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Caelum Atra

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Everything posted by Caelum Atra

  1. Caelum Atra

    Realism or instant action?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ April 18 2002,16:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder how patient people are when playing missions... Do you find transport, navigation and observation boring? Do you believe a mission could be fun without a shot fired, like the "locate the 3 Shilkas" mission from the campaign? Do you find instant action to be lame arcade, or simply the best fun? What is a good lenght of a mission? 10 minutes? 30? 2 days?<span id='postcolor'> 1) Not really 2) I dont know about everybody else, but I killed everyone on this mission after I took the RPG from the first enemies on the beach, I actually blew up all the shilkas but the game made me do it again in a later mission. 3) Lame 4) I have spent hours on missions.
  2. Also, @ the helo's original position, make it empty, then place one guy next to it to be pilot, then when he lands on the invisible helipad that Zach mentioned, you can choose to get in as gunner.
  3. Caelum Atra

    Count units

    Zoom in real close. No really zoom in, and take into consideration that tanks have 3 crew men, helos have 2, apc's have 2, and you can only have 12 units in a group so, you can only have 4 tanks in a group (4*3=12), 6 helos (6*2=12) and so on. And also, when you use the group function and create an "Infantry Group", it put @ the very end, one sodier on top of another so you only actually see 11, but you can move that one away from the its ontop of and you will see both.
  4. Caelum Atra

    New weapon

    If you use player names to add weapons you'll have to name all units. You can just do this: RemoveAllWeapons this; this addmagazine "g36amag"; this addweapon "g36a" and so on, you add the mag first so the unit doesnt have to reload as soon as the mission begins.
  5. Caelum Atra

    Ammo drop from heli

    You do have to remove something. A mag or grenade or whatever. You cant add something over something else.
  6. Caelum Atra

    How to make black op place a bomb?

    I have an elaborating question. Say you had two black op teams, or 3 or 4 or 12 whatever, and they were to place charges at strategic places and you wanted a radio signal from you to them to touch off all that they had placed?
  7. Caelum Atra

    Mission editor help

    http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/Tutor_Contents.html Also http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com has an immense amount of resources.
  8. I want to have a few machine gunners placed behind some bushes, prone, and when an assault commences on the malden airfield to lay down a blanket of fire on the airbase. But I dont want them to move once they're in position, how would I go about this.
  9. Caelum Atra

    Lay down fire support

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (4ntifa @ Feb. 20 2002,03:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">AFAIK, there's no enableAi command!<span id='postcolor'> I know there is no enableAI, Ijust wanted to know if the AI would reactivate for the next waypoint.
  10. Caelum Atra

    Lay down fire support

    So would it go like this in the script for a waypoint gunner1 disableAI "autotarget" Then create a waypoint barely ahead linked to a trigger representing the assault to commence support, would I need any gunner1 enableAi "autotarget" ?
  11. Caelum Atra

    Lay down fire support

    Say I had a unit of 3 machine gunners, would this command be used for the leader and the rest of the squad will follow suit? Also, would I put that in the script box or do I need to write a script and reference it?
  12. I'm on Malden, I have a blackhack w/ men aboard leaving from a helipad @ the airport and a direct waypoint to the drop zone (another invisible helipad) in Saint Louis. The chopper flies this round route coming in view of the forces in La trinity and removing thier "safe" behavior to get to this waypoint. I even added a waypoint on the other side of the town (Saint Louis) then to the drop zone and the chopper still flew the round route. I am totally bewildered to why its doing that. Any help, thanks
  13. Caelum Atra

    Blackhawk Flying Way Off Course

    That didnt do it. He flew lower and faster but not a straight line. Still round. All the way around the town. Does he do this perhaps to orient the nose of the chopper in such a direction? B/c he is always facing the opposite way in which he came from.
  14. Caelum Atra

    Pick Up Weapon

    What is the syntax that you are using?
  15. Caelum Atra

    How to put...

    Thanks a lot, that worked perfectly
  16. Caelum Atra

    How to put...

    OK well, how do you add binoculars or nv goggles?
  17. Caelum Atra

    How to put...

    How do you add Binoculars to a Soldier, or if you remove all weapons from an officer, does that remove the binocs/nv goggles also.
  18. Caelum Atra


    Have you tried placing the A-10 directly infront of the hangar, as in, with its tail to the hangar door which is 0 degrees, maybe (I dont know) but maybe thats where the AI routine starts there.
  19. My First Question Is This: I want a Blackhawk (Or Chinook, or any unit carrying vehicle for that matter) to pick up a squad and be independant from the squad, I have my load waypoint directly on top of the Blackhack and it is sync'ed to the Get in waypoint of the leader. The thing is, the blackhawk takes off before all the squad is loaded the has to reland to load the rest of the squad. Not a big deal if 1) in an open area 2) if time weren't of the essence (b/c it takes a long time for the Blackhawk to land and load again). What I'm looking for is something to make the chopper not leave the ground until all are aboard. My Second Question Is This: I want a Chinook full of medics, to fly in and drop off one medic per radio signal (alpha, etc) (medic to join squad if available) and I cant get the radio signal to work @ all. The chopper just goes to the waypoints and doesnt do anything, not even drop off the medic.
  20. Caelum Atra

    Chopper Questions

    Intruder that does work, but b/c the waypoint is exactly on the helo, it takes off and lands back in the same place, then moves on once all are loaded. But what I want it to do is not go anywhere until all are aboard. I want the engine to be on, but not take off, until all are aboard.