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Everything posted by crassus

  1. crassus

    Realistic vechicles

    Now this will definitely pose a challenge for modders, or be just downright impossible for all but the most dedictated in that group, or BIS itself: If you, the player, chose to pilot or drive one of those "sophisticated" vehicles, e.g. the AH1 Cobra, the M60 Patton, the A1? Skyraider--I'm listing 'Nam-era vehicles as OFP 2 supposedly takes place then--etc., then you would be in essence be playing an AH1 "simulator", or tank "simulator", or Skyraider "simulator". You would have either an additional set of "hot keys" to learn for the vehicle in question, or an entirely new set of keys. I've not played the whole demo through, but I found having to learn a game like "Steel Beasts", where each tank position had its own "tutorial" fun. I've also played, albeit the demo, Jane's F15: Fun. I suspect there a more players out there who like the "balance" of the game, where you can just get in any vehicle and go, than those who would like what would amount to a "collection" of sims in one. But as far as something more "do-able", how about more realistic commands when in a vehicle such as a tank. I would order a change of ammunition type with a keystroke or mouse-click and I would hear "Load sabot"...(sounds of a sabot round being loaded and locked in) "Sabot up" calls my AI loader. I also would like to see a loade of part of the tank crew. Combine that with better dammage effects, it would be one more crewman you would have to care for, 'cause if he's dead, your tank gunner,even if he were human, would either be screwed all together, or he would have to do the loading himself. (Is the gunner capable of loading the gun himself should the need arise?)
  2. crassus

    Ai thread

    If modeling units on real national militaries, then please, get the unit formations correct. As is currently in OFP, a squad wedge has the soldiers in either echelon left or right to the squad leader.... I would like to see: Ability to import user-made "groups" that have user-made formations. In other words, if BIS chooses not to do it, then allow me or someone else to create, either with the in-game editor or with scripting that will not "fight" against current AI programming....a "real" U.S. Army or British Royal Marine rifle squad. If I order a squad wedge, then the fire teams will form fire team wedges and fall in a wedge behind me, or however the Brits do it.... Also, I would like to be able to order formations for each of the fire teams. Currently formation orders affect the whole squad, but mode/behavior orders can affect selected teams. Modes: If in a "stealth" mode--I would call it a "patrol" mode, and it would be set/triggered AUTOMATICALLY by how fast I'm walking--when I walk slow, my squad walks slow. No need to set the mode/behavior then walk slow. If I halt when in "patrol" mode, then the squad halts and faces outboard and to the rear to cover their sectors. If I've not moved forward after say 30 seconds then the squad members AUTOMATICALLY kneel. If I've still not moved forward, but only taken a look around, then they go prone, still facing outboard. As in real life, I would have to order "move out", either with the action menu, or the "radio" Taking fire would automatically set "combat" mode, and the team closest to the threat would automatically lay down suppressing fire. The other team would AUTOMATICALLY move to the fire team in contact to add fires. It would then be up to the player/squad leader what happens during that engagement. I see small dialogs appear that allow things like "Team Alpha base of fire" and "Team Bravo, flank left". And this would be a true maneuver left, not merely a shift to the far left. The fire team would seek the best cover or concealment and attack the enemy from the left. This is what gets the wood going! Seeing a your fire teams moving like a well-oiled machine!
  3. crassus

    Interface discussion

    <moved to AI Thread>
  4. crassus


    Ability to fire shoulder-launched weapons such as the AT4, and Stinger from the standing and prone positions. Now before the flaming begins, let me clarify that there should be consequences for firing weapons such as the Stinger prone, and for firing any shoulder-launched weapon incorrectly: backblast means at the best burned legs or worse, death.
  5. crassus


    I believe it was the game Team Factor that had among its attributes for each of the difficulty ("realism") settings was use of the iron sight (in "real" mode) or some cursor/aiming graphic (in novice mode). Perhaps OFP2 would have something similar with regard to jamming: Novice Aiming Cue No-Fail Weapons Unlimited Frags No magazine limit ...whatever. The last two seem too much "Counter Stike-ish" and therefore not very "palatable." Real Mode Iron sights/optics Weapons failure ...whatever..
  6. crassus

    Multiple gunners

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but it would be cool to fire AT rockets from jeeps<span id='postcolor'> Tell me when you're firing, I don't want to be caught in the backblast.....
  7. crassus

    Ai thread

    2--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (colt @ April 25 2003,012)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I was thinking about how BIS could implement suppressive fire the other day. My idea: Choose your machine gunner  "F ?" then go to 'engage' or 'action' in the command menu and then have an option to 'suppress'. Once selected you right click and draw a window around the area you want him to fire on. You could use a hot key to turn suppression on or off.<span id='postcolor'> In sum: area fire, as well as point fire on inanimate objects. "Contact...Right Front...Enemy in the bushes....Light 'em up..." (If you've ever played either of the Combat Mission games, then you know how "sexy" area fire is, esp when tanks are throwing smoke into the treeline, and one of your platoons machineguns is throwing lead into that same treeline! Mmmm...:p  )
  8. crassus


    I hope for an ability to import newly created animations and the ability to "hot key" them, instead having to execute them only by script or action menu. BIS needn't handle everything requested--not everyone will be satisfied anyway! so increased mod-ibility would be just plain sexy!
  9. crassus

    Motherboards, etc.

