jumping in group not possible.
  18. Hello, i am looking for HALO jumpers animation. Can anyone help? Thanks. ---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ---------- Ok, i helped me self. Here is the syntax: unit switchmove "HaloFreeFall_non";
  19. @ El nino Foxhound :rolleyes:
  20. Hello, i am looking for really big version of Chernarus map. Had anyone seen it?
  21. Chaos

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    On http://www.armamdb.de you can find exclusive interview (in german) with the publisher Morphicon. It names the SE Release date on 17 june 2009.
  22. Chaos

    Looking for Chernarus

    I mean this question...
  23. Chaos

    Looking for Chernarus

    Eeeh - sorry guys. But what is with my question?