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Everything posted by crassus

  1. crassus

    "Dragon Skin"

    Ah yes, the incorruptible, ever-vigilant, always-dedicated defenders of the Republic, the Democratic party.
  2. crassus

    GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

    Thanks, Sanc. What's stranger: the people-myself included-interested "only by the anims", or the people (*cough*Sanc*cough*) who endlessly tweak them for those people. Â http://www.1000aircraftphotos.com/Contributions/Hebbard/5370.htm http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/arl.htm Also UC-35's C-12's C-23's
  3. crassus

    DEFCON: Everybody Dies

    I'll give it a whirl. I think I've seen a demo in my Steam-ing window...
  4. crassus

    RKSL Studios

    Woo hoo!!!! Keep up the good work!
  5. crassus

    Ticonderoga "USS Bunker Hill"

    It looks great, Boomer. What are you modelling it in, 3ds, Wings?
  6. crassus

    Lost-World Returns

    Excellent work, _Nick.
  7. crassus

    F/A-18E/F 1.0 Released!

    Thanks, Franze.
  8. crassus

    Falklands mod progress

    LOL, no I meant my SAS team as I lead them, in-game, in a user-made mission... I did not mean that I made the SAS troopers.
  9. crassus

    A quick thanks to BIS for Arma

    Thanks, BIS. Good job.
  10. crassus

    Falklands mod progress

    Hands off the airfield! its MINE Â As for the Vulcan... There is one already!! http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4494 If either of you are refering to Pebble Island, my SAS will be there before you get off the ground.
  11. crassus

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Outstanding work, Hyk.
  12. crassus

    Falklands mod progress

    Great shots of the island(s). Have you any of Pebble, esp. the airfield? Any shots of SAS troopers?
  13. crassus

    Mapfact.net releases An-12 pack

    Excellant work, T.S.C.Plage.
  14. crassus

    ArmA Photography

    Just a handful of men short of a rifle company, but maybe Command Engine do-able. Â Â
  15. crassus

    What are you getting for Christmas?

    Since the Missus is terrible at hints (as in "I would really like this for Christmas 2006 and not 2007"), I'm gonna break down and buy that TrackIR thingy I've been drooling over.
  16. crassus

    Rainbow Six:Vegas (360)

    I certainly do.... I know I'll demo it, but since it's only going to be a "prettier" version "Rainblow Six: Suckdown" it will not stay on the HD long.
  17. crassus

    The Maestro Passes

    On 8 November eminent composer and conductor Basil Poledouris passed away. ....Damn cancer.
  18. crassus

    ArmA Photography

    Apparenlty the local Wal-Mart stocked only a few shirts, and were cleaned out. Then they were shot for not shopping at Target.
  19. crassus

    Question about GL sight

    I've not been able to nail down what exactly modders, specifically animators, will now be able to do in ArmA, but I'm sure there are some enterprising modders out there chomping at the bit to bring us realistically sighted underbarrel GLs. Keycat, have you tried the M203 and GP25 in Joint Operations? While the game itself is not quite on par with OFP/ ArmA, the GL sights are great.
  20. crassus

    Handsignals Command System Released!

    Well, thank you G.B. for all the work you put into it. Hopefully ArmA will allow those who take up the torch to improve on the foundation you've laid. What are your plans? Are you "leaving" OFP/ ArmA? What's the next great project? And thank you, Garcia.
  21. crassus

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    I'm sorry to hear the news, guys. Thank you for all the work you put into the Mod, and for releasing it to us. Good luck in whatever you decide to do, now that you've freed yourself from the pressures of modding.
  22. crassus

    ArmA Photography

    Coc FOs and Divers, rejoice!!!!!!
  23. crassus

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    Gotta go with: Track-IR coupon Topographic map of Sahrani Starforce-free ArmA DVD Thx, Placebo.
  24. crassus

    Latest screenshots available

    Yes, I was just going to write that I would first shoot the clown with the search light, for blinding me. The burning tank's(?) bad enough...
  25. crassus

    BD Grenade Pack v3.3

    Great job there, KS. Thanks!