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Everything posted by Cyberdyne

  1. Cyberdyne

    Reckoning (resistance)

    I did all the stuff at the start in the airbase, then got in the V-80 and shot the three shilkas that wait to one side of the airport. I eventually got myself shot down, but knowing it was safe I stole the MI-17 and put my squad in it. I then just flew to the village and it completed the mission.
  2. Cyberdyne

    Ruskies overpower

    This has been discussed before (link at the bottom of the page). This is how I completed this mission: Take a dragunov sniper rifle. Choose to go on your own and head more or less directly for the base. I stopped when I was near enough to get a good hit on that man guarding the BMP. Take this guy out. There are two other men walking around that base who also come into easy sniping range and don't seem to bother too much avbout the dead guy. There are also two men who walk around the lower rim of the mountain, I took them out after the base below was clean. I saved at this point - the next bit can be tricky and you may want to redo it if you get a bad outcome. Keep prone and head for the base - it helps being sly because if you set the upper base off all hell breaks loose. Call in your men; they can take a while (I found it was useless getting into the tank as gunner, because I got pounded by RPGs, but mostly because my men died when these troops come out of the forest - it was easier to kill them on foot), Don't set off the alarm until the last minute. I hid near the BMP, because my men needed protecting from ai super-shots. Tell all your men to board the tanks - I left the BMP and the two trucks. As soon as your men are in the tanks it becomes much easier because they do do a lot of the killing. Once the place is desolate just leave in the T-80 (you should have three men in two T-72s and two in another), I found the aledged soviet reinforcements did not arrive. Probably because I pretty impatient. Plain sailing from here on: watch out for the two tanks though - the ground is really slanted and it's hard to switch seats to gunner! Hope this helps - not an easy mission, but the next ones (IMHO) are a bit more fun. Here is the URL for the other conversation about the same topic.
  3. Cyberdyne

    Smoke scripts

    If you wanted you could use CamCreate which just makes the flare appear out of no where: flare1 = "Flare Type" CamCreate[GetPos Triggername select 0, GetPos triggername select 1,100] Replace trigger name with the name of you trigger. The flare will detonate above the trigger . Substitute flare type for anything, as long as it is some type of flare.
  4. Cyberdyne

    Smoke scripts

    You might need to take one of the man's other weapons away first. Otherwise he won't accept the new one I don't think: this removemagazine "HandGrenade" for example.
  5. Cyberdyne

    Placebo and red please read,

    That's a great mission. I love the Russian equipment that's just dropped there. A problem I was annoyed with is that it seemed to be over reliant on waypoint activasion. I took out the whole area and got into the truck. But it wouldn't go anywhere. So I killed him (a bit harsh, perhaps) and then decided to drive myself. Then these LGB'ss came in a video and because you can't drive whislt the video's going, I got whipped. Next time, I told an ai driver to do it for me, but the mission didn't end. I next resorted to, giving the ai a move to next waypoint (because I can't see them) and following him to where he stopped, I then looked for something to do. In the end I re-blew up the Russian equipment. Eventually, I did finish it, but it was a bit of a hassle. In conclusion, I think the truck driver is only supposed to drive when the objectives are achieved (which I though I had, but when I checked again the SCUD objective was unchecked, so I re-blew them up as well, that checked it!). So this problem might be my fault, but it's worth a check any way?
  6. Cyberdyne

    How to defend against soviets?

    Out of trial and error I found that a group of soldiers were in line formation assaulting the base. I found a nice ridge and lobbed a grenade over, then thinking that I'd done my bit, ran off! That got me enough points to get no crosses, as far as I can remember.
  7. Cyberdyne

    Ground attack

    Coming to think of it, you're right. The SU-25 can't shoot for it's life, but the MI-24's as accurate as hell and doesn't dish out much before you're dead!
  8. Cyberdyne

    Insertion by boat

    Give the boat it's first waypoint where you want it to unload, and make it a "Transport Unload", then all it [the boat] needs is a "Hold" waypoint out to sea somewhere!
  9. Cyberdyne

    Ground attack

    On ground attack two I fly as high and fast as I can. then I cycle through my targets until one of them seems miles out of place. That one (always the Shilka) gets picked off first. Then the rest of them get blown away by a burst of FFar's. Has anyone ever taken out or even seen the MI-24 or SU-25 that comes to attack you in this mission; it's the only mission on flashpoint where you get a good old dog-fight (except you're a helicopter of-course). I took 'em both out eventually, but it's a killer shooting a plane from an aerial platform.
  10. Cyberdyne

