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Everything posted by crassus

  1. crassus

    AI indirect fire script!!!

    General Barron, you're the James Brown of scripting: the Hardest Working Man in Show Business!!! (Perhaps you could be persuaded to tackle the towing problem, that of towed objects falling through bridges... )
  2. You're trying to use a TRIGGER to get your C47 at the desired height. I don't think that will work. You are putting the code in the Unit's Initialization field, correct? It will workin in the unit's waypoints as well. And again, the C47 is set to flying correct?
  3. crassus

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    Darn it all. I'm tracking this Topic, but still not keeping up with it! You're a machine, Sanc. An animating MACHINE!
  4. crassus

    M1A2 SEP v.2.0

    Thanks again, Homer!!
  5. What is happening or not happening, exactly? Let's just eliminate the obvious: 1) You've set your helo to flying? 2) Where are you placing the code this flyInHeight 120? In the INIT field right? 3) If you're using the myHelo flyInHeight 120 method, you did put myHelo in the NAME field?
  6. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this flyInHeight 120 Alternatively, use the Name of the Unit in place of this. E.g.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">myHelo flyInHeight 120 Have fun! Â
  7. crassus

    AI Runways

    cytosine, I've a question: Do the helos taxi out to the runway then take off, or do they do so from where they're parked?
  8. crassus


    Jan 30, 2005 posting. Where the heck have I been? This is an excellent add-on, GranQ. Very much needed. Thank you!
  9. crassus

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    That's too bad. I was looking forward to the fire while standing anim for antitank gunners. At least I vaguely recall seeing screenshots for it at OPGWC.
  10. crassus

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Grrrr...Tiger Woods vs. Saddam.... IT'S ON!!!!!!
  11. crassus

    Destroyer Sovremennyy class

    Excellent work, Philcommando. Not just eye candy, but a fully functioning add-on. If you've not done so already, you may want to think about contacting the artillery gods over at The Chain of Command. Perhaps you can incorporate the artillery scripting fully, making your ship another East side indirect fire assest, or maybe just get assistance with whatever indirect fire scripting you've already attempted.
  12. Jeez, I never really paid attention to how "inhuman" the default heads were. Your heads are a definite improvement, Matthijs. Great work!
  13. crassus

    Check Units Weapon

    Rommel, I'm just confirming, is this the correct syntax for what you want?
  14. Great looking soldiers, Matthijs.
  15. crassus

    Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

    Sanctuary, your anims are outstanding! Excellent work.
  16. crassus

    Cutrsc/Titlersc tutorial

    Thanks a bunch, General. Very helpful and much needed.
  17. crassus

    Steel Beasts 2 new screenshots

    I'm sorry, but no demo will be released, and the game itself will be over $100. No thanks. I did play the SB demo and loved it; never got around to getting the full version.
  18. crassus

    WinPBO tool relased

    Thanks very much for this.
  19. crassus

    .50 cal attachment

    I'm hoping you infantry types will tell me the nomenclature and purpose of the attachment on the barrel of the M2 .50 cal MG, pictured here.
  20. crassus

    .50 cal attachment

    Nah, that's alright. Better to have a second opinion. I recall the BFAs we put on our M16s and SAWs, but I'd not seen one of a .50 before. Thanks, guys.
  21. crassus

    T-72: Balkans on Fire

    I see they "corrected" "Balkans In Fire" with "Balkans On Fire". Â
  22. crassus


    You may want to look at Finnish Defense Forces Mod's UAV. I'm not sure it's a real working "turret", but it's a start. FDF Mod
  23. crassus

    DKM Website

    NM, confused my mods....
  24. crassus

    The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

    The walking anims look good. Overall it looks great, from what we've seen anyway.