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About Cloney

  • Rank
    Master Gunnery Sergeant
  1. Cloney

    Player SetIdentity "JohnKerry"

    Please do not confuse my President's history with memories of your childhood.
  2. Cloney

    Who would win a fight?

    I say Kozlowski, because everyone else is a meathead! (atleast to him)
  3. Cloney

    Armstrong's unit

    If we go by the emblem on the door of the Blackhawk helicopters in the campaign, Armstrong's unit is from the 3rd Infantry Division. However, I think it was still called the 24th Mech. Inf back then.
  4. Cloney


    I've heard that the Syrians are kind of a joke too. My uncle fought in Gulf War I and said that the Syrian tank regiments that were encamped near him lacked boots and often went into combat sporting Nikes. He also said that their artillery was a joke because they'd fire around and then scramble around the cannon looking through a pile of shit in their truck for another shell the fire.
  5. Cloney

    Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3

    Look what the cat dragged in! Good to see you back BD.
  6. Cloney

    American tanks

    Talk about a total nitpick hahaha.
  7. Cloney

    American tanks

    Sigma's M-60A3s get wiped out by equal numbers of RHS T-55s... hmm.
  8. Cloney

    American tanks

    Their "modern" tanks weren't able to even knock one out. Am I getting through? They didn't have any modern tanks. Not even close. Did they tell you that and you believed them? Â So, maybe not modern compared to the M1 but how come they couldn't knock out any M60 tanks that the Marines were using at that time? The T-72 is a much newer tank than that one. Read the thread. Basically, the Iraqi T-72 only looks like a T-72, otherwise it's inferior. Also, you're not taking massive M60 upgrades into account. EDIT: I think it was explained even more thoroughly in the DKM Black Eagle tank thread. EDIT2: You said it yourself, it's not just the tank that determines the survivability. I'm confused, what are you arguing for? I'm confused what we're arguing abot LOL.
  9. Cloney

    Real life photography/photo editing

    A little birdie says you should buy this and give him the $600 that's left over. Why you ask? It has 8x optical zoom, more than than the $999 camera http://www.dpreview.com/news/0308/03081104hp945.asp
  10. Cloney

    American tanks

    Their "modern" tanks weren't able to even knock one out. Am I getting through? They didn't have any modern tanks. Not even close. Did they tell you that and you believed them? Â So, maybe not modern compared to the M1 but how come they couldn't knock out any M60 tanks that the Marines were using at that time? The T-72 is a much newer tank than that one.
  11. Cloney

    American tanks

    It's better when they can't see you coming, why would we make the fight fair anyway?
  12. Cloney

    American tanks

    Their "modern" tanks weren't able to even knock one out.
  13. Cloney

    American tanks

    BS. You don't hear much about M1A1s getting destroyed because all they've ever done is plink off old T-72s and T-55s. Just wait till Sigma sees your post, you won't even know what hit you ... That's what I said! I do agree about the Sigma part though, stick around for that... M1A1 = old technology Any modern tank could take one on and the odd's would be fairly even. The only advantage the M1A1 has is it's tracking system, however this is inferior to the system used in the Challenger II and Leapord Tell that to the Iraqis Hahaha. Plus it's not just the tanks themselves, when an M1A1/2 goes into battle, it has a number of soldiers supporting it, Apache gunships, Bradleys and not to mention other tanks and an air bombardment that probably preceeded the attack. So if there was something more than ashes and smoldering bodies left after that, then I guess the defenders might have a .05% chance of taking one out. Also, who cares if an M1A1 gets taken out? It's just a machine, as long as the crew makes it out, you can stick them in a new tank and you're good to go. Not to mention pretty much everytime you hear about an M1 get disabled the crew is able to escape.
  14. Cloney

    VIP awards

    Yeah guys, what the hell were you thinking?
  15. Cloney

    VIP awards

    There are Blackdog's submissions. (He can't post them for obvious reasons). PS -- Actually he doesn't know I submitted them, they were laying around on his server.