    Many thanks, gents.
  10. crassus

    Motherboards, etc.

    I've decided to build a dual Athlon machine, maybe with a Tyan mobo, but am not at all sure from whom I should buy. I've visited sites such as Pricegrabber, and Buy.com, etc. and some of the reviews for the Sellers leave me at a loss as to who to trust (bad customer service, outright lies, etc.) Quite frankly, I trust the advice I get here, so I would like to ask, those of you who've built a computer, whom would you recommend I buy a motherboard from? Thanks in advance.
  11. crassus

    Motherboards, etc.

    Anyone care to second his recommendation for an MSI board over Asus. No offense, Warin, but at this stage in my computer "edumacation" I must take my recommendations from those computer company adverts that list which mobos they're using (Falcon NW has the A7N8X in one of their latest rigs), and my bro, who's built a few. If you're right, I'll kill my bro and thank you.... Now I have to sort through pricewatch.com, pricegrabber.com and pick out the good vendors.
  12. crassus

    Motherboards, etc.

    Okay, thus far, and Asus A7N8x ($106 USD, pricewatch.com); Athlon XP2400+ / 1.9GHz ($118 USD, pricewatch.com). I can upgrade to the XP3000+ when I win the lotto..... I wont be messing with over-clocking.
  13. crassus

    Motherboards, etc.

    Thanks gents...More to think about. Perhaps I should just go with a single Athlon xp 2400/2.0GHz, as I will probably do more gaming than 3d work. Besides, it'll be my very first machine.
  14. crassus

    Motherboards, etc.

    From what I've gathered from the mags (PC Gamer, PC Upgrade, etc.) duallies is the way to go for multitasking. I'm looking at gaming (OFP!!! ) and 3D modelling (OFP!! )
  15. crassus

    Motherboards, etc.

    Thanks, Mr. Frag. Very helpful.
  16. crassus

    Adf mod update

    I'm just thinking of cut-scenes involving troops dismounting from the M113. Angle the camera correctly and you can "hide" how they're getting out and set-pos-ing back, standing up, into the M113 and running out, using the ramp. I'd like to see the LOD/texture of the ramp changed to allow for the soldiers to at least walk on the ramp rather than into it, as was done, apparently, with the ramp on BAS' CH47....
  17. crassus

    Adf mod update

    Outstanding work, ADF mod, esp. the m113 rear hatch anims. Are there plans to alter the LOD/texture (what do you call it?) on the ramp so that the soldier (player or AI) may walk "on" the ramp and "into" the APC--That would be just juicy....
  18. crassus

    Greece3 completed!

    Uh, is the drool apparent?
  19. crassus

    Greece3 completed!

    Uh, is the drool apparent?
  20. crassus

    Greece3 completed!

    Uh, is the drool apparent?
  21. crassus

    M2a2 (real)

    Were or are you able to fix the Bradley driver's hatch. The way it opens now, it opens too far back/up and "melts" into the turret. Also, will you be working on getting the TOW launcher to erect and lower? If you can correct and add the above mentioned, as well as a working cargo ramp and hatch, you'll have a jewel.
  22. Okay, well, I tried searching for hard references, but that was a bust, so you'll have to take my word as a former U.S. Marine who's job was to load ordnance on the Hornet. Great model! But I must correct your bomb load-out, esp. w/ regard to the Mk-82s. I believe you have the load-out at 4 pylons of 6 bombs each. That is incorrect. The only "bombs" the Hornet can carry in such quantities are practice bombs, about 20 to 30 lbs in weight. These are loaded on the Multiple Ejector Rack (MER). ~The correct load-out for the Mk82 would be:  1) one Mk82 per each of the four underwing pylon  2) one Mk82 the outside station of a "side-by-side" bomb    rack/ Verticle Ejector Rack (VER)  (The picture is of an F/A 18 E, which has three pylons underwing; earlier Hornets had only two per wing.)  3) two Mk82s on the the VER. You can probably find more info regarding load-outs for the Mk83 and 84, this last can only be loaded on per pylon; ya can't use the VER.... With all the work that went into getting the model in-game, I hope you find this bit of info useful in improving upon it.
  23. crassus

    Oh my! have you seen this?

    Schweeeet!!!! Do you know if anyone is doing a MiG 23 Flogger?
  24. crassus

    Soldier model

    And if you would, do something about those "fists of ham"!
  25. crassus

    My weapons!

    Man o man...I wish we could use the terrain to support the bipods (and tripods)...