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Posts posted by CuteQA

  1. Ace combat series are one of my favorite games! smile_o.gif

    AC4 is the best in the series so far, and the radio message between the fighters gave you a very realistic feeling.

    Everyone should try it if u got a ps2!

    The AC05's website has been set up! can't wait to play it! biggrin_o.gif

  2. Not as good as i think, but it is fun to see him fighting m1a2s, rah-66s, and f-22(but it is so gay that f-22 flew to space!!  crazy_o.gif  ).

    They should have add more this kind of fighting tounge_o.gif

  3. Quote[/b] ]I think having women soldiers is unneccessary - I mean, I have yet to see a chick in uniform who DOESN'T look like a man. And I'm not kidding. You can't tell they're females unless they happen to have long hair hanging out, or their hair in a bun with an oversized cover.

    I can think of quite a number of girls and women in the U.S. Army in the late 80's who were clearly feminine.

    Send a request to uziyahu  ATT  yahoo DOTT com and I'll send you some pics of some fully-clothed women in uniform that will have your trigger finger itching.

    And yes, B.I. should have made the Holy Land one of its regions in OFP2.  Both sides of that "coin" deserve to have their stories told, and it would give them a chance to introduce us all to the real Avon Lady (who quite coincidentally winds up with a Barrett .50, somehow, in the campaign... ;)  )



    Campaign: Avon Lady's Life tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif
