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Everything posted by crassus

  1. crassus

    Zu 23-2

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (AKM74 @ Dec. 09 2002,20:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In Chechnya it used mainly against ground target. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Something towable too<span id='postcolor'> I can’t make it towable. OFP engine not allow this.. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">We have tought about making it, but we don't have enough good hi-res pictures for textures and another crappy textured and modelled addon wouldn't be so nice... <span id='postcolor'> If I’m decade to do it, I will make all textures from scratch...<span id='postcolor'> MTLB with ZU23/2 (Chechenya 2000)
  2. crassus

    Zu 23-2

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (AKM74 @ Dec. 09 2002,20:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In Chechnya it used mainly against ground target. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Something towable too<span id='postcolor'> I can’t make it towable. OFP engine not allow this.. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">We have tought about making it, but we don't have enough good hi-res pictures for textures and another crappy textured and modelled addon wouldn't be so nice... <span id='postcolor'> If I’m decade to do it, I will make all textures from scratch...<span id='postcolor'> MTLB with ZU23/2 (Chechenya 2000)
  3. crassus

    An interview with ondrej

    Amen, Morbid. I'm glad BIS is sticking to there guns, and even willing to tell us up front, basically "bad idea--we will not stray from the formula" so that they will not appeal to a wider audience. We don't want this turning into some Counter-Strike killer or anything of that sort.
  4. crassus

    Realistic gun fight movies?

    Black Hawk Down? No comment--wasn't there. Do not know anyone who was. Some things you should just keep your mouth shut about. Period.
  5. crassus

    Intro credits

    New OFP Launcher
  6. crassus

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Some were mentioned, so ignore those: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ~destructible terrain; terrain supports bipods and tripods on non-static weapons--no more "quicksand" ~lean left/right; I've yet to try it, but in Rainbow Six 3/Raven Shield, you hold down CTRL and move the mouse left or right to peek/lean, i.e. more control. You can squat with this as well ~fragmentation grenades with time delay; also, TOSS or throw grenade, depending on how long LMB is held ~separate weapons such as rifle and grenades, so one key will cycle through only rates of fire ~better ability to edit and add animations and models ~no jumping, but an "obstacle-specific" action, i.e. you're running up to a low wall, and just before you arrive at wall a "JUMP WALL" action becomes available. You hit the SPACE bar, and you "realistically" jump that wall. (Think climb/fast-rope; open doors (slow or fast, using mouse wheel); breach/kick door (if "kickable"); jump across trench or jump into trench; etc..) ~walk/march while at a tactical or alert carry, that is, your rifle is not at your hip all the darn time. (Personally: hit RMB, my rifle is brought up to Ready, i.e. in my shoulder pointing toward threat. Another key would bring up my "realistic" sight picture.) ~remove "Salute" and "Sit Down" from list of ACTIONs, but leave them available for use in cutscenes. ~Can I have a squad that "really" acts as a team, rather than a bunch of individuals? I mean come on! where's my base of fire; why are you guys not rushing alternately, in buddy pairs, or as a fire team! WHERE'S THAT SUPPRESSING FIRE!! Come on! ~Vehicles within vehicles: helocopter my jeeps here.... <span id='postcolor'>
  7. Some were mentioned, so ignore those: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ~destructible terrain; terrain supports bipods and tripods on non-static weapons--no more "quicksand" ~lean left/right; I've yet to try it, but in Rainbow Six 3/Raven Shield, you hold down CTRL and move the mouse left or right to peek/lean, i.e. more control. You can squat with this as well ~fragmentation grenades with time delay; also, TOSS or throw grenade, depending on how long LMB is held ~separate weapons such as rifle and grenades, so one key will cycle through only rates of fire ~better ability to edit and add animations and models ~no jumping, but an "obstacle-specific" action, i.e. you're running up to a low wall, and just before you arrive at wall a "JUMP WALL" action becomes available. You hit the SPACE bar, and you "realistically" jump that wall. (Think climb/fast-rope; open doors (slow or fast, using mouse wheel); breach/kick door (if "kickable"); jump across trench or jump into trench; etc..) ~walk/march while at a tactical or alert carry, that is, your rifle is not at your hip all the darn time. (Personally: hit RMB, my rifle is brought up to Ready, i.e. in my shoulder pointing toward threat. Another key would bring up my "realistic" sight picture.) ~remove "Salute" and "Sit Down" from list of ACTIONs, but leave them available for use in cutscenes. ~Can I have a squad that "really" acts as a team, rather than a bunch of individuals? I mean come on! where's my base of fire; why are you guys not rushing alternately, in buddy pairs, or as a fire team! WHERE'S THAT SUPPRESSING FIRE!! Come on! ~Vehicles within vehicles: helocopter my jeeps here.... <span id='postcolor'>
  8. crassus

    What happened to my animations tutorial?