    Ground attack

    Best thing to do on either of the Ground Attack missions (IMHO), is to use manual fire, switch to FFAR's, line yourself up so that you can fly more or less over them, and unleash hell. Just press the fire button and go right over their heads, don't let go. Any survivors can just be picked up by TOW/Hellfire rockets!
  11. Cyberdyne

    Tank rally again

    I need some more battle tank missions! However that link fails to work on mine, I get into geocities... and that's as far as it goes!
  12. Cyberdyne

    Annoying problem

    I'm no professional, so this may not be the correct answer. However, I'll have a shot. the resolutions suggested in this message may have no effect on the problem but they are ways of getting around it. I also know nothing about multiplayer games, so the methods below may have no effect. Whenever I make a join (and lead) waypoint I synchronise it to a move (usually) or anyother waypoint, as long as it isn't another join/join and lead. This is instead of connecting two join waypoints together. this might cause confusion in the game? You might already know this: Another way to make a man join another group is to include in the activation of a waypoint (not a join or join and lead waypoint) = [playername] join groupname. The groupname must be the name of the group and not the name of the leader of the group, e.g alpha = group this; you would then put alpha in where it says groupname.
  13. Cyberdyne

    The single mission "ground attack"

    1.30's fine. The problem was that they introduced a new problem with 1.45, which is why 1.46 came out so early.
  14. Cyberdyne

    Last red hammer mission

    Thanks Random. Does that account for the American shoot-me-up problem as well? Or is that supposed to happen. It does say that the Americans are supposed to be on my side!
  15. Cyberdyne

    Last red hammer mission

    Does any body else get shot by the Americans on this mission? Because whenever I go to the recommended safe point, explode my bombs (and usually 6 other satchel charges for good luck) the Americans come bounding over the hill shooting me. So after about three goes of that I didn't use that technique any more, I hid behind one of the buildings and detonated all of my bombs from the shelter of the barracks. The base was then clean and all I had to do was walk a couple of metres and... Mission Completed. Also on this mission I have noticed the radio thing doesn't do anything, hmmmmm.
  16. If you want to start the helicopter off at a ceratin altitude, let's say 130m, use: objectname setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, (getpos this select 2) + X] Put this in the initialisation box. Where X is the height desired (approximately).
  17. Cyberdyne


    Or to be brutal and remove all his weapons use: removeallweapons unitsname
  18. Cyberdyne

    Hand brakes!

    One way around the stopping without brakes problem is to turn the engine off through the action menu. As long as you don't press one of the keys again it should come to a halt. I do this with the A-10, the air-brakes are a little crumby at times so I just switch off the engine, fall out of the sky, and re-engage it!
  19. Hasn't this topic been displayed once this week. You need to use a Transport Unload waypoint. The unload usually makes the drivers get out. You could just not use a script in the first place. Just type: this moveincargo boat1/2 for each man in the initialiasation box. I'm a non-believer in scripting. That is until I get a bit better at editing. You'd be amased how much you can do with the editor.
  20. I don't know the exact command, but it might be something like: This setammo 0 In the initialisation box. Try messing around with this. I don't know whether it will change the reload problem but it's worth a shot!
  21. Cyberdyne

    A couple of weird problems

    Once this problem is fixed you'll be able to preview your mission again.
  22. Cyberdyne

    Picking up the pieces.red hammer mystery!

    Awww, now you've spoilt the surprise for everyone. Still, now you've mentioned it might as well go on. You guys were lucky to get two men in the tank, #2 didn't make any effort to help me, something wrong with getting in the tank I guess. It was quite challenging driving, commanding and gunnering (is that a word?), but I managed to pull it off. NATO's counterstrike isn't very good and you can take out the T-60s by just sneaking up on them (hiding behind the houses, etc.). What is surprising about Red Hammer is i only remember having to fight and M1-A1 Abrams once, and that was in Alamo. Shame, this mission would have been a lot more interesting with the games most powerful (IMHO) tank!
  23. Yes there is. If you're in the advanced editing mode, when you create or select a waypoint, near the bottom there are three boxes saying: Never show Show in cadet mode Always show To make it invisible when playing the game, check the Never show box. On mine this only works when you play the game properly, it dosn't work if you use the preview function.
  24. Cyberdyne

    Hard to survive in red hammer mission four.

    Don't forget the resistance castle nearby, it's loaded with extra points. There's only about three or four men there though.
  25. Cyberdyne

    Hidden agenda

    You know all the satchels in the ammo bunker, I placed a few of them around. Hid behind the bulding in the base (because the Americans always try shooting me), detonated the satchels when the T-72 was driving right over one then I detonated the bombs that you get initially. No damage, no russians, the two officers just walked out of somewhere, I arrested them, game over. It was a bit easy for a final mission!