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Everything posted by crassus

  1. crassus

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    I'm hoping you fine folks at ECP would tell me what I need to edit to allow for Locke's Anims (lean and roll anims) to run. (I am able to use Sanctuaries Patrol Pack--gotta replace your Anim.pbo in the dta directory with Sanc's--), but alas, I can get the lean/roll anims. All this work you've put into it, I'm a bit embarassed to ask for this. (Also: The PDF Read-Me seems to be missing the section titled ECP Animations)
  2. crassus

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Well, guys, I had my Sunday planned out to start with learning some more HTML, then work on my OFP mission--But nooo!!!! That's all blown thanks to your release! Thank you very much for all your hard work.
  3. crassus

    New screens

    http://www.bistudio.com/pics/games/aa_screen3.jpg Just my eyes I guess, but the rifleman in the foreground, his trousers look like there falling off....and what with the bow-legged guy in the background? Â
  4. "Itweas has stopped working on his animation pack..." That's too bad. I was looking forward to playing with the new prone-out anim. But he's working on a Ninja. Check out the video.
  5. crassus

    Next Generation PC Game

    Yes! Yes! Good title, Col. I'm forming a mod group to work on a expansion of sorts: REMF: You call, we haul!
  6. crassus

    Serenity the Firefly Movie

    I wish the same could have happened for one of my favorite shows, axed waaay back when: Space: Above and Beyond.
  7. crassus

    Yucata County Sheriff's Department

    Yes! I agree, top notch! Will the ladder be a working one? Player or AI can extend/retract it, and climb it? Good luck with it, guys.
  8. Keycat, I just incorporated GL 2 into a mission I'm working on, and it works as advertised!! Thanks. Questions: 1. My mission includes a squad of mortars (three tubes). Currently, I've a freighter-load of triggers and scripts set up to turn the mortars in the direction of, and fire on, the player's approach. GL2 eliminates the need for all the work I did. Will GL2 allow for more than one indirect fire asset? I need the three tubes, as they are to fire in a parallel sheaf, to properly decimate the player's attacking rifle company. 2. Do I have to group any helo-embarked infantry with the pilot to get them disembark and hunt me? Also, a request: I would like to see AI groups not fire flares unless someone in the group is actually armed with them. Great stuff, Keycat.
  9. crassus

    Example of a good mission

    Just my two cents, but don't forget about Keycat's Group Link 2. It'll add a bit more realism to your mission: your attackers have to worry about back-up being called in. All the scripting for that is done for ya.
  10. crassus

    When you see the flash, it's already too late

    Are these the same ones as hosted on the add-on makers' site?
  11. crassus

    When you see the flash, it's already too late

    EMP, my friend. You are the sad victim of Electromagnetic Pulse....You didn't turn off your PC before the nuke hit.
  12. crassus

    When you see the flash, it's already too late

    "Craters" on the water as well. (Sorry, no pics of my results from nuking the crap outta AEF Phoenix isle...) Great add-on, wish they would script in flash blinding.....
  13. crassus

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    I just skimmed some of the comments, and most are complaints on its lack of realism. Okay, has anyone tried out the reality mod for it: http://www.realitymod.com/? Edit: Okay, I guess it's still in the works. NM
  14. crassus

    When you see the flash, it's already too late

    Thanks, Tak. (Preaching to the choir: Just for realism, I'd like to see a Commander position for this vehicle: player, as commander; AI driver....Anyone know the true compliment of a Scud launcher; how they're grouped?)
  15. Yes! Yes! YES! And of course, Happy Birthday
  16. crassus

    Squad Control

    @TA50, Scrub: Actually, what I meant by hardcoded was scripting done by the mission editor and the game's user interface (UI). Your hardcoded U.S. Army rifle squad, when placed in-game, would automatically bring up in-game, a streamlined UI for squad control. (Say, you press and hold and key to bring up the squad interface, which displays two icons/buttons for each of your fire teams...Release the key, the UI disappears.) This lends itself better to control of higher command, platoon, company, etc.
  17. crassus

    Squad Control

    Yes, and I'm a former U.S. Marine. I'm just soliciting opinions as to whether the player should be allowed complete control of the attached team. Well if nothing else, all this is a nice thought exercise.
  18. crassus

    Squad Control

    I would have to disagree with this, as this does not allow the modelling of squads witch are just a bit larger than 12, e.g. the U.S. Marine rifle squad consists of 13 men, three fire teams of four men each. Also, the original F1-F12 setup includes having an icon of the player's soldier (why is it there at all?), and leaves a key (F1) unused. Instead, that key could be for that 13th Marine. What if, instead of that: The Mission Editor would have ready-made Groups, e.g. British Army rifle squad/section, U.S. Marine rifle squad, etc. as is available right now (though of course that 13th man issue is fixed). These groups would be hardcoded (via config, etc.) to automatically create the properly manned fire teams. He wont have to create the teams. Did you ever try out Full Spectrum Warrior? The set-up is just about as you suggest. In that, you controlled the movement and fires of the entire team, by cycling from one team to another via the Tab key. (Though your soldier was never really in-game; your views were that of whichever fire team you were directly in control of). I thought, if combined with the ability to control each individual soldier when necessary, as you suggested, it would perhaps be the perfect set-up for OFP 2. But what about attachment to the player's squad? Say your squad is tasked with taking out a strongpoint, and your platoon leader has attached a SMAW or Javelin team to you. Do you think you should control only any attached team's fires and movements, or the individual soldiers as well?
  19. Good work, ECP. Can you tell us if AI still avoid moving through/over such changes in terrain as the crater? I know, after testing some breach obstacle scripts I'd written, that the AI would not move over/through the area on which the breach occured! (The script had AI engineers run up to specific spots on the barrier, plant satchels, run back to their apc, and after a few seconds, detonation.)
  20. crassus

    Skye Island

    Grass! Sidewalks! Beautiful!
  21. crassus

    Amazon Forest De-Forestation

    Moderators: So, with a Star Wars Mod in development, that thread is locked, but An Amazon Forest thread is allowed to progress for four pages. So how is this even remotely related to OFP? Correction: The Star Wars Mod thread was not locked, but a thread discussing the movie. Still....
  22. crassus

    Csla 2

    Great looking stuff, CSLA. I'm wondering, in the last screenie I see the aircraft parked on some expeditionary airfield material. Was that stuff part of the original release of CSLA (I didn't explore everything in your mod when it first came out), or is it something that's going to be included? Is it even your stuff?
  23. crassus

    Ai thread

    LOL: Tell you what, stud, while I'm leading a patrol, any clown who swats at flies and gives our position away...I'm gonna ghost that guy myself! Seriously, this brings up something that perhaps has been suggested: AI's random actions/animations (such as your fly-swatting suggestion) would be based on the AI's skill level.
  24. crassus

    Decisive Killing Machines

    Excellent work, Jaguar. Modelling and textures are tops!!!!
  25. "Crater....shockwave..."...Drooooolllllllll