    Yes! I'd like to know this as well--I'd posted a question in the thread...
  9. crassus

    Very accurate hmmwv

    Beautiful work, gents. Keep it up. One of these days, I hope to see the M2/M3 in desert style: Check out 2-7 Cav's UNIT PICTURES (Psssst..can someone throw in these sounds as well: The Bradley at the Range)
  10. crassus


    Is there a way to define an exact point on the object at which, when the player reaches that exact point, the action will be added to the player's menu? Using the Antonov add-on as an example, "Get in as pilot" shows up only when the player is at the left front of the fuselage of the aircraft? Is this something specific only to vehicles, or may I define a specific point or place on objects as well?
  11. crassus


    Is there a way to define an exact point on the object at which, when the player reaches that exact point, the action will be added to the player's menu? Using the Antonov add-on as an example, "Get in as pilot" shows up only when the player is at the left front of the fuselage of the aircraft? Is this something specific only to vehicles, or may I define a specific point or place on objects as well?
  12. crassus


    Is there a way to define an exact point on the object at which, when the player reaches that exact point, the action will be added to the player's menu? Using the Antonov add-on as an example, "Get in as pilot" shows up only when the player is at the left front of the fuselage of the aircraft? Is this something specific only to vehicles, or may I define a specific point or place on objects as well?
  13. crassus

    Viewing animations

    Let me start off the request-for list with: 1) Lean left/right. 2) Open/close hatches on BFVs, helos, and LST.
  14. crassus

    New ingame ship screenshots

    Next project? The other ships that make up the ARG? The LHA The LPD The LPH
  15. crassus

    Really irritated newbie

    "Null" eh? Allow me to repost the code: Again, I create and group two soldiers, and in the leader's/player's init field: Â Â </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ap = group this<span id='postcolor'> Now, a trigger: Â Â </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] exec "count.sqs"<span id='postcolor'> count.sqs </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">c= count units aP Â hint format ["There are %1 in your team",c] Â exit<span id='postcolor'> http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/crassusfile The above link is where I've posted the mission.sqm and .sqs, in zip format. (Joining Smartgroups is free...)
  16. crassus

    Really irritated newbie

    meveld, did we help you? Suma, yeah thanks. Actually I did assign the group the correctly in the test run in OFP, I just didn't type it correctly in the Reply...Doh!!
  17. crassus

    Really irritated newbie

    meveld, I'm not sure what your going to use the count for, but this was successful in getting the count to show up as a Hint:  Two soldiers created and grouped. In leader's init field:   group aP = group this  Then a radio trigger: Init: [] exec "count.sqs"   count.sqs   </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_i = count units aP hint format ["There are %1", _i] exit<span id='postcolor'>
  18. disAbleAI "MOVE" does not seem to work for aircraft. I've tried using an already manned aircraft, and using an empty aircraft and using "moveInDriver" to man it. Both to no effect. What I'm attempting to do is keep my helos on deck long enough for a dismount script to complete its run. What happens now is, once the helo is on deck, the first couple soldiers dismount, but then the helo takes off while the script keeps running. I'm at my wit's end here. I've tried setting fuel to zero, killing the pilot, then bringing him back to life, all achieving keeping the helo on deck, but these are simply cheesy ways of getting the job done. (And it looks bad.)
  19. crassus

    Keep my helo on the deck

    I forgot to mention that this is for helo inserts into a hot landing zone. I will try killing the pilot again, and putting in some sort of check, keeping the pilot/helo in place until a certain unit is actually disembarked. Oh, the cheesiness of it....BIS, can ya fix this perty please?
  20. And what of the other mod makers, gents, who are modding the heck out of it? As are the folks at http://gameznet.com/realwar/#alive, and http://www.operation-flashpoint.de/invasion1944/features_eng.php. Why are they being so darn secretive? I suspect if we ask them how they are doing it, we will get SQUAT!!! in